Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 974

"The eldest lady of the Duke Elstein, you made a rash claim without a bite, is that okay?"

Fijana brushed her gorgeous black hair and looked down at Claire.

"As a nobleman who is a role model for civilians, don't you think this behavior is unfair?"


When it comes to fairness, Fiyana has never tasted Claire's scorched dishes. It seems that Claire did not expect this because she was so angry.

Besides, aristocratic daughters basically cannot withstand provocations.Especially when it comes to family reputation, it is more impulsive.

"Okay, I'm good at spicy food anyway, just take a bite."

At the moment when Claire nodded, Fijana "showed" an evil smile.

"Hey, Claire, this is too dangerous—"

Before Mu Hantian had time to stop, Claire immediately picked up the spoon and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then the next second...


Claire suddenly collapsed on the table.

"Kleier! It doesn't matter you!"

Mu Hantian hugged Claire in a panic and saw her two eyeballs spinning.

"I completely lost consciousness."

"Hehe, it seems that I won."

Fijana wiped her waist with her hands, "showing" a triumphant smile.

"Isn't the original match comparing this?"

"Isn't it?" Fijana widened her eyes in surprise.

That's right, thinking about it carefully, at first it seemed that the conditions for victory were not clearly defined.

"Didn't you just say that your cooking makes the ritual spirits of the'Shenyiyuan' quite satisfied?"

"Yes, they went back contentedly after one bite."

"I don't think I went back because I was satisfied."

"A dish that can completely destroy even the taste of the's terrifying." Esther whispered quietly.

The first thousand and sixty-eight chapters of the devil's heir

"Really, neither of them knows how to cook, so what is it, is it more unpalatable?" Mu Hantian complained at the dinner table.

"Listen to your tone, you are very tired today."

"It's okay, I was almost poisoned to death."

Indeed, if it hadn't been for Claire's lessons, Mu Hantian would very likely be poisoned by Feyana's'Dark Cuisine'.

"By the way, I want to talk to you about something. The dark elf has been to the academy, but he left immediately."

"Restia? Has she been to the college?"

"That's right. But why she didn't meet you, this is not known." Greyworth said lightly.

At this moment...

A sound of sword strikes came from a distance.

"Aren't you going to deal with it? Greyworth."

"I don't have so much time to do this kind of thing, you can handle it."

"Really, how did you become the head of the academy. Esther, let's go."

"Yes." Esther nodded, then quickly stuffed the little cake in his hand into his mouth.

Mu Hantian smiled, then held Esther's little hand, and the girl's body immediately turned into particles of light.

In the next second, Mu Hantian was already holding a sword of the elven demon outfit—the guardian god Esther.


"How is this going?"

Alice, who appeared under the strong wind blown by the magic wind elves, was too surprised to speak.

Before my eyes, there was an unbelievable sight.

The knights of the Wind King Knight Order that kept the campus law and order fell to the ground one by one.

Those who can join the Wind King Knights are all outstanding students.but--

"Could it be that... the intruder knocked everyone down with just one person!"

In the dark and drizzle, a little figure in a hooded jacket was standing among the fallen girls.

"Did you do it!" Alice asked.

The Elf Magic Equipment-'Windwing Spear' was already raised in his hand.

Thirty minutes ago, Alice received a report that someone invaded the campus and robbed the library of designated sealed confidential materials.She immediately ordered the Knights team to pursue the hunt, and rushed to the scene while passing on the next move to the teams through the wind spirit.

After she rushed to the place where she lost the response-this was the scene she saw.

The elf in front of him remained silent, only exuding an atmosphere of contempt.

"Don't tell me? Okay, then "force" you to say it!"

Alice's "Windwing Gun" began to whip up gusts of wind.

The elf in front of him did not have any contract elf beside him, nor did he have any elf magic outfit in his hand.However, this person has already defeated five girls from the Knights.

The identity of the opponent is completely unknown.Or, since there is no elf, does it mean that this person is not an elf?——No, it's impossible.Even if it is a sneak attack, ordinary humans who are not elf envoys cannot defeat the five knights alone.

"In that case, I had to confirm it with my own eyes!"

Alice raised her wind-wing gun and launched an assault like a storm.

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