Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 945

The distance between the two of them was so close that the breath of breath almost spit on each other's face.The clear red "color" eyes tightly grasped Mu Hantian.Sakura's lips were trembling slightly.



"You are obviously a man... why can you make a contract with the elf!"

Mu Hantian didn't answer immediately, but slowly raised his body.

Perhaps angry because of being neglected, Claire raised two eyebrows fiercely.

"I... where is my sword wizard?"

"That was originally my thing, you did the extra thing yourself." Mu Hantian sighed, showing off the engraved wizard on the back of his right hand.

"How could it be!" Claire's face was stunned, and her mouth couldn't close.

The elf contract was originally a privilege only enjoyed by the pure Ji maiden.

But in history, there was a man who made a contract with the elf.Only this one.That is the wizard who once brought destruction and confusion to this world, and was called the demon king.

Mu Hantian stood up and turned around silently.Este has been found, so...the next step is Restia.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

When I was about to leave, there was a cry from behind.

Mu Hantian looked back, and Claire was wiping her waist and staring at herself.

"You... actually took my spirit away, you have to take full responsibility!"


Mu Hantian couldn't help frowning.I don't understand what she is talking about.

Seeing Mu Hantian's reaction, Claire fiddled with two ponytails impatiently.

"I said, you took away the contract spirit that should belong to me, and you should take all the responsibilities!"

"Responsibility?" Faced with this unexpected speech, Mu Hantian became more and more confused.

"and so……"

Claire slammed the whip and stretched out her index finger to Mu Hantian.

"You have to be my contract wizard!"

"What you said makes sense, but I was speechless."


Alicia Elf Academy is a training academy that trains witches from all over the empire to become top elves.

There are beautiful courtyards and several exquisite minarets within the city walls. The whole college is like a palace where a princess lives, which is indeed the case.

Because almost all the students in this college are genuine noble daughters.

"It's enough to encounter this kind of thing as soon as I come here..."

Mu Hantian muttered to himself as he walked on the corridor on the second floor of the courtyard covered with red carpet.

"It was a pleasure to find Esther, but..." Mu Hantian was stared at by the red-haired girl because he had robbed the Sealed Elf.

Afterwards, Claire? "Lu" Qiu led Mu Hantian all the way to the college compound.It's good to have someone lead the way, but Claire seems serious about treating Mu Hantian as a personal contract spirit.

She tied Mu Hantian in circles with a whip, and then dragged Mu Hantian to walk in the forest.This feeling is more appropriate than being taken away by force rather than leading the way.

Of course, Mu Hantian has no obligation to play games with this young lady.He undid the whip while Claire went to the toilet and escaped.

"Ah! I ran away! Traitor!" Such a cry came from the toilet.

"How can I feel that I won't run away..." Mu Hantian shook his head helplessly.

I feel so heavy...

At this time, Mu Hantian stopped.In front of him was a thick wooden door.It is the office of the dean.

"Master, I really can't accept it!" Such a voice suddenly came from the room.

It was a slightly higher pitch, a little low girl voice.

"Why must we find a man to come to such a sacred Ji Witch Academy!"

"Because you need him. Isn't this reason enough?"

The tone was deliberately suppressed, and it sounded very calm.But still couldn't hide a bullying aura, and even the people across the door couldn't help shaking.

"You mean, our strength alone is not enough?"

"I didn't mean to belittle the Knights. But that guy is special."

"You mean, he is a man but he can communicate with elves, right?"

"This is also a reason, but the reason is more than that."

"What does this mean—" Suddenly, the girl stopped talking.

After a moment of silence--

"Who is there!"

With a bang, the office door was suddenly opened rudely.

Kicked the door open, and what appeared in front of the door was--

A beautiful girl with a ponytail holding her slender legs high.

The girl has a pair of slender eyes.The upright and beautiful face revealed an extraordinary look.The uniform was covered with silver chest boring, which looked like a knight.

At this moment, a piece of lace trousers caught Mu Hantian's eyes from the folded pleated skirt.

"I saw it, it's black."

"What are you talking about... asshole! Rude fellow!" The girl angrily kicked at Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian instantly avoided.

The girl's eyes "showed" cold eyes that seemed to "shoot" people through.Then, the pair of clear brown eyes suddenly widened.

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