Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 940

Hasegawa expressed her speculation to the surprised Mu Hantian, and this is indeed the case-Nanao nodded vigorously.


Mu Hantian briefly expressed his thoughts and held Nanao's shoulder lightly.His gentleness made Tachibana Nanao think-it is a happy thing to be able to like this person.

"Then next—it should be the end."


After hearing Hasegawa's words, Mu Hantian asked rhetorically.

"Yes. Because her feelings are settled, but the body is not necessarily. Since Tachibana has decided, there is no need to wait until she is eighteen. To completely eliminate Tachibana’s anxiety, it’s better to settle for her today-let She lives as a female "sex"."

"Old teacher, can you even do this kind of thing...?" Nanao was surprised by Hasegawa's proposal.

"Because this is about Hantian... This is just a trivial matter. However, as I said earlier, this is an issue that affects your life. You have to decide for yourself."

"And even if I don't do that, your own feelings for Hantian have already fixed your body in the state of female "sex"... As long as you strengthen your "sex", your "sex" will be fixed to female "sex."

"Strengthen the relationship?... Then what should I do?"

"Don't you understand? Then I'll show it to you."

Hasegawa laughed teasingly, and hooked his hands to Mu Hantian's neck.

The next second-her lips have been closed to Mu Hantian's mouth.

The sudden strong kiss-

"Uh, thousands of miles...?"

Mu Hantian couldn't help letting go of his arms around Nanao, grabbing Hasegawa's shoulders and pushing her away.

"What's the matter? Don't Tachibana now need to further feel that she is a female "sex", and the pleasure of being regarded as a female "sex"... So I can only do this."

Hasegawa explained naturally, and added, "Furthermore, Tachibana lacks knowledge in this area. Isn't it too much to ask her to solve it by herself?"

"But you don't have to do this kind of thing, I think you are thinking about it yourself." Mu Hantian was already unable to complain.

"Although I want to do it with you myself, what I said is the truth."

"No need." Mu Hantian was a little embarrassed, but immediately adjusted his state and took Tang directly away.

"Kajiura-senpai will ask you, Qianli."

After leaving such a sentence, Mu Hantian took Tachibana Nanao and left the health room.


"Student Hantian, actually...I don't mind...If it's Hantian's classmate, I have no problem at all." Walking down the corridor, Nanao explained to Mu Hantian.

"Nanao, I know what you think, but... I really can't accept it. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean you can't accept it, but I can't accept it."

Mu Hantian tried her best to explain to Qixu, but she didn't listen, but kept getting closer to Mu Hantian.


"Sorry, Hantian, I really... still can't. There is no way to suppress my feelings."

Nanao made up his mind and actively hugged Mu Hantian.

Then he kissed Mu Hantian's incredible eyes.

There is no way, Nanao.Now that you have done this, I can't refuse.

Mu Hantian also began to respond to Qi Xu's kiss.

Chapter 1 Forty-Six New World

"Ester, Restia!"

"Sorry, Master, it seems we will be away for a while."


Mu Hantian wanted to reach out and grab them, but... the darkness made him unable to move, so he could only watch them disappear.

"Hahahaha...what's going on, was that... a dream just now?" Mu Hantian couldn't help but stunned, panting heavily.

I'm in my room now...then just it a dream?That darkness...what is it?

"No matter what, let's confirm Esther and others first. Esther, Restia!" Mu Hantian began to call, but...

But nothing happened.

"Master, you don't need to call, they have already left."

"What do you mean? Xiaoguang?"

"Just now, they returned to their own world."

"What? How could this be?" Mu Hantian couldn't believe it.

"That's it, their world has changed. Someone should have done something that caused the world will in that world to fall into a deep sleep." Xiaoguang explained.

"In other words... can I only go to their world?"

"Yes. But the owner can rest assured that with the current energy of the system, the flow rate of this world can be reduced."

"I understand, I'll go and talk to Mio and the others separately, and then I will go to "The Sword Dance of the Wizard""


After coming out of the room, Mu Hantian summoned the girls at home.

"Brother, you said you want to leave?"

"Ah, I will be away for a while, probably more than ten days."

"How is this!" Geng Xizi was a little sad.

"Don't worry, I'm just looking for someone, there is no danger."

Mu Hantian didn't lie either. It was indeed not dangerous to go to that world with his current power, but what made him a little concerned...the darkness.

"Okay, that's it, there is nothing to bring, so be it." Mu Hantian didn't want to waste time and went out directly.

When walking into an alley...

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