Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 960

"I... I mean, I'm sorry. I have always hated you very much, just because you are a boy. So I think I must say sorry to you."

She blushed and stared into Mu Hantian's eyes."Seeing you stand up against the demon in order to save Claire "Lu" Qiu, that looks...really handsome. To be honest, my legs were scared."

"No, it's nothing."

"Han Tian, ​​you have been taking care of yourself and ignoring me, I am very upset." Esther said with an unhappy cheek.

"Oh, sorry..."

"Okay, I'm advanced to the classroom."

"See you."


Watching Alice walk to the classroom, Mu Hantian also took Esther to his classroom.

Chapter 159 Transition

After Mu Hantian walked into the classroom, he couldn't help but explain. After all, he brought a loli with him.Moreover, according to Claire's temper, there will be trouble without an explanation.

Fortunately, Claire didn't say anything, just sat quietly in her own position.

Mu Hantian took a breath and took Esther to sit next to Claire.

"How is it, Claire?"

"No, still can't. I still can't feel Scarlet's existence." Claire shook his head sadly.

"This way, it's a little difficult, do you have to do this?" Mu Hantian muttered.

"Do you have any idea?"

"Well, I have an idea. If you, the master, are hurt, I think Scarlett will appear. Of course, this is just a guess of mine."

"I understand."


Academy City is a small city built in the land of the Elf Academy of Aresia.

In the streets lined with stone buildings, the noise of the crowd came from time to time.Claire walked alone in the alleys of the college city.

Decadent expression.Heavy steps.However, the pace cannot be stopped.Must go forward.

Really reconciled, in front of that terrifying demon spirit, was so helpless.Not only that, even Scarlett, the most important friend who has been with him since he was a child, lost his "life" because of his arrogance and stupidity.

But this time... I will definitely let you come back, Scarlett!

"Master, is this really okay?"

On the roof not far away, a man and a woman were standing on it, observing Claire's every move.

"Don't worry about the facts I told you. And this time, you may be able to see Restia, but I'm curious why she hasn't come to me." Mu Hantian closed his eyes and thought about all possible "sex". But just can't figure it out.

"Master, she is gone."

"I know, let's follow."

Mu Hantian took Esther's little hand and kept jumping at the top of the house.

"This feeling is..." Mu Hantian stopped suddenly.

"What's the matter, master?"

"Ester, let's go!" Mu Hantian pulled Ester to leave immediately, as if something terrible had happened.

ten minutes later……

"That's it, the'dark' aura I felt."

Mu Hantian stopped at the place where he first met Claire, and then looked into the river.

"Master, there is something that disgusts me (wu) in this." Esther frowned.

"I know, let's get rid of it. Esther, on it.

——Leng Che forged the queen of steel, the holy sword to slay the devil!

——Turn into a sword of steel at this moment, give me strength!"

At the same time as she read the magic outfit to activate the spell, Esther's body turned into a burst of light particles and disappeared.

In the next instant, a sword shining with silver light appeared in Mu Hantian's hand.

The blade is engraved with an inscription in Elvish language-"Guardian God Esther".

Just holding it in your hand, you can feel that this is an amazing sword.

"Go on, Esther!"


Gathering the magic power on Esther's sword, Mu Hantian slashed at the river.

Under attack, a cloud of black mist jumped out of the river.

"Heh, is the water elf possessed this time? I'm sorry, but I have to kill you! Underworld—Blade of Wind! Ha!"

The powerful slash directly shattered the black mist.

"Solved. We too..."

Mu Hantian stopped at this point because he thought of a certain possibility of "sex".

Unhappy and stunned, he quickly rushed to where Claire was.


"Kleier!" When Mu Hantian arrived, it was already late.

Claire was standing in an arena at the moment, and there were no more people around.

"Claire, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm nothing, but I didn't expect that I encountered such an enemy just after I retrieved Scarlet." Claire gasped heavily.

"that is……"

There was a sudden roar that shook the ground. The stone pillar surrounded by the black mist slapped, and a huge crack appeared.

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