Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 938

His face was hot immediately.If there is a mirror, Li Hua must be able to see his face flushed.At this time--

"Oh~ I'm relieved. People still don't change so easily."

Garner squeezed her weakness and said with a smile: "I hope he can really join us next year. In this way, you, the student council president of the next school year, can use all kinds of powers to formulate strategies, and those girls who live with him. Do it."

"Don't talk'nonsense' here, go home quickly!"

"Good, good, see you tomorrow."

Lihua ignored the eyes of the surrounding students and began to focus on rushing people loudly. Garner grinned and left her and walked towards the front door.


After watching Ghana's back go away, Lihua sighed to calm himself down before turning around and walking towards the school building with a red face.

The first thousand and forty-four chapters were bumped into

"Nano, do you really want this?" Mu Hantian stammered at the Tachibana Nanao who had changed into a girl sailor suit.Her proposal is really...

"Student Hantian, problem, I want to try, can the intense stimulation make me change back."

"Uh, that... Actually I think girls are pretty good too. Why are you so obsessed with changing back? And I think your plan is very problematic. Strong stimulation might make you a female forever. "Mu Hantian always felt wrong.

"But, how do you know if you don't try it."

"Okay." Mu Hantian nodded helplessly.

Then he looked at Nanao with a serious expression, exhaled, and stretched his hand to her chest.

"Hmm..." This strange feeling caused Nanao to scream unexpectedly, and a tingling sensation he had never felt before hit his body.

Just when Nanao discovered this fact and wanted to say something...


She saw something unbelievable across Mu Hantian's shoulder.I don't know how long the door of the student union room has been open, and a young girl is standing at the door.

It was Kajiura Lihwa himself who looked at them with unbelievable eyes.

Not to mention Mu Hantian, who turned his back to the door and couldn't see, Nanao himself didn't notice anyone coming in because his mind was full of Mu Hantian's actions.There should have been a sound at the time, but it was mostly covered up by Nanao's cry.

After being watched by Lihua, Nanao did it subconsciously when he thought about it.Unleash the half-vampire's eye.

However, the feeling that Mu Hantian gave made it difficult for her to control her severity.


Under the strong magic eye that was accidentally launched, Lihua softly paralyzed on the spot.


"No, I'm completely fainted." Mu Hantian said so as he raised the fallen Kaipu.

"How to do……"

Tachibana Nanao regretted what she had done.Clutching his sleeves with a sad expression.

Originally, as a precaution, Nanao used a semi-vampire ability to perform the'drive away' magic to prevent others from approaching the student union room; but perhaps it was because Mu Hantian's feeling was so strong that he completely deprived him of consciousness, which temporarily weakened the effect. .

However, Lihua came to the student union room at this time.

In addition, Nanao acted too hastily on Lihua's magic eye.

Nanao also planned to use the magic eye to remove the effect again, but the effect is mostly beyond imagination, and Nanao may not be able to remove it by herself.Moreover, in the state of fainting with Li Hua's eyes closed, Nanao couldn't even try.

"What should I do……!"

When Nanao, who became more and more anxious, began to mourn--

"Take her to the health room. You can only do this. I have no experience in handling this aspect." Mu Hantian said to her.

"The health room...?"

"Yes... I think Hasegawa-sensei should have a way."


"By the way, if you want, can you come to the health room together?"

"You think it's fine." Nanao nodded clearly to Mu Hantian.

"Is it okay?"

"Um... I believe you."

"So... then let's go."

Seeing Mu Han Tian's affairs holding Lihua in his arms, Nanao quickly said: "Wait a minute. Before going over, I have to change into a boy uniform..."

"No, I think you look pretty like this."


"Of course." Although I don't know why Nanao reacted so strongly, Mu Hantian was telling the truth.

On the way to the health care room, they will cover their surroundings with magical power to avoid extraneous branches and act in a state invisible to ordinary people.

"Is this really okay?"

"It's ok."

Mu Hantian nodded gently to the "confused" Nanao.

"Your matter was interrupted by Senior Sister, and it has not been resolved... Maybe she can not only cure Senior Sister, but also solve your problem together."

Mu Hantian's words did not soothe Nanao's worries, but nonetheless--

"Since you said it's okay... so be it."

"That's it." Hearing what Qi Xu said, Mu Hantian made it so.

Then-holding Lihua, and Nanao left the student union room.


Hasegawa seemed to see everything in his eyes, knowing the situation well.As soon as Nanao and Mu Hantian entered the health room, they instructed them to move the fainted Kajiura to the hospital bed.

"Orange, come here."

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