Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1134

Asakami Saying was a little surprised, and quickly recognized it, which was similar to the situation when darkness fell that day.

"You can start." Su Zhan's voice sounded from the darkness.

Kanakami hesitantly undressed and undressed, letting herself become frank, and at a loss...

She doesn't know what to do!

But haven’t eaten pork and haven’t seen a pig?This kind of "knowledge" does not need to be taught in a city in this place of Japan.She started to move a little jerky, really awkward at first, but Su Zhan couldn't see it in the dark.But slowly, she felt the feeling that she had never experienced before, and gradually fell into drunkenness.

In a daze, she seemed to have come to heaven, followed by...the body was full of an explosion.

You...have superpowers?

Tiredness, excitement, coupled with alcohol, made her breathe.

In a daze, she seemed to see Su Zhan.

She saw Su Zhan coming to her side, watching him stretch out his hand.

She saw...Su Zhan was as honest as herself!

She originally wanted to resist, but when she glanced at it somewhere, her movements stopped.



As the warm sunlight came in, Asami Saying subconsciously turned over to make her sleep more comfortable. She felt as if she was in a warm harbor, so practical and comfortable.As if there is a big hand warming himself.

Wait... hands?

Asakami Saying opened his eyes fiercely, and finally saw Su Zhan close at hand.

He was in his arms!

Immediately afterwards, a group of memories had flooded up, and she remembered what happened last night.

She subconsciously looked under Su Zhan, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "It's not an illusion."

"Of course it's not an illusion. Didn't you try it yourself yesterday." Su Zhan suddenly said, shocking Qian Jian Saying.

"I knew it, I knew that the people in this dungeon were amazing! I thought it was normal to see Saying, but it turned out to be dirty!" Looking at Saying, Su Zhan muttered to himself.At first, Asami Saying refused, but when she saw Su Zhan's'specialty', she gave up resistance.

This is her fate!

"Get up, it's time to go to school. After a while, there is still a good show to watch." Su Zhan stroked Asami Saying's cheek and said with a smile.

Chapter 1361 Really...Cool Classroom!

"What's a good show?" Asakami Saying found her school uniform to put on, and asked curiously.

"You'll know when you arrive!" Su Zhan said with a smile."Oh, yes, you are now a superpower."

Asakami Saying's movements stopped for an instant, staring at him with scorching eyes and said, "Really."

"Of course it is true." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"But... but doesn't it mean that only the place can do it? We... we yesterday, I... is not anymore." Asami Saying asked with confusion and shyness.

Su Zhan laughed and squeezed Asami Saying's chin, and asked her to look up at herself and said: "That's just a condition for gaining superpowers. It doesn't mean that you must remain a virgin body after having superpowers. Otherwise, I absolutely It won’t help you gain superpowers."

"Well, you can try your super powers!" Su Zhan smiled.

"What is it?" Asakami Saying felt that she had an unspeakable feeling, but it didn't seem to be superpower... but the kind of physical and mental satisfaction.

"Try moving the water cup to see!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Asakami Saying turned her head and looked at the water cup next to her, and then she found that an object similar to a gas wave appeared from her hand, and then it seemed to be wrapped around the water cup, letting the water cup move and fly with her thoughts. In his own hands.

"God, my goodness, I actually did it. Is this mind control? Why is it different from Uncle Keiko Nagano's? And... I didn't think about that kind of thing!" Asami Saying asked excitedly .

"Of course it is different. Your ability is not mind control, but a super power similar to almighty. You can study this aura, but it has a great effect. You have the potential to become the strongest of all superpowers. , I am optimistic about you!" Su Zhan smiled.

"Well, I will definitely work hard!"

Asami Saying nodded heavily.

When they came out of the room, everyone had already got up. Seeing Su Zhan and Asakami Saying coming down together, everyone had their own thoughts but they didn't show it. When Professor Asakami looked at his daughter, he looked at Su Zhan and stopped talking.

"For a while, Mr. Shimizu, I see Saying and Miyuki Hirano, you follow me to school. As for the others, don't go today."

After breakfast, Su Zhan confessed, and then drove a teacher and two students to the school together.

When he came to the school gate, Teacher Qingshui also stood at the school gate as usual to check whether the student's skirt was too short and whether there was a problem with the dress.Su Zhan stayed by and watched. Asakami Sae and Miyuki Hirano did not leave either. They also knew that something would happen today!

Seeing students entering the school under the inspection of Teacher Shimizu, everything seems to be normal and nothing special.

Just when Miyuki Hirano couldn't help but want to ask, the situation emerged!

One of their classmates showed up, but...she came here in underwear only.

A set of white underwear, nothing else worn, just walked over brightly. There were a lot of people around who were surprised, but she didn't seem to care.

"You, stop!"

Teacher Shimizu stopped her and said."How do you dress like this? Where's your school uniform?"

"Ms. Shimizu, teacher Aiko made us wear this way." The student replied ably.


Teacher Qingshui was speechless for a while, and subconsciously looked at Su Zhan.

Miyuki Hirano and Sayami Asami were also watching Su Zhan at this time.

Su Zhan smiled and said, "Let her in, the main event is still to come!"

Teacher Qingshui would not resist Su Zhan's request, and soon let the student in.Then, one after another similar classmates arrived, basically either underwear or swimsuit, and it seemed that I didn't feel anything unusual about wearing this way.

"very strange……"

"It seems that only girls in our class can do this. Is this what Aiko-sensei did?" Miyuki Hirano said in surprise.

"And... there seems to be no boys." Asami Saying said."It's not just our class. All boys in the school didn't come, including the male teacher. What's going on?"

"I did it!" Su Zhan said.

Don't give this pot to Teacher Aizi.

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