Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1132

As long as Su Zhan takes the initiative, the next step should be a matter of course.

"This swimsuit is really perfect for you. If I were your student, I would never have the mind to listen to the class if I saw you dressed like this." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Really?" Teacher Shimizu said with some joy, and the students who had already imagined themselves in class were paying attention with excitement.

Su Zhan shook his head slightly, this ability to modify memory had a considerable impact, and it seemed that he could modify memory without any sense of violation.After thinking about it, Su Zhan looked at Teacher Qingshui and said: "But I am very selfish and stingy. I still like to treasure and appreciate the beautiful things privately, can only wear this swimsuit in front of me in the future. In addition... …You are deeply in love with me now, you will agree to any request from me, understand?"


Shimizu-Sensei's expression and eyes were dull for a moment, but he recovered.

Su Zhan smiled and asked, "Are you still going to go to class in a swimsuit?"

"Oh my god, how is that possible, I'm a teacher, how can I wear a swimsuit to class? But if you like, I can wear it to you in private!" Shimizu-teacher exclaimed.

"it is good!"

Su Zhan responded with a smile.

Although the ability to modify memory is good, it is far from his own ability to create the world.

As for what he said to Teacher Shimizu just now...he didn't feel any guilt at all.

After all, this copy is already so dirty, isn't it?

Su Zhan told Qingshui teacher something about superpowers. Although she was a little surprised, she quickly accepted it.However, Su Zhandao didn't say anything about her memory modification before, and it didn't affect anything anyway.It wasn't until Qiushan Dakako came up to inform Su Zhan that everyone had arrived, and Su Zhan and Qingshui teacher left.

When I got downstairs, I took a shower, changed my clothes, and then came to the first floor.

In the living room.

Professor Asami, Saying Asami, Miyuki Hirano, Kamo Kamogawa, Yosuke, almost everyone has arrived.

Teacher Shimizu also knows them, so there is no need to introduce them.

"Some of you know me, some don’t. Let me briefly introduce you. My name is Su Zhan, and I am an investor in this superpower group. The purpose of calling you here is also very simple. Professor Asami should have said that it is to establish a Superpower group. At present, it can be determined that there are already superpowers using their abilities to do some bad things, which will even affect the entire town in the near future. If you want to join, Professor Asami will tell you what to do and how to do it !"

"I... shall I join too?"

Asakami Saying asked in a low voice.

She is the only one who is not a superpower, but the daughter of Professor Asami. She should not be a member of the superpower group.

"humble opinion……"

Kamogawa Yoshiro looked at Asami, showing an expression of admiration.

Miyuki Hirano, who was next to him, gave him a kick.

Su Zhan naturally saw these little moves. Miyuki Hirano and Yoshiro Kamogawa were childhood sweethearts, and Yoshiro Kamogawa apparently had a crush on Saeike Asami.Looking at Sayami Asami and Miyuki Hirano, if under normal circumstances, Sayami Asami who is a quiet lady is more popular.

There are bound to be more admirers. If you choose one of the two, most of them will choose Kami Saying.

But... you don't need to choose one!

Smiling at Asami Saying, Su Zhan said affirmatively: "Of course you are one of them."

"But I don't have superpowers, and I'm not a professor like my father, I..." Asakura Saying stopped talking, Su Zhan smiled."I know what you are thinking, but you can rest assured that you will come to my room in a while and I will give you the answer!"

Chapter 1359 the price of the answer

"Yeah." Asakami Saying nodded lightly, her cheeks were slightly ruddy and looked a little shy.

"Miyuki Hirano, you will come with Asami in a while, and I have something to do with you!" Su Zhan turned his head.

"Me?" Miyuki Hirano pointed to herself and nodded in surprise.

After that, Professor Uri Asami began to explain his investigation results and the affairs of the superpower group. Su Zhan did not steal the limelight from him. Their reaction after hearing the basic conditions for acquiring the ability was also very interesting, especially Nagano Teru. Su Zhan couldn't help laughing just because of the self-defense of this middle-aged wretched man.No wonder it's still so wretched when you are old, right?

In short, in the end everyone joined the super power group. Su Zhan asked Akiyama Dakako to order the takeaway directly to celebrate the establishment of the super power group. After all... she really couldn't get enough of her cooking skills.

As a boss, as a boss, Su Zhan is still very generous.

After the things came, they didn’t participate in celebrating with them. Nagano Teru and Yosuke are too wretched. Although Duck-san is OK, but these two guys are inevitably affected. Such a scene... Su Zhan doesn’t want to see it. To.So simply divided into two groups.

If they want to be crazy, go crazy.

I called Shimizu-sensei, Akiyama Takako and Hirano Miyuki, Asami Saei went upstairs together, and squatted on the roof.

After seeing it, Duck wanted to follow up, but found that the door to the roof was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't push it open, and he couldn't even step over. Every time he stepped over, he would appear at the top of the stairs in the next second.After several times, he also knew that this was not allowed to go up, so he had no choice but to give up.

Asami Saei was relatively quiet, and Miyuki Hirano looked around curiously.As for the reactions of Akiyama Dakako and Shimizu-sensei, they were both very quiet, and then always paid attention to Su Zhan.

It would be even better if Mitsuko Mitsuko and Eri were also here.

Su Zhan thought about it this way, and saw Miyuki Hirano looking around and returning: "I don't see that you are still a local tyrant. Didn't you say that you can find something to do with me? What's the matter?"

"Well, what are you going to wear for school tomorrow?" Su Zhan asked casually.

"What to wear? Of course it's a school uniform, and the school doesn't allow anything else." Miyuki Hirano said puzzledly.

"What about you?" Su Zhan turned around and asked Asami Saying.

"I... I might wear a swimsuit, or... cooler." Asami Saei lowered his head and said.

"What? Wearing a swimsuit?" Miyuki Hirano looked at Asami Sae in amazement, somewhat suspecting that she had heard it wrong.

Asakami Saying nodded: "Didn't Aiko-sensei say that?"

"You're crazy, she told you to wear a swimsuit and you wear a swimsuit? Wait...Why don't you seem surprised at all?" Miyuki Hirano suddenly found that Su Zhan's mouth was smiling, and he didn't seem to be surprised at this answer.Anyone should be surprised, right?


Su Zhan smiled and picked up the cup and took a sip of wine.

"Your new teacher Aiko is very interesting."

"What on earth are you trying to say, don't be clouded with mist." Miyuki Hirano urged eagerly.

"Want to know?" Su Zhan looked at Miyuki Hirano and smiled: "Want to know is very simple, I will tell you when I lift my skirt up."

"Pervert!" Miyuki Hirano hummed."You have already seen it."

"That's different! That's because I let you lift it up, and it's different from what you lifted up yourself." Su Zhan said with a smile and shook his head.

"Ms. Shimizu, if it were you, would you turn it off?" Miyuki Hirano subconsciously asked the teacher for help.

As everyone knows, she found the wrong partner.Seeing Teacher Qingshui blushed, he whispered: "If it is his request, I will, and there is no problem even if it is completely stripped off!"

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