Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 936

"Well, it's probably less than two hours... Hmm."

"Then—have you always been like this in the middle?"

"Hehe...Yes, I can't help seeing your sleeping face. This is what I want. You just fulfill my wish and don't break the trust of anyone. Now, enjoy it more. Let me go down."

"Didn't we make an appointment? Before you return to Naruse and the others-during this trip, you belong to me only."

Hasegawa smiled softly again, using his chest, tongue and hands to provide better service-so Mu Hantian also obeyed her.

Afterwards-the waitresses who came to prepare breakfast all found that Mu Hantian and Hasechuan's appearance and the interaction between the two were very different from last night, but they didn't say a word, just ask them to enjoy as much as they want before checking out .

Mu Hantian also accepted the kindness of the pavilion, and enjoyed xx in the exclusive large bath and Hasegawa.

Then, in the greeting from the proprietress and all the hotel staff, I took the taxi arranged by the museum to the World Heritage-class Buddhist temple that I missed yesterday, and accompanied Hasegawa to visit happily.

In the evening, I took the train with a ticket and returned to Tokyo.

Before stepping into the house-they kept their promise with Hasegawa.


There is a place full of boys and girls with the same sense of liberation.

That was the completion ceremony of the third semester, and the campus of Seizaka Gakuen was waiting for the end of school.The students who left their respective classrooms and started to walk down the corridor to the gate, their expressions were mostly lustful.Although there are a small number of people who seem to be melancholy because of the miserable content of the transcripts sent by their instructors, they can only ask them to take care.

However, some of them did not go home immediately, and remained in the classroom reluctantly.——This is because the students of Shengzaka Academy have to change classes every year.Therefore, at the opening ceremony in April, the students in this class will no longer gather in the same class.

In the Class B classroom of the first year, there was a girl who was not only lonely because of the upcoming shift, but also had other emotions in her heart-that was Mio Narase who was sitting in her seat and silent.When other classmates talked and laughed out of the classroom, she was just in the seat where she spent the third semester with her, looking down at her desk.

Today is the last time to sit here.

And think back to the past year in a daze.

"What's wrong?"

On the way, someone asked softly from the side-it was Yuuki Noaka.

Yuki, who was originally fresh and beautiful, has recently become more transparent and beautiful.Seeing Youxi came to the table to inquire, Mio smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"It's nothing...just thinking about something'chaotic'."

"That's it..." Yuxi also seemed to perceive Mio's mood, and her eyes turned from Mio to the surroundings.

Therefore, Mio also looked at the scene Youxi saw—their belonging, Class B of the first year.And recall the time of this year.

——After returning from the Demon Realm, Miao lived a peaceful life for a while.Although there was a little friction between Valeria and Jeste at first, it was just a joke now; the housework of the Dongcheng family was shared equally after the two discussed.The picture of the two standing in the kitchen one by one was taken for granted.

There are a few eagerly hopeful wishes and desires that can be realized-a peaceful daily life.

It's been a year.

Mio recalled her past self with emotion.

Last spring, when he first entered the Sho Saka Academy, Naruse Mio was still alone.This doesn't mean that there are all strangers around, but there are a few middle school students in the class.

But-they never actively contact Mio.Because these junior high school classmates were the first to know that her parents died tragically.

Of course, they can’t know Mio’s detailed life experience, nor do they know Mio’s parents are just adoptive parents who are not related to her, and that they and Mio are both demons, and Mio is the only daughter of the former demon king Wilbert. .

The secrets of these Mio's life experiences must never be known to ordinary people.So Mio was just around the people who pityed her and avoided her, and gradually made friends in this high school—the classmates I knew in this class.Soon, she was able to talk to her former junior high school classmates normally.

However, there are people in this class who know Mio's life experience and know that it is all facts.That is Yuxi who is next to her now.

There is also Takikawa.

Mio glanced sideways at his seat, Takigawa Yahiro was no longer there.This demon spy named Lars didn't know where he had slipped once the ban was over.It is the second semester to learn their true identity.——The opportunity was an encounter in the summer vacation not long ago.That encounter caused the situation surrounding Naruse Mio to change rapidly.

Over the past year-I have met many people and experienced the same life and death struggles and crises.Those days of endless battles were definitely not something I could survive on my own.

But... With the acquisition of new family members and the increasing number of trusted partners around him, Mio Narase can now end her first-year high school campus life safely and greet this day with a smile.

So Narase Mio thought to himself-everyone must be fine.At this time--

"Hey, what are you waiting for?"

"Let's go quickly, too."

"Yes." Three voices at the door of the classroom called Miao and the others.

They are classmates and friends Shiho Aikawa and Chika Sakaki, and his family Gekiko Tojo.They made an appointment with Min and Youxi, and five people will go shopping together later.

So Mio picked up her schoolbag and stood up, and came to the three of them with Yuxi.

"I'm sorry, I made you wait a little longer."

Aikawa sighed and apologized to Gassho, and smiled mischievously: "Haha~ You are not worried that the second grade may not be in the same class as Hantian, so you are secretly sad there?"

After hearing Aikawa's words to make Mio blush, Mio and Yuuki looked at each other and replied: "This... you can say that." "I don't deny it."

Mio smiled bitterly "Ahaha", Yuxi admitted nonchalantly.There is no falsehood or cover-up in the words. Mio Naruse and Yuki Nozaka sincerely hope to be in the same class with Mu Hantian next year.

"By the way, it's been a long time since five of us went out together." As he walked from the classroom to the gate of the school building and stood in a row to change outdoor shoes, he suddenly sighed.

"That's right... Han Tian almost always follows." Xiangchuan also remembered, and followed his voice.

In the short period after returning to the human world, because the peace talks between the steady faction and the current demon king faction were not stable enough, other forces might be at a disadvantage to Miao, so Mu Hantian would try their best to act together when going out to ensure safety.

"So where did my brother go?" Geng Xizi asked, tapping the toes of the shoes to make them fit.

Yuxi replied step by step: "Hantian said that he also has an appointment with a friend."

"Will he be messing with Takikawa again?"

The whole class knows that Takikawa and Mu Hantian have the best friendship among the boys.Mio would like to go out to play, and it is not surprising that Mu Hantian would walk with Takikawa.

However, Naruse Mio shook his head and replied: "No." She told who Mu Hantian actually had an appointment with.

"It seems that there is something to be told to Tachibana in the class next door."

The first thousand and forty-three chapters I am a girl

When the students left the classroom and stepped onto the corridor, heading to the school building.

There is a place that is far from the hustle and bustle they have woven.That is the office of the student representative—Shosaka Academy Student Union Room.

And now, in the student union room after school, there is a chaotic person--Mu Hantian.

"Sorry... Orange, I'm not sure if I heard it wrong, can you say it again?"

Mu Hantian, who had acted separately from Mio, held his forehead and asked the friend who came to him-Tachibana Nanao.

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