Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1120

I sensed Claire's location, she was already in Japan, and the address appeared on the note Dongsanhe Town!

Dongsanhe Town is not large, and it is located in a remote area with a small population. As a result, there is no location for this town on the map navigation. It is a bit similar to the town of the previous horror wax museum. I don’t know what to think. Run to these remote towns.

If it hadn't sensed Claire's position, Su Zhan might take some time to find it.

Now that he had sensed Claire's position, it was much easier to do so, and he teleported over directly.

The body flashed, the next moment, Su Zhan had appeared in a hotel room.

The room is not big, it has a Japanese-style feel, with tatami mats and small tables.Su Zhan turned his head and looked at it. He immediately heard the sound of water. Turning to look, he saw the silhouette of a woman on the bathroom door.

Although a little fuzzy, the outline is still visible, it should be Claire.

The sound of the water gradually stopped. It seemed that the washing should be finished. After a while, the bathroom door opened, and Claire wiped her hair out of it.After just two steps, Claire found someone in the room, and when she looked up, she let out an exclamation and blocked her body subconsciously.

"It's too late, I've seen everything I should have seen." Seeing Claire's panic, Su Zhan said with a smile.

"You, when did you come?" Claire realized that Su was a little relieved after the war, and then hurriedly turned around to find a bath towel wrapped in it, and then asked.

"As soon as I arrived, the matters on my side have been handled almost, so come and see what is happening on your side." Su Zhan sat down casually and said: "How about it, it's almost a week since I came here? Have you heard anything?"

Speaking of this, Claire couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Originally, he didn't want to trouble Su Zhan, but he had other things at that time, so Claire came by himself.It took a lot of effort to find this place, but here comes the problem...

She doesn't understand Japanese!

Although there is mobile phone software that can respond, it is still very troublesome to communicate.In addition, she only has one address and no personal name, she has no clues or clues at all, and she has trouble finding someone.It can be said that it has been a week without any clues!

Although Abidon sent a demon to follow, he only secretly protected her safety and could not provide much help.

If she didn't happen to meet a kind person who was also here when she came, I am afraid she would have been even worse during this time.Speaking of that kind person, Claire was very grateful. She was very beautiful and had a hot body. She happened to be in the same place as herself and came to Dongsanhe Town.The most important thing is that she can speak Japanese, so I asked her to help find clues, but usually, Claire is really bad and troubles her.So she almost traveled all over Dongsanhe Town in this time, but still... nothing.

Hearing Claire's experience during this period of time, Su Zhan said with a smile: "Would you like to help me transform you into a new angel? This way you can easily understand any language in seconds."

"Aren't you here, you can do it!" Claire said.

Su Zhan shrugged: "Go and change your clothes and go for a walk. First get familiar with it."

Claire nodded and picked up the clothes next to him and went to the bathroom. It didn't take long for Claire to get dressed and packed out.

The two came out of the hotel and went shopping on the street.

Although it is far less prosperous than big cities like Tokyo, it is not bad, at least there are many things here.Passing a corner, Su Zhan saw an AV store blatantly open on the street, with all kinds of posters full of all kinds of posters, making people feel blushing.

"How? I'm right?" Su Zhan smiled and said to Claire.

Claire was silent, and she was a little surprised at first, even in the United States, such a store would not open so blatantly in a commercial street.Not only this, all kinds of comics and novels are emerging in an endless stream. I feel that people here seem to be used to and accepted. This makes Claire, who came to Japan for the first time, really feel the characteristics of this country!

Passing by a bookstore, Su Zhan found that even such a tall place was filled with adult publications, and it was still in the most conspicuous place, so I asked if you were afraid!


Suddenly, Su Zhan's pace stopped.

Claire urged a little embarrassedly: "What's the matter, hurry up! Don't tell me you are going in, my God, what's so good about this!"

"Did you see the wretched uncle next to him?" Su Zhan said with a smile suddenly."He has super powers!"

Chapter 1345 The Wonderful "We Are All Super Powers"

Claire looked in the direction that Su Zhan said, a middle-aged man with stubble, who looked at least in his forties and dressed very wretchedly.His expression was indescribable, his hands lifted up and swayed slightly, and his waist was twisted back and forth, very disgusting!

"Oh my god, this is just a pervert! You said he has super powers? How is this possible!" Claire said in disgust.

"Did you forget where this is?" Su Zhan said with a smirk."Look carefully, look at the books in the bookstore!"

"What's so good about the book?" Claire looked over suspiciously, and then saw a scene that stunned her.

An adult publication flew out of the bookshelf by itself.

"This..." Claire looked at the middle-aged man subconsciously, his hands seemed to be manipulating the book."Does he really have super powers, mind control?"

Seeing that the book fell into the hands of the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man left excitedly, and Su Zhan said: "From the point of view of ability, it seems like this. Mind manipulation, moving objects, etc., are relatively common and very common. A super power with a large development space! But his situation is quite special, and there are limits to his ability to use this ability."

"What restriction?" Claire asked curiously.

"He can only move objects that he thinks are related to that kind of thing. The higher the correlation, the stronger the ability."

"What is that kind of thing?" Claire asked curiously.

"Of course it is in line with the characteristics of this country." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Claire reacted instantly and said, " this too disgusting? His superpowers can only be used in such places?"

"Not necessarily. It depends on whether he is dirty enough. If it is dirty enough, even the old godmother can control it!"

"What is the old godmother?" Claire hadn't heard it obviously.

"A kind of hot sauce." Su Zhan said.


Originally, Claire still remembered Su Zhan and it was bothersome. Now it seems that Su Zhan is still normal. Compared with the people here, it is really insignificant.

At this time, another student wearing glasses walked out of the bookstore, holding a book about super powers in his hand.When passing by the two, Su Zhan heard the system prompt.

Fusion copy!

"Fusion copy "We are all superpowers""

"Task: Save the crisis in Dongsanhe Town!"


Seeing this system task, Su Zhan can't help but have a black line. It seems that the system is also afraid of harmony, so what is it...

For this copy, Su Zhan has no impression at all. After all, unlike the previous Sadako, his reputation is relatively large, and judging from the situation of the middle-aged man just now, this movie is definitely not a serious drama, but a bit dirty. The movie, this... Su Zhan really hasn't seen it.

"The one in the past... he also has super powers! It seems that there should be many super powers in this small town!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"He also has super powers?" Claire was stunned.

It feels too exaggerated, is it superpowers when you meet two people?I stayed here for almost a week and didn't find it.

"It seems that this small town will be very interesting, let's go, eat something first, by the way, figure out why so many superpowers suddenly appear, and see if it is related to darkness!" Su Zhan said, and then took Claire. Looking for a place to eat, chatting with the clerk by the way, and asking if anything special happened recently.

The clerk was very talkative, and talked a lot, especially about the sudden darkness that fell some time ago. At the moment after the darkness disappeared, many people saw Jane's brightness.After all, the clerk hadn't seen the superpowers yet, so they didn't know about superpowers, and couldn't judge whether superpowers were related to darkness.

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