Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 905

Liara listened to the vague answer given by Galdor, her eyes narrowed with joy.

"I, I asked Lars to'get along with Leohart' before...hehehe, this is the so-called'eyes know heroes' right?"

"That's right……"

The pure and innocent smile of this woman made Gardo naturally smile back in peace.

Leohart was determined to become the demon king and unify the demon world in order to protect this smile, even if he knew he would be "fucked" by the cardinal.

Therefore, Galdo will be here now.

Originally, Leohart did not allow any man other than himself to enter Liara's room.And he made an exception to let Gardo into the room as an'insurance' just in case.

Leohart wanted to use this decisive battle to eradicate the Cardinal which killed his adoptive parents and harmed the Demon World in one fell swoop; on the other hand, the Cardinal also intends to clean up Leohart, which is gradually difficult to control.Therefore, after or during this decisive battle, the current situation will definitely undergo a huge change that is even greater than the decisive battle between the two factions.

In view of the past, the Cardinal took advantage of the fact that he was on the battlefield to murder his adoptive parents, fearing that they would be a murderer against Liara at this time, so he asked Togardo to accompany Liara until the end of the battle; and Galdo In order to make Leohart concentrate on fighting, he simply agreed.

Although Galdor's injury was not healed, when something really happened, at least there was still the power to take Liara to safety.

"Ah, the next game seems to be about to begin."

Liara's words brought Gardo's gaze back to the image of the arena.The third representatives of both sides are in the ring, and the modest party is still a little childish girl.

The wizard magician of the brave clan-Noaka walnut.

"Huh~ Is that one of the cardinals stuffed in...Does Galdo know?"

Lia La looked at the "sex"-looking young man who looked at the walnut and asked.

"Yeah, I know."

Galdo, who also looked at the video, nodded and answered.

In the middle of the stage, the person who smiled and asked Walnut for a handshake was--

"He is Adomiles... a close associate of Madonis, the'greedy' seat of the Cardinal."


In the arena, Noaka Walnut confronted the high-level demons who would duel her.

"My name is Adomiles... please take care of me."

The handsome young man smiled and stretched out his hand, shaking hands with Walnut.

"Speaking of this to the enemy before the war, do you have a'fault'?"

But Walnut was a silly joke, and turned around to keep away.

"Oh, something dropped."

"what are you saying……!"

The sound of Walnut turned to his back was shocked.Because as soon as she turned around, she saw Adomiles close in front of her, and shook her hand like a sneak attack.

"Xun Dongcheng's son has not come back for so long, he must worry you very much. This will trouble you."

Adomiles took advantage of forcibly shaking hands with Walnut, and stuffed some kind of hard object into her palm.

Walnut gasped when she looked down at the thing.What Adomiles gave her was the Shengban Academy uniform button worn by Mu Hantian.

"You should understand what we want? Please try to act naturally, don't let people find you are letting water... His fate depends on your performance."

After whispering to the stunned Walnut, Adomiles turned around calmly and returned to the starting position.

But Walnut was suddenly "chaotic" square inch, and his face was pale.

How to do……!

This threat was only made at this time, and it was probably just to trick him; but the fact that Mu Hantian hadn't come back made it impossible for Walnut to deny the possibility of him falling into the hands of the Cardinal.

If Adomiles was telling the truth--

If I don't handle it well, the big brother...!

Although Walnut believed that Mu Hantian's power would be fine, but she couldn't help thinking about the bad things.

No... I believe that there will be no accidents with the big brother. He must be unable to come back right away because of certain things. This time I will try my best to fight and not lose!

The gongs announcing the start of the battle sounded so mercilessly, and the battle space between Walnut and Adomiles was then exhibited.

"It's the Caleb Gorge..."

In the lounge, Leohart, who was watching the image of the ring, said his name after seeing the familiar and magnificent landscape constructed by the battle space.The canyon full of steep cliffs and majestic rock walls is a must-see for many times in the long history of the Devildom.

"There are almost no shelters there. Attack distance and mobility are very important. If Lucky is there, it should be able to explain the characteristics of the formation there."

When Balfreia said this--

"How about it, do you need me to ask him in the infirmary?"

Ras asked jokingly, who had just returned from the battle.

After Luca was defeated by his high-ranking heroes, his will was extremely depressed, and Leohart ordered him to take a rest in the infirmary.Losing this game means that the current Demon King faction must at least win one city, otherwise there is no chance of victory.Although Leohart himself admitted that his camp could win the entire battle, he was not at ease; but Luca took the place of the injured Galdor, and it was no wonder that the blow was so severe.

"There is no such need, now is not the time for geography or history classes."

Leohart stared at the video and said: "Furthermore, this battlefield is not particularly advantageous to one of the parties."

"It is indeed. I heard that the girl is a magical elf magician, and it is not a disadvantage to Adomiles' fighting style."

What could prove to Balfreia also happened in the video.

At the same time as the battle started, Walnut activated the wind magic and flew into the air.Adomiles stretched his right arm horizontally-in the magic circle that was spread out on the ground, a tall stature, a strange white bone on the head, and a flying horse with double wings appeared on the back.

Adomiles jumped on his horse and manifested his weapon.The luminous particles released from the left hand gradually formed a slashing weapon with a long handle, which can cut any life-a giant sickle symbolizing death.

Leo Hart looked at the young demons who were smiling leisurely on the back of the Pegasus, thinking about the decisive representative who the Cardinal had forcibly installed.

In terms of the rules, it only states that the current Demon Sect and the Steady Sect do not need to release the list of representatives in advance; and within the current Demon Sect, Leohart’s and the Cardinals do not share candidate information—it should be said that it is impossible to do so.Because the Cardinal refused to reveal their candidates to Leohart, even the lounges were separated.

Is it Adomiles first?

Having said that, because Leohart's cronies have extremely limited combat power, it means that the Cardinal is very clear about who is here, but he doesn't know anything about the Cardinal.

Known in advance, only the number of games they played.

Adomiles was a high-level demon who was once listed on the list of candidates for the demon king, and was able to fight against Leo Hart. His strength was of course not a problem-so the Cardinal would choose him.

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