Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 914

"That is……"

In front of Madonis, there were two figures standing on the earth, the ancient capital where everything was burnt.

One of them was just swinging the sword in his hand.

Upon seeing this, Madonis smiled and said: "I really want to know, how long can Mu Hantian and Leohart face Kaios?"

Chapter One Thousand and Twenty Three Cooperation

On the ground where the superheat of the explosion finally receded and the rubble had evaporated.

"Damn... where did that come from!"

Mu Hantian frowned.At the other end of the line of sight, there is a strange thing floating in the air; the body is wrapped in a dangerous purple "color" aura, six hands and two legs are entangled with the thick tentacles that are longer than the chest and constantly move, forming a strange shape. Disgusting limbs.

"That's probably Caios..." Leohart said the name of the thing solemnly.


"That's right. In the past, Belfiger successfully made a contract with the demon god, and now he will stand in the absolute position of the cardinal. According to legend, Kaios's tough body contains a lot of magic power, and no magic can work. Enchantment. It was a long time ago before Wilbert’s last generation was born, so it’s the first time I have seen it with my own eyes... After Balfreia went to investigate the situation and never came back, maybe His sake."

"But if you want to'fuck' him, you need to sacrifice a huge amount of magic power and spiritual energy. Belfegg used it once and then sealed it... Now awakening him, it is probably to solve me and you, Both you and you are set as sacrifices; maybe, that includes everyone outside."

"This will not only remove our barriers, but also seal the mouths of all witnesses at once... It is a killer two birds with one stone for them, damn... The power just now can't be used a second time!"

"A way out anyway..."

"You're right, then we can temporarily truce, can we?"

"No problem-solving him is the top priority."

Leo Hart also took a step forward and stood beside Mu Hantian to set up Loki.

Although in this situation, the current Demon King Leohart is a big help; but--

Some trouble.To be honest, this is not a problem that will make a difference.Kaios's aura is too strong. If he is not injured, he can solve it, but now the injured himself... even if you add a Leo Hart, there will not be much change.Have to think of a solution quickly.

"You said "fuck" it requires sacrifices...If time goes on, will he disappear by himself like running out of fuel?"

"It's not impossible, but it's just our optimistic imagination. Fighting on that premise is too dangerous. And—"

Leo Ohart said again: "If the sacrifice is the condition to activate it, then I am afraid it will not disappear before killing us."

"If the two of us are not enough to deal with him, wouldn't it be okay to find someone else outside to help?"

"You can see the image in the fighting space where we are from outside. When the audience sees Caios, it will definitely cause a commotion, and our companions will also take action. The Cardinal could not have expected this."

In other words...

"I'm afraid there is already a'chaos' outside, right... No one comes in is the best proof. According to legend, Kaios has countless heroes under his command. He is likely to summon those heroes outside and slaughter the audience as sacrifice Product, to replenish magic and spiritual power for yourself."

"We can't buy time, nor can we rendezvous with outside companions...that is, we can only figure out our own solutions, and we must do it as soon as possible.

"Yeah... As long as he can be defeated, even if the heroic spirit has been summoned, he will disappear. This way, it can also help people outside."

"Let's stop here—he's here."

At Leo Hart's reminder, Mu Hantian looked around and saw the demon God Kaios beginning to descend towards them.


Yuxi Noaka saw the moment when Mu Hantian and Leohart were attacked in the conservative infirmary.

Although the injuries suffered by Walnut in the duel have been healed, the damage seems to be quite large and she has not regained consciousness... As a sister, Yuxi naturally wants to be with her.

Maria, who fainted during a duel with Takikawa, was still in a coma, and her sister "Lu" Kea was also with her.

The roars, vibrations, and the shouts of the audience from the arena where the arena was set up all reached the infirmary where Youxi and others were located, telling them how tragic the chaos outside was.

If this continues, this infirmary will soon be exposed to the threat of a huge heroic spirit and cannot be left alone.

More importantly, the attacked Mu Hantian and others are also very worrying.

So Yuxi asked Lu Kea to take care of the walnuts, and turned around to rush to the ring.

But she couldn't do so-because this infirmary has also become a battlefield.

Yuuki erected'Saya' with a solemn expression and stared at the enemy in front of her.

What prevented her from rushing to Mu Hantian's side was the high-level demon Adomiles, who used despicable means to hurt Walnut's enemy.

"Originally, I just wanted to make up for the last shot of the opponent, but I didn't expect to have so many gifts!"

After Adomiles, holding a sharp giant scythe, smiled leisurely and so sarcastically, "Lu" Kea said coldly: "I want to count the injuries...Is the cardinal's methods so dirty?"

"No, it's just my personal style. Once I look at the prey, I have to take the responsibility and kill her, otherwise it would be too rude."

Although he had to face Yuki and "Lu" Kea at the same time, the numbers were quite unfavorable, but Adomiles still did not change the leisurely smile on his face.

"If you want to resist, please...In this situation, you are definitely not my opponent."

The words of Adomiles made Yuuki's expression sink; what Adomiles said was true.Now it is Yuuki and the others who are "forced" into the predicament.

Hu Tiao and Wan Liya, both injured and sleepy, are in this infirmary.Yuuki and "Lu" Kea must adopt tactics that will not affect them, so as not to aggravate their injuries.

The two also understood with deep pain that it was extremely difficult.Yuxi and "Lu" Kea each use'Saya' and whip as weapons, and they are both skill-based fighters; there is no Gengxizi's'dimensionless execution' that eliminates the opponent's attack, and it is not like Minor or Walnut. , It has a magical barrier that can be deployed according to the situation, and it is convenient for wide area defense.In contrast, Adomiles had set up a strong wall when he was fighting Walnut, indicating that his magic is of a considerable level.

It's easy to attack a wide area with magic.With the magic of Adomiles, if he wants to, he can definitely turn this infirmary into ruins in a blink of an eye.

Of course, Yuki and "Lu" Kea can also perform wide-area attacks.But under the premise that walnuts and Valeria can't be affected, we can't do that anyway.

Furthermore, even the opportunity to use powerful moves has been denied.

In this very harsh situation... Yuxi and Lu Kea also discovered that they had other concerns.

When Yuxi was worried about accidentally hurting Walnut and Wanliya, and hesitated whether he should take the initiative to attack, he found that his vision was shaking coldly, kneeling on the spot with soft legs."Lu" Yeah seemed to be in the same situation, leaning on the wall beside her with one hand.

Could it be...?Yuxi raised her head in astonishment and looked in front of her, only to see Adomiles smile deeper.

"Do you think the battle hasn't started yet? It's too loose, right?"

Then tell them that the current abnormality is his masterpiece.

"You are in the demon miasma that can absorb vitality. Since it is so effective for that dream demon, you, a brave human being, must be in pain, right?"

Adomiles pretended to take Mu Hantian as a hostage, and beat Walnut, who dared not to fight with all his strength, and "forced" Jest to foul and lose. Facing such a scheming opponent, he was not alert enough to make Youxi pay a heavy price. .

"Um... uh!"

Now she is not only dizzy, but even lacking oxygen due to breathing difficulties; but she still tries her best to stand up, hold Sakuya straight, and protect the seriously injured and lethargic Walnut from the vile hand of the despicable man in front of her. "Lu" Yea also showed her whip with the same expression as Yuuki.

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