Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 927

"Oh... interesting." The young man in front of him twisted his lips and smiled.

"Really, you two calm down."

Suddenly, a word coldly "plugged" between them.

It was Leohart who stopped them.Then-

"You idiot, didn't you say it was OK, you have to be a bit safer if you want to follow!"

The young man who wrapped Mu Hantian's head was hit hard by a female "sex" with a staff-like stick.

She is also one of the seven people opposite.

"Well, it hurts...what are you doing?"

"I just wanted to ask what your stupid head wants to do! I'm sorry, this stupid is so rude."

After the female "sex" shouted, the young man who was dissatisfied with the stick put down the staff, apologized to Mu Hantian, and then turned to the one-eyed young man.

"Besides, the truce agreement was proposed by us, you still want to find someone who is wrong with the fight!"

" wasn't me who decided to truce."

"Stop talking nonsense! And how can you call your majesty by name, add your majesty! Please pay attention to your words in public... well, come back quickly, idiot!"

The female "sex" grabbed the young man's back collar and dragged him back to the other side.then--

"We are just here to introduce our new system... There is no point in arguing."

Leo Hart's words made Mu Hantian sigh softly.

"Then they are...?"

And staring at the group of young men and women intently asked.

"Ah-they are the new people who will assist me."

The young devil replied to Mu Hantian.

"Due to the death of the Cardinal and other reasons, we have decided to organize a new political organization...they are the'Eight Demon Generals', who used to be commanders of the army in charge of various military symbols. Every merit in the previous war was Comparable to me."

Leohart began to explain his current situation.

"They are not just my left and right hands, but also the representatives of the new parliament. As long as more than half of the eight people object, they can veto my decision; if all eight people are willing, they even have the right to initiate a recall case against me."

"Is this to avoid the over-draft of royal power...?"

"Yes... this is to avoid repeating the mistakes of the Cardinal."

Leo Hart confirmed Mu Hantian's guess.

However-the Eight Demon Generals also said that Leo Hart who can lead them is none other than Leo Hart, having said that, if Leo Hart sinks like Belfiger one day, they will be merciless. Punish him.

Originally, Leohart planned to ask Adjutant Balfreia to be the head of the parliament.However, after his disappearance from the duel, his whereabouts remain unknown.

Asked if Galdo had the will, he thought that the next generation should be created by Leohart and others, and resolutely declined.

Although he had considered letting Luca, who had participated in a duel, serve as one of the councillors, he had always said that he was not suitable for politics and wanted to concentrate on research.So Leohart also respected his wishes and asked him to return to the academy-his belonging.

"What about Takikawa?"

It's hard not to care about his whereabouts.Leo Hart followed Mu Hantian's question.

"Russ has a special position, and it is not easy for us and the conservative to judge what to do. His future affiliation and arrangements are also one of the topics of today's talks. Personally, I hope that he can continue to help me politically. A hand...but unfortunately, he seems to be not interested in political affairs. He said that he was more comfortable acting freely for himself, and he refused. He is currently on standby in Lundvall."

"Then I won't see him... I want to say goodbye to him before I go back there."

Mu Hantian asked again: "But is that guy okay...? As a spy, I'm afraid the position is very..."

"Please don't worry about this matter. As far as the conclusion is concerned, his actions are not only helping us, but also beneficial to the conservative. In any case, it should not be guilty.

"That's it... it's okay. What he said is my friend."

"Mu Hantian!"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Leo Hart's shout made Mu Hantian turn his head.

"It's okay." Leo Hart looked at Mu Hantian and sighed, then shook his head, throwing some unnecessary thoughts into his mind.

"Then I should almost leave... Mio and they are still waiting for me."

"Okay... goodbye, Mu Hantian. I hope I can have a good fight with you next time!"

"Okay, let's play a fight if you have the chance." Mu Hantian smiled, and then left under the leadership of "Lu" Qi Ya.

The back of Mu Hantian walked out of the city under Leo Hart's watch.

Until I can't see again--

Leohart also slowly turned around and walked away.

Just as Mu Hantian and others returned to their own world, Leohart also had to go where he should go.

As the reborn leader of the Demon King faction, interview with Ramsay, the leader of the stable faction.

Discuss the future of this devil.


After bidding farewell to Leo Hart, Mu Hantian left Verda City through the back door.

He continued to walk for a while under the leadership of "Lu" Yea, and arrived at the entrance of the space channel constructed by Xuela.

There, Mu Hantian once again thanked "Lu" Yea for her care and solemnly said goodbye, then stepped into the passage.

The next moment-Mu Hantian has come to Miao and the others.

"cold day……!"

As soon as they saw him, the Miao group immediately smiled.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting..."

"Okay, let's start."

Xue La said this frivolously and then started the magic circle.

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