Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 958

I wanted to escape, but my feet kept trembling and he didn't listen at all.The battle was paralyzed, and I didn't realize it was terrible until now.too horrible.However, now is not the time to be afraid.

"I...I'm not afraid of you! Hurry up...become my servant!"

The demon in the air did not deliberately respond to Claire's scolding, but still opened his mouth and laughed loudly.

Claire trembled all over and couldn't help closing her eyes.Teeth that kept shaking couldn't bite at all.In the face of unknown creatures, instinctive fear limits the body's actions.

At this time, the flame whip that Claire had been holding suddenly disappeared.Claire didn't remove the fairy costume.Scarlet defied Kreel's order and changed his consciousness back to the form of a fire cat.

"Scarlett? Why are you..." Claire said in a hoarse voice.

Even the contract elves feel desperate, are they leaving themselves...

However, the flame-ridden fire cat uttered a low cry and flew out with a kick.

At that moment, Claire finally understood.Scarlett wanted to--

"No-Scarlett!" Claire screamed and screamed all around.

Scarlett did not stop.It "exposed" its fangs fiercely and rushed towards the demon spirit.

The scorching flame of the fire cat can melt even steel.But at this time, it was unable to deal any blow to the demon spirit in front of him.

The teeth of the demon elves ruptured Scarlett's body without mercy in an instant!Painful screams sounded.The crushed flame spirit twisted like a whirlpool and disappeared into the air.

"Ah...Scarley...T..." Claire seemed to have lost all strength and collapsed to the ground.

Li Xing is telling himself that he should run away immediately.Moreover, this is the last chance of escape that Scarlett won with his life.But my feet couldn't stop shaking, I couldn't even stand up.A sense of complete despair paralyzed Claire's body.

"I killed Scarlett..." Tears appeared in the hollow eyes when the flame went out.

"Knowing that there is no chance of winning...I still support it alone..."

Lost, a terrible defeat.Even the contract elves, who are as close as family, lost it.

The demon elves were biting their jaws chuckingly, slowly advancing towards Kleier.With those ominous sharp teeth that just smashed Scarlett--

"No... don't..." Tears ran across his cheeks.A voice gradually squeezed out of the deep throat.

"Save me...Save me-sister!"

Claire closed her eyes in despair.At this moment--

"Don't be too aggressive. I'm not able to win you every time. You are not a strong person now. You still lack too many things."

She heard the familiar voice.

The first thousand and fifty-eight chapters sad girl

"Ha drink drink drink drink drink drink...!" Mu Hantian roared, while sprinting towards the demon spirit.

The Demon Demon Sacred Sword in his hand, Esther, is gathering powerful magic power.

"Disappear for me, choppy!"

The steel sword swung down, and the powerful magic power instantly penetrated the demon's jaw.

Looking at the disappearing demon spirit, Mu Hantian frowned.

It turns out that this demon spirit is not made by Restia, is it the'darkness'?But it came so fast...


It started to rain in the air, drenching Claire's back.The two red horsetails collapsed due to the rain and clung to the skin.

"Kleier... are you okay?" Mu Hantian called Kleier who was squatting on the ground with his back to her.

"How could it be okay!"

Claire said in a trembling voice: " Scarlet..."

The red eyes turned around, tears burst into his eyes.



"Since there is such a powerful force, why not in the beginning--" Claire grabbed Mu Hantian's uniform collar.

Suddenly, she let go of her hand feebly.

"No, I am too weak."

She said softly: "Because I am too weak, I can't save Scarlett's "life". Because I am too useless..."

"If... if I had stronger power... this wouldn't happen..."

Claire, who let the rain hit her body, had empty eyes and kept repeating the same sentence.

"Scarlett is not dead, but now you can't resurrect it." Mu Hantian sighed.Sure enough, there are some things that cannot be changed...

"You said Scarlett was not dead? Then why I can't feel its existence at all!"

"Scarlett itself has not disappeared, but there is no way to respond to you after such an injury. I think it should be sleeping now. So don't worry."

"What you it true?" Claire held Mu Hantian's hand tightly, eager to know the answer.

"Of course it is true."

"That's good." Claire smiled, and then her body shook suddenly.

There was darkness before his eyes.Consciousness drifted far away quickly.

Claire fell down.

"Is she okay?"

"It's okay, it's just too tired. She asks you to take it back. After all, she is a girl, and I am a man. It is not appropriate to enter the female dormitory." After answering Alice’s question, Mu Hantian asked Kelei Er gave it to her, and left directly like this.


Mu Hantian opened his eyes and stretched out.

There was a sound of birds singing outside the window.The dazzling sunlight in the morning "shot" diagonally into the house.

Mu Hantian slowly turned his neck and sat up.At this time, he suddenly noticed something.

The clothes he was wearing were not the uniforms of the Alicia Elf Academy.

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