Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 109

Stretching his waist, he could feel that his body seemed to have recovered a lot. The Extremis Virus and self-healing ability had been restored seven or eighty-eight. In addition to the previously restored positioning ability, other abilities have gradually recovered.He could hear the very clear beating and breathing now, and the feeling seemed to be in his ears.

"This is super listening ability, right?"

He could clearly hear Eden's heartbeat in the next room. It was steady and loud, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

He knows that this ability is good, but if there is no way to control it, it will definitely be a torture, even a small voice will be infinitely amplified, very harsh.So Su Zhan began to try to control it, gradually weakening the influence of his ability, and slowly adjusting according to Ian's voice.

It was deafening from the beginning, gradually became normal, and then completely inaudible at the end.

After such repeated control, it didn't take long before he was able to master the strength of his ability. If he needed it, the sound would be infinitely amplified, and if he didn't need it, he could not hear any sound.Even, he was able to completely close his hearing, and he couldn't hear any sound.

After studying the super hearing for a long time, Su Zhan's mind moved, and his body suddenly gradually became transparent, and disappeared after a while.

"Invisible, if you don't use this ability, it would be a waste!"

Su Zhan smiled hey, got up slowly, and walked to the door.Push the door gently to go out, and soon came to Eden's room.

Eden slept soundly, and his sleeping posture was very unsightly. He was lying on his side with the quilt, and his long, straight legs were exposed. Su Zhan squinted his eyes slightly and said with a secret smile: So tough, don't you still take off the inside now? I'm sorry to let me see, hehe...Isn't it seen by me?"

This unexpected surprise made Su Zhan smile happily, slowly approaching Eden, and gently scratching the soles of her feet, Eden felt it immediately, but did not wake up after moving his legs.

Su Zhan's fingers climbed up the rock, Eden frowned, changed his posture, and then opened his eyes in a daze.

Seeing nothing, she pursed her mouth and murmured displeasedly, then turned over and went back to sleep.

"I didn't expect it to be cute."

Su Zhan smiled, Eden is lying flat now, the towering upper circumference is clearly visible, the black transparent pajamas can't hide the appearance inside, it can be described as clear.

Inside... but no underwear.

It seems that I took it off because I was sleeping.

"Have you seen enough?"

Just as Su Zhan was about to take a closer look, he suddenly saw Eden opened his eyes and said in a deep voice.Su Zhan was taken aback."Damn, no? Am I not invisible? How did she find out?"

"I know you are looking at me, it's almost fine, otherwise I will get angry." Eden continued, but Su Zhan suddenly realized that her eyes were not looking in her direction at all, and her expression was a little bit slightly. A feeling of hesitation.

"Isn't she deceiving me on purpose?"

Su Zhan held his breath and waited quietly for a long time.

"It seems that I'm too worried." After waiting for a long time, Eden didn't find anything special, muttered softly, and then went back to sleep.

"This vigilance is too strong, right?"

Seeing that Eden was really deliberately defrauding herself, Su Zhan felt a little bit painful. What kind of experience can make her remain vigilant when she falls asleep?

It seems that her previous life was not so fast...

Shaking his head, Su Zhan quietly left and returned to his room.

Eden looks like this, he is not in the mood to deliberately take advantage of it.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Eden knocked on Su Zhan's door.

Seeing Eden, who was dressed and tidy, Su Zhan smiled and said, "How is it? Did you sleep well yesterday?"

"not bad."

Eden stared at Su Zhan for a long time, and finally nodded and said.

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"Are there any arrangements for today?"

Although Eden is now Su Zhan's secretary, she doesn't know anything about Su Zhan, and she doesn't know what she wants as secretary.

"Go to dinner first, then look at your mood."

Now there is really nothing else to do except waiting for the body to recover, just treat it as a vacation.No matter it is the main world of Marvel, or other dungeon planes, there is no chance to relax.

Eden shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and summoned the Haitians to prepare to eat out.In this regard, Eden is considered an expert and never let himself suffer.When I came to the restaurant recommended by Eden, it looked really good. The Haitians were very acquainted to sit at another table and let Eden and Su Zhan eat separately.

After ordering the meal expertly, Eden is planning to take this opportunity to inquire about the situation of the Soviet war. At least he must know who his boss is and what he is doing, right?

However, at this moment, I suddenly saw a few people coming by the door, led by a very beautiful blond woman, followed by several bodyguards, at a glance, I knew that the background was not small and it was not easy to provoke.After coming in and looking around, I quickly noticed Su Zhan and Eden, as well as the Haitians next to them.

She glanced at the Haitian with some fear, and hesitated to go there.

Su Zhan beckoned to her at this time, his tone was as if he had seen an old friend, and he smiled and greeted: "Are you here to find me? Why don't you come?"

"You know so many beauties!" Eden said sourly.

Su Zhan was dumb, and said with a smile: "If someone else might have admitted, this... forget it, if you see her true appearance, you will never say that."

"The real look?" Ian was a little puzzled, isn't this what she really is?It looks very beautiful.

Su Zhan took the initiative to greet Candace a little surprised, hesitated or walked over.At first, I walked very slowly, and then I was relieved when I found nothing unusual.

"Don't be so careful, I didn't let him block your ability." Seeing Candace's cautious look, Su Zhan couldn't help but smile.

Candace's face remained unchanged, and she came to Su Zhan and said, "It seems that I don't need to introduce you. My boss wants to see you."

"Okay, actually I really want to see him." Su Zhan agreed smoothly.

Candace raised her eyebrows and was a little surprised. He actually agreed so simply. It is impossible for him to know what the so-called meeting means?Is it self-confidence or arrogance?Or is it because Leng Qingtou doesn't know what it means for the boss to see him?Seeing Su Zhan's casual and indifferent expression, Candace hesitated for a moment and said, "Will you go now?"

"Now? Didn't you see that you are eating? Let's talk about it after eating." Su Zhan shook his head and said to Eden: "I didn't know what to do for a while, now I don't need to worry."

Eden didn't speak, she saw that the situation seemed not quite right but was not worried. She knew Su Zhan's strength and saw Su Zhan's calmness, but she was a little curious.

"Why are you still standing? How did you eat while others were standing? Go out and wait." Su Zhan raised his head slightly displeased when he found Candace still standing by.

Candace frowned and wanted to speak, when she heard Su Zhan continue to say: "Don't let me trouble the Haitians."

Upon hearing this, Candace fainted instantly, glanced bitterly at Su Zhan, turned around and went out.

"What is she afraid of?" Eden asked curiously.

"Haiti people have two abilities, one can selectively delete memories, and the other can block people with other abilities." Su Zhan explained with a smile.

Eden glanced at the Haitian at the table next to him in surprise. He didn't expect that he, who looked like a bodyguard, had such an ability."Even if the ability is blocked, Candace won't be afraid of this, right? And what did you mean by saying that this is not her real appearance?"

"Want to know? Give me a kiss and I'll tell you." Su Zhan laughed.

Eden gave him an angry look, and she could tell that Su Zhan was taking advantage of him thinking of the law!Slightly got up, leaned in and kissed... "Now let's talk about it."

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