Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 931

"There is no need to apologize for this kind of thing. Also, don't be too inferior. After all, now you are also our family, you know? Just." Mu Hantian smiled and gently touched Just Face.

"Yes, I know." Jeste's face flushed slightly, but she nodded in confirmation.

"Okay, then, we should go home. We have already decided to buy, then go back and talk to Geng Xizi and others."

"Yeah." Lin also agreed with Mu Hantian's words.

In this way, the group packed up their things and went out of the store to officially end the day's house hunting activities.

Back home, Mu Hantian explained the situation to Geng Xizi, Youxi and Walnut. It went smoothly unexpectedly. The three of Geng Xizi had no opinion. After all, this was Wan Liya’s request. How could he not agree to such a small matter? It.

After Xiang Gengxizi, Youxi, and Walnut obtained permission to expand the basement, Jest began to collect materials online, and even went to the library to read various special books. Within a few days...the basement was opened in Dongcheng's home.

She took advantage of the wide space under the courtyard and brought five new houses for everyone.

Two of them are rooms of Valeria and Jest, two are Xun’s bedrooms, and a studio for storing photographic equipment and materials.The original four rooms in the house are divided into one each by Mu Hantian, Miao, Youxi and Walnut.

As for the last room in the basement-the largest space is the bathroom and master bedroom.

Mu Hantian also fulfilled his promise to Valeria, and bought the huge jacuzzi that Valeria wanted from the decoration shop on the condition that it must be used carefully.

The move-in and installation works will start a few days after payment.After the bathtub is settled, I have to buy two double beds from other furniture stores and put them there.

That's right, this is also the result of Loli's "Lex" Dream Demon's strong request.Although very helpless, Mu Hantian still agreed.

The first thousand and thirty-eight chapters dating

When you get off the train, you will see a street scene with pure white snow makeup in front of you.

Mu Hantian, who stepped on the platform, felt his whole body wrapped in the cold and clear air in the morning.This stopped him on the spot and looked up at the sky naturally.

In addition to Mu Hantian, many tourists got off the bus at this station and flocked directly to the ticket gate.Stopping in such a "tide" is like being left behind by the crowd.

"What's the matter, Hantian? Let's go, too."

Mu Hantian's left hand was just taken up by her.

With a slightly excited voice, he exhaled a white breath that was clearer than snow.She is the teacher of the beautiful health room who invited Mu Hantian to this place-Chisato Hasegawa.

Not only the pedestrians passing by, but even Mu Hantian was "fascinated" by Hasegawa like this.

Since the temperature here is much colder than the city, Hasegawa is wearing a white "color" windbreaker today, with a sheepskin "wool" scarf wrapped around the collar that seems quite warm.The appearance of Xueguo, who looked so fresh, made Mu Hantian feel that the person in front of him was indeed not the usual Hasegawa.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Ah, it's okay... I just think you look better and better."

"Really?" Hasegawa Chisato "exposed" a smile.

"Of course it's true, let's go."

Mu Hantian smiled, and walked to the ticket gate side by side with her.

Today—Saturday of the third week of January, Mu Hantian visited this place under the invitation of Hasegawa.

When Mu Hantian returned to the world from the devildom, the third semester had already started for a few days.

Wan Liya or Jeste can manipulate the attendance records with the consciousness of magically controlling the faculty, but in order to avoid being targeted by the brave family, they did not do so in the end.

When going to the Demon Realm, Mu Hantian also brought Hexun's mobile phone with a special chip in the battery. He had contacted the school in advance and said that the family had a problem during the trip abroad and had to return home a few days later.So fortunately, even if I arrived at school a few days after the start of school, it did not cause any problems between teachers and students.

Except for a small "interlude"——The half-vampire Tachibana Nanao knew that Mu Hantian had gone to the demon world, and was anxious when he learned that he would return late...Finally, I saw him appear in school gracefully, making Qi soft in his heart. Xu shed tears of joy at this reunion.

