Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 114

Candace kept shaking in panic, looking at Lindaman, hoping that the boss could save her.It is a pity that the expression in Lin Daman's eyes did not change at all, as if he hadn't seen it.

"Aren't you curious about what she looks like? Open your eyes and look carefully, don't be scared." Su Zhan said to Eden, putting his hand on Candace to activate the swallowing ability.

In a moment, the ability had been stripped from Candace's body and was successfully swallowed by Su Zhan.

"Sure enough, it doesn't break or stand. Although it was a little dangerous before, the effect is very good!" Su Zhan is very satisfied with the current devouring speed, this time if it should be able to swallow Nakamura Hiroshi's ability.


Candace fell to the ground, revealing her true appearance.

A fat woman can hold four or five Ian women.

"Oh my God... it turned out to be so fat!"

Eden was taken aback. It was unexpected. The previous Candace was very slim and beautiful, but now she is fat and ugly. This contrast is really unacceptable.

Not only Eden, Jessica, and Haitians were taken aback.

They were all seeing Candace's true face for the first time.

"Erase her memory, then let her go."

Item 0138

Su Zhan hypnotized Lin Daman for the layout, layout for the next time he comes here.Although Lindaman's ability is also very powerful and useful, it can bring creatures back to life, or in other words, have the ability to heal others.But if he swallows his abilities now, the forces behind him will send someone to take his place, so that if they leave, Jessica and Eden may be in danger.

The ability is here anyway, just come and get it anytime, so you don't have to worry about Eden and the others.

The matter here is handled, Su Zhan began to locate Nakamura Hiro.

Fortunately, Hiroshi Nakamura is still in this time and space, or the timeline, otherwise, there is really no way to find him.

Locking Nakamura's position, Su Zhan was ready to set off.

Before leaving, Su Zhan certainly wanted to bid farewell to Jessica Eden.When Su Zhan bid farewell to Jessica and Nikki, Eden hesitated by the side. Seeing Jessica kissed Su Zhan and said a few words, then turned into Nikki and did the same thing. Is a little envious.

"I'm leaving, don't think about me, I will be back soon." Su Zhan walked to the side of Eden, hugging her and said.

"You, be careful yourself."

Although he didn't know what Su Zhan was going to do, Eden exhorted him.

"Do not worry."

Su Zhan smiled, then took the Haitian to the balcony to take off.

Eden gritted his teeth, hesitated for a long time, and finally made up his mind. Before Su Zhan left, he wanted to do what he had always wanted to do but didn't succeed, but at this time...Su Zhan had already flown away.



In a small town near Las Vegas, there is a small restaurant with good business.

Hiroshi Nakamura was sitting in the dining room for dinner. At this time the door opened and a person walked in.Seeing this person, Hiroshi Nakamura stood up instantly and said excitedly: "It's are the bad guy who wanted to take away my ability last time!"

Bad guys...

Hearing this word, Su Zhan felt particularly speechless.

Not because of the meaning of the word, but because the word came out of Nakamura's mouth. How did it feel so naive?

"Are you here to devour my ability? Hmph, I won't let you succeed, I am a hero, I will defeat you!"

Nakamura said angrily, squeezing his eyes and preparing to activate his abilities.

"The eyes are already small, and they won't be squeezed anymore. Don't waste your effort." Su Zhan shook his head and said, the Haitian had already walked out behind him.

"Cough, listen, everyone, if you don't want to get hurt, you'd better get out of here!" Su Zhan coughed, followed by a sudden burst of flames. In an instant, the people in the restaurant panicked and fled.

Before long, there was no one else in the restaurant.

Su Zhan hooked Nakamura Hiro.Hiroshi Nakamura flew in front of him instantly."I didn't succeed last time, this time...I have to decide your ability!"

The ability was activated, and Su Zhan already felt its resistance instantly, which made Su Zhan's heart happy, hurriedly concentrated, and swallowed his concentration.

The two pulled together. Slowly, slowly, it finally broke away from Nakamura Hiroshi's body and poured into Su Zhan's body!

Pata, Nakamura fell to the ground, crying in frustration.

"Haha, let me try how strong this ability is." Su Zhan laughed excitedly and shouted at the Haitian.

The Haitians closed the ability barrier, Su Zhan's brows tightened, and the ability was activated instantly.


Everything around was still, as if the whole world had been pressed the pause button, it was amazing.Seeing Nakamura Kan and the Haitians who stopped completely, Su Zhan couldn't describe what kind of feeling it was. Time was still, which felt great.

With a thought, Su Zhan recovered his ability.

"Haiti, delete his memory about his abilities, and save his depressed crying nose." Su Zhan confessed to the undersea people, and then the person suddenly disappeared.

He had already experienced the ability of time to stand still. Now, he wanted to experience the ability to travel through time and space. He chose to go to Claire a month ago.

At that time Claire still had super self-healing ability, Su Zhan was going to update Claire in the fighting arena to restore her ability.


It was almost the time when he opened his eyes and closed his eyes, Su Zhan had already appeared in a small town in Texas and saw Claire who had just returned from school.

"Update the status of the undead female Claire in the fighting arena." Su Zhan watched Claire approach, and instructed the system in his heart.

Claire looked at the strange Asian in front of him with some wonder. The look in his eyes was... a little strange?It seems to know yourself and be familiar with yourself?But Claire thought for a long time and never realized that she had seen this man.

As he passed by, Claire smiled politely at Su Zhan, and then walked straight away.After walking away, Claire looked back from time to time and found that he did not catch up, but just turned around and looked at himself with a smile, which made Claire a little flustered and hurriedