Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 918

Therefore, when the dust and smoke from the bursting rock wall settled.

Valeria put down the fist that was still in the air, and blasted it towards herself, like a deep hole in a large cave-Adomiles, who was already motionless, glared fiercely and said angrily: "How dare you be in front of my eyes Attack the sleeping walnut-you are too arrogant!"


When Jeste and Geng Xizi flew gorgeously in the air, destroying the huge heroic spirit.

In the chaotic audience, a man is doing his best to help the panicked audience take refuge.

That is the conservative girl-Noye.

"Everyone, please stay calm! It doesn't matter if you take a detour, it will be faster to evacuate from no one's passage!"

Noye, who opened the magic wall, kept screaming, but no audience was willing to pay attention.Of course, in the face of such an absolute threat of "sex", anyone is weak and weak, only knowing that they are blindly squeezing to the nearest passage.

Although Jeste and Gengxizi gradually reduced the number of heroes, there are still countless heroes wreaking havoc on the court.The crowded audience is equated with an excellent target; when the ruthless heroic fist fists and kicks, countless lives become bloodstains and meat scraps on the ground.In such a hellish situation, Noye still insisted on staying.

The spectators in this arena are all the current Demon King faction and enemies. Noye, the stable maid, has no obligation to risk her life to help them.

But-Noye, who grew up in an orphanage, didn't want to see more children who had the same encounter with him.

Most of the viewers here still have family members waiting at home and children to take care of; even if they are enemies, their children are still innocent and should not bear the pain of being taken away from their parents by this absurd situation.

Noye, who was fighting desperately with such thoughts, tightened his body for the'cry' in his ears.It didn't come from an adult who was crying and fleeing in panic, but a child who could really do nothing but cry.

Noye was not the only one who found the crying toddler at this moment.From Noye's point of view, that was the hero opposite the toddler.


As soon as the heroic spirit raised his fist-Noye rushed out.

"Don't even think about it!" Regardless of the skirt fluttering, Noye rushed across the floor of the auditorium full of broken bricks.

Just before the heroic fist smashed the baby-Noye picked up the baby and jumped away.

"Uh, uh...!"

The heavy impact felt on the chest made Noye groan in pain.Although she barely escaped the fist of the hero, the big piece of rubble that fell in the audience still hit her unfortunately.At this moment...

Noye, who was still holding the baby, found that he had fled without thinking about the next step. He didn't expect that there was a hero in front of him who opened his mouth to them.

Although the severe pain faded his consciousness, Noye still wanted to throw the young child into a place where he was not threatened by the heroic spirits as soon as possible; however, such a place does not exist in this arena.

The moment Noye hugged the baby tightly—the heroic spirit's open-mouthed face seemed to have been punched in the cheek and flew out.At the same time, someone hugged them in the air.


The side face seen in the encircling arms made Noye subconsciously pronounce the name of his childhood sweetheart.

Then-when I was sure it was not an illusion, I just passed out.After Lars volleyed to catch Noye and the children, he landed on the top floor of the auditorium.

While laying down on the ground Noye who passed out while holding the baby...

"It's so'chaotic'..."

Despite the anger and complaint, Lars still checked her breathing to see if her breathing was steady, and exhaled relief.

At this time, the other heroic spirit who appeared behind threw a giant fist - but was forcibly blocked by a black force ball like a wall guard.The child in Noye's arms seemed surprised that he was rescued, and didn't know when he stopped crying.

"Be good... stay next to her and don't run "randomly"."

After Tzu said this to the toddler with a smile, Russ slowly turned around.

"Moldy dolls dare to be so rampant!"

The moment the furious Lars spread his hands and said so, countless huge magic balls were shot out; not only knocked the heroic spirits in front of him, but also flattened the heroic spirits in the arena by nearly half in one breath.

Up to now, Lars has never let anyone see his true strength.But now he has no thoughts of reservation, tolerance or scruples in his mind.

The heroic spirits seemed to find Ras' counterattack, and gathered around together.

"Let me tell you... how it feels to be unilaterally ravaged."

After this announcement, Russ slowly walked towards the group of heroic spirits.

Like Mu Hantian, Russ also had some things that would never give up.

Therefore, these heroic spirits have a dead end.Just because they hurt the people that Ras values ​​most.

Chapter One Thousand and Twenty Seven Methods

Mu Hantian witnessed the back view in front of him-Ramsay, the moment he protected him and Miao.

"Why?" Mi asked in surprise in Mu Hantian's arms.

Ramthus did not look back, still facing forward; but--

He suddenly shook his figure and knelt on one knee as if losing his balance.

"Are you OK!"

Mu Hantian once heard that the use of gravity magic would cause a great burden to Ramsay.

"All right?"

When Mu Hantian and Min hurriedly stepped forward to help them left and right, Leohart also rushed to join them.

"If you have time to help me, it's better to find a way to deal with that thing first." Surrounded by the three, Ramsay squeezed out his voice to reprimand.

"The way... the way... there is! Maybe we can do this!" After thinking for a while, Mu Hantian expressed the existence of hope in a precise tone.

At present-Ramsay's gravity wave barrier has successfully suppressed Kaios, leaving it in place.

Kaios, who should be able to dissolve magic, would be trapped in the barrier because Ramthus' gravity magic affected the surrounding space, creating a dimensional fault that Kaios could not cross.

In other words...

"Gravity attacks, maybe it can seal him to another dimension."

Mu Hantian recalled the fact that when Wilbert's power in the original Zhongmin was out of control, he almost formed a black hole.And that is not a pure physical phenomenon, it is a black hole with magical power.

If you can create that kind of black hole again and inhale Kaios, it is likely to seal him into other dimensions.

Therefore, Mu Hantian explained his combat plan to everyone present.

As soon as Ramthas released the gravity magic, Mu Hantian restrained Kaios positively, and Miao used gravity magic to create a black hole on him; Kaios would definitely try to evade—so Leohart had to use Luo at this time. Ji's chopping wave suppressed, and the black hole swallowed him-this was Mu Hantian's plan.

After hearing the explanation, Leohart and Ramsay nodded clearly.

However, Mio has always been unable to freely control Wilbert's power, and instead "shows" anxiety.

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