Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 949

Mu Hantian slowly moved his body and turned his head.

"What do you want to do in this sacred Alicia Elf Academy?"

In front of Mu Hantian's eyes, there was a beauty who "showed" a gentle smile.

The age of the beauties is about twenty years old.He has long black hair.Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses.A long-sleeved white dress was draped over the iron gray suit.

"I'm Freya Golando, the class instructor of the Crow Class. I have heard about you from the dean of the academy. You are the first male "sex" wizard in the history of the academy."

The beauty put a smile on her face and reported her name.Of course, those eyes didn't smile at all.

"But... you bastard, why are you crying our lady?"

The first thousand and fifty-two chapters problem girl

As soon as Mu Hantian stepped onto the podium, there was a small "commotion" in the classroom.

Although the news that the male "sex" elves have been transferred to this class has long been spread, it is still difficult to conceal a strong sense of anxiety and curiosity for these eldest ladies who rarely have contact with boys of the same age.

"That person is a male "sex" elf..."

"The eyes look fierce. It seems to kill."

"I heard that he forced Claire? "Lu" Qiu, and made her cry."

"Hard...what does it mean to be hard?"

"I... I don't know... Anyway, it must be a very "sexy" thing! And I cried."

"But it feels a bit like a bad boy, he's handsome."

"Don't be fooled by appearances. Men are all super abnormal big ******** I heard that he also started on Alice Frangerto.

"What? So a serious knight leader... But what does it mean to start?"

"I don't quite understand... Anyway, it must be a very dirty thing!"

Twitter. twitter.

"Oh, I was criticized in a mess. It seems that it is difficult to survive in this class in the future..."

Mu Hantian looked around the classroom like an ancient theater and sighed.

There are fourteen or five students in total, all of whom seem to be well-born elders.Almost everyone looked at Mu Hantian's "Lu" with interest, but some people seemed to be quite afraid of Mu Hantian's existence.

This is no wonder.After all, the first thing most people think of when they hear the term male "sex" wizard is the name of the ancient demon king who once brought destruction and confusion.Of course, the impression is extremely bad.

The rain of eyes in the classroom made Mu Hantian difficult to fight.The sharpest look-comes from the red-haired girl sitting in the front row.

Claire stared at Mu Hantian with a sight enough to burn people.

"Burn you, burn you to death, burn you..." The eldest lady kept changing verbs, muttering words in her mouth.

It seems that she is still angry about what happened just now.

Apologize later.

"Coke soft charcoal coke soft char..."

However, it seems that an apology is not necessarily useful.

"Hey, stop arguing. Would you like to be deducted credits? Be quiet!"

The class instructor Freya Gurando knocked on the table with the register, and the classroom immediately quieted down.

Freya, Gurando is not responsible for actual combat skills, but a lecturer who teaches lectures.At the same time, he is also a member of the Wizard Investigation Association who conducts field investigations in the "Elven Forest".

"Hey, you too, don't introduce yourself quickly."

She looks like a beauties with glasses full of knowledge, but she breaks her work when she speaks.It's a "sexual" outrage to say it better, but at least it doesn't look like a bad person.

Mu Hantian stood in front of the podium and started to introduce himself briefly.

"My name is Mu Hantian and I am seventeen years old. As you can see, I am a male "sex" elf... I hope I can get along well with my classmates. Please don't be afraid."

The reaction of the classmates is--

"So ordinary."

"Yes, it's too ordinary. It's not like a big devil at all."

"However, there is a heartbeat feeling."

"Ah, I get it! It feels a little arrogant and makes people want to protect him!"

The classroom, which had been quiet, began to "comfort" again.

Now...what is it now?What is going on with this soft and sweet feeling?

The unexpected reaction of the girls made Mu Hantian feel very confused.

Teacher Freya seemed to perceive Mu Hantian's "confusion", and whispered in his ear: "Oh, the eldest lady here has been in contact with elves that humans cannot understand for a long time, and her head is different from ordinary people. So they are interested. Not the identity of the elf, but a teenager of yours."

"That's it, that's how it is." Mu Hantian nodded, indicating that he understood.

"That...that...Shantian classmate." A girl cowered and raised her hand to ask.

"Huh? This classmate, what's the matter?"

"Uh... Excuse me... what is your favorite food?"

"Do you like the food? How do you say, eh? As long as it is good food, you like it."

"Too ordinary!" "Too ordinary!" "So cute!"

Twitter. twitter.

After the girl took the lead, problems started to follow.

"Student Hantian, where is your hometown?" "What's your measurements?" "Where to wash...when you take a shower?"

I say ladies, this is already "sexual" "harassment".Moreover, instead, the person asking the question blushed, even his ears.

"Have you decided which team to join?"


"Does this still need to be said, it is the team of this'Elven Sword Dance Festival'."

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