On the other hand, Takikawa, who had met with Mu Hantian in front of the station a few days ago, returned to school at Shengzaka Academy.He and Mu Hantian, who had returned to the Demon World before the sports meeting, were different from each other. As soon as he came back, he used magic to control the memory of the faculty and staff as quickly as when he sneaked in, fabricated winter vacation remedial classes and passing exams and homework scores to solve the problem of promotion.Since Takikawa is doing minimal memory "manipulation", only a small part of the faculty is affected. Yuuki and Walnut believe that it will not be regarded as a serious problem by the brave.

One day after starting his original daily life, Mu Hantian came to the health room. After all, he hadn't seen Hasegawa Chili for a long time.

After lingering with her for a while, Hasegawa Chiri expressed the hope that Mu Hantian would agree to her request.

At that time, she said with a "fascinating" smile: "Hey, Han Tian, ​​let me go to the hot springs with me-just the two of us."

Hearing Hasegawa said with tears in her eyes that she had spent the entire winter vacation alone with her empty boudoir, she was so lonely that she couldn't bear it. Of course, Mu Hantian couldn't refuse--that's why he came to this place now.

After the ticket gate, Mu Hantian and Hasegawa first went to the visitor center attached to the station.

Not to ask for directions-but to store luggage.After the two exchanged a thousand-yuan bill for lightness, Hasegawa raised Mu Hantian's hand and said, "Since you have come so far, you don't have to worry about other people's doesn't matter?"

Hasegawa's coquettish whole person attached to Mu Hantian, and the aroma suddenly came out.

"It's okay." Mu Hantian said indifferently.Although the two are nominally a teacher-student relationship, there is no one they know here.

Because this area is full of ramps, Hasegawa wears low-heeled "hairy" boots today, not the usual high-heeled shoes.This made her look short, and when she looked at Mu Hantian from such a close distance, she would naturally raise her eyes, and her lethality increased several times.

After seeing Mu Hantian nodding, Hasegawa smiled and asked Mu Hantian to buckle her fingers and hold hands like a lover.Then the two left the station like this-to the square in front of the station.

"Qianli, where are we going next?"

The downtown area of ​​Hot Spring Street has to take a half-hour tram to the northeast.Of course, there are also hot spring hotels in this area, but it is famous for sightseeing spots such as shrines and temples with a long history and registered as a World Heritage Site, and magnificent natural beauty.Although Mu Hantian came to this land for the first time, he had already heard of what kind of place it was.

I went to the visitor center to store luggage on the way, indicating that there should be a place Hasegawa wanted to visit nearby.So when he got to the bus transfer station, Mu Hantian asked that.

"Well... I hope you accompany me to some places to stroll around, but before that--"

Hasegawa took Mu Hantian's hand and walked to the right of the station, in front of a large row of souvenir gift shops, and said with a smile: "Let’s eat the fried bean paste here first. Everyone says it's delicious."

Take a closer look. There is also a newspaper clipping about the interview of a well-known TV show, which is posted in a prominent position.Hasegawa took out a few coins and bought one from the female clerk, and brought the fried bean paste bag with white smoke in the white paper bag to Mu Hantian.

"Come on, Hantian."

"Then I'm welcome."

Mu Hantian could understand the meaning of Hasegawa Qianli, so he opened his mouth and waited for her next move.

"Sure enough, you know me well." Hasegawa smiled and delivered the fried bean paste to Mu Hantian's mouth.

The first thing I felt was the rich aroma, the sweetness of the filling covered by the soy milk and the bean curd skin, followed by the crispy taste that squeaked loudly at the first bite.

"Huh? It's pretty good. You can bring some for them when you go back."

It does have the value of being interviewed by TV and magazines.When Mu Hantian admired so much--

"Hehe, is it really delicious?"

Hasegawa said as he stretched out his hand, picking up the crumbs of the cheek that stuck to the corner of Mu Hantian’s lips, but instead of sending it into Mu Hantian’s mouth, which was beside him, he sent it to his mouth and ate it like a fingertip. .

Perhaps it is because he is far away from school and he is not afraid of being seen by acquaintances. Today Hasegawa seems to want to enjoy the atmosphere of a couple to the fullest. After Mu Hantian realized Hasegawa’s meaning...

"Come on, open your mouth, and I will feed you a bite."

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