Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1101

Claire was wearing clothes, and at first she was a little worried about whether Su Zhan would make any small movements, but slowly she found that Su Zhan was quiet and breathing smoothly, as if she was about to fall asleep. This made her breathe a sigh of relief and a comfortable environment. Coupled with her wandering tiredness during this period, she quickly fell asleep!

Not knowing how long she slept, Claire suddenly woke up.When I opened my eyes, I saw that the curtains were opened, and the sunlight was slightly dazzling.Subconsciously opened the quilt, and he was relieved to see that his clothes were intact, then turned his head and looked to the side, and found that Su Zhan was missing!

After a moment of stunned, Claire hurriedly sat up, and immediately after hearing the door rang, Su Zhan came in with food.

"Wake up, it's time to have breakfast." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Chapter 1322: Camping Encounter

"Thank you!" Claire thanked Su Zhan and ate breakfast together after washing up.During the meal, Su Zhan asked if she knew Ronnie's whereabouts.After all, it's not easy to find someone in a huge crowd, but Claire knows where to look.

According to her, she inquired about Ronnie's whereabouts. Last time, it seemed that Ronnie was going to a small town called Ambrose.But she checked the map, and there was no town on the map, only a general direction.

"Let's go, ask where you are."

After eating, the two packed up and went to check out.Coming out of the hotel, Claire was about to ask Su Zhan how he was going. After all, the distance was not close, but Su Zhan smiled and asked her to wait for herself here, then turned and left.Five minutes later, Claire heard the roar of the sports car, and immediately saw Su Zhan driving a convertible sports car and stopping in front of her.

Claire was stunned for a moment, and looked a little stunned."This is your car?"

"Get in the car."

Claire got into the car excitedly, and soon... the car roared away.

Men like cars, women like them too!

Men like driving, while women like riding.

Showcasing the functions of the sports car to the fullest along the way, in this atmosphere, Claire also put aside some of the usual vigilance and depression, and yelled with excitement along the way, Su Zhan released the music casually, accompanied by music, cheers, and journey. It seemed to become more interesting, as if not to find someone, but just to go for a ride and relax.

Claire's mouth kept smiling, panting with fluttering hair, she had forgotten how long she hadn't been so happy.

Unknowingly, the day passed by like this, and the relationship between Claire and Su Zhan became much closer.

"It's getting dark. I checked the distance. It will take at least three hours to get to the next city, and there may be traffic jams on the way. It is said that there seems to be an American football league in the city tomorrow, so there are many people who dare to come here. Quite a lot." Su Zhan turned his head and said to Claire: "So now we have two options, one is camping, the surrounding environment is pretty good. The other is to drive the night train to a place to rest, you decide?"

"Camp!" Claire said.

After driving the car for a day, and didn't rest much in the middle, Claire was a little worried that Su Zhan would be tired.What's more, camping in the United States is a relatively common thing. Claire has not tried it. She also has a simple sleeping bag in her backpack!

"Listen to you!"

Su Zhan laughed and drove along the path beside him. After driving in a lush forest, he found a clean open space not far from him, which was suitable for camping!After listening to the car, the two got out of the car, and Claire took out his sleeping bag.

"There is only one sleeping bag, here it is!"

"Why... use it together?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Claire hummed: "Think beautifully!"

"Okay, keep the sleeping bag for you. I'll look around to see if I can get something."

"What are you doing?"

"At that time you will know."

Su Zhan gave a laugh, turned back to the car and found something pretendingly. It didn't take long for him to walk away with a machete.

Claire didn't know what he was going to do, and stayed where he was waiting.

It didn't take long for Claire to see Su Zhan coming over with trunks.

"You, what are you doing?" Claire was startled, unexpectedly Su Zhan went to cut down trees.Su Zhan smiled happily, and after carrying it around, the small trees that were cut down in a short time were already piled up like a mountain.Sit down right after Su Zhan, and started to sharpen it quickly.

Seeing his actions, Claire had a ridiculous thought.

"You... don't you want to build a house?"

"Guessed?" Su Zhan looked up and said with a smile: "Don't look surprised, I am very capable of hands-on."

"But there are no other tools at all. How do you build a house with wood? And, how long will it take? We are just camping for one night." Claire felt that Su Zhan's idea was terrible.

"Don't worry,'ll fall in love with this wooden house in a while!" Su Zhan smiled, but he kept moving, and the branches were quickly cut out.


The sound of the engine came from a distance and gradually approached. It didn't take long for a pickup truck to enter their sight. The car stopped aside and several people got off the car.Two women and three men, it seems that they are not too old, they should be high school students.

"Hey, we want to camp here, are we okay?" a black man walked over and asked.

"Whatever, we are just camping here." Claire said casually.

"Oh, that's good, brother, what are you doing?" The black man looked at Su Zhan and asked curiously.

"Build a wooden house!"

"Huh?" The black cried out in surprise. At this time, his companions also came over one after another. They were surprised to hear that Su Zhan had to build wooden huts, especially when they learned that they were also camping, just staying. I was even more surprised overnight.

But after all, I was not familiar with it and didn't say anything. Soon the group of people had gone to the other side to prepare a tent.

"Carly, do you think he can do it? He plans to build a wooden house here, and there are no tools. This is too fantastic, right?" One of the two girls, the tall blond girl, said to the slightly petite girl next to him. .

Carly glanced subconsciously and found that the wood had been cut into various shapes."It's pretty sure by his appearance, shouldn't it?"

"He seems to be Asian, I don't know if he is Chinese or Japanese. He looks handsome, and have you noticed his car?" The blonde girl said."Such a cool sports car, it seems that he should be a rich man!"

"Peggy, you can try it. Anyway, you didn't plan to agree to Black, just come to accompany me specially. However, Black is going to be disappointed, and he plans to take advantage of this time to come out to play and confess to you!" Li glanced at the black man who was moving, and said with a smile.

Chapter 1323 It's not intentional!

"I'm not interested in him!" Peggy shook her head, and then asked in a low voice, "It's you, didn't you have a bad relationship with your brother Nick? Why would you still agree to come out and play?"

Everyone was busy, only one boy with short hair was sitting aside smoking a cigarette, and he didn't mean to do anything.He is Carly's brother, Nick.Carly seemed to be disappointed and said to Page: "He just got out of jail, and Dawton is going to come out to play, just as Blake is going to watch the game, so I agreed! But thank you for your willingness. Come with me!"

"We are best friends!" Peggy said with a smile.

As the saying goes, good people are powerful, and with the tools ready, it didn't take long for them to set up two tents, one for boys and one for girls.A box of beer was taken down, and I have to say that their equipment shop is indeed very complete.

Peggy took two bottles of beer and walked towards Su Zhan. Looking at the woods of various sizes in a place, Peggy was very surprised. Let alone whether the wooden house can be built, this is very handcrafted. She never thought that a rich man like Su Zhan would have such skills!

Peggy came over and handed the wine to the two.

Claire glanced at Su Zhan subconsciously. After Su Zhan nodded and took it first, she said thank you for taking it.

"How long are you using? Would you like to take a break and sit down with us?" Peggy invited.

"It will be over soon." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"So..." Peggy replied, "Are these unnecessary? Can I take it away?"

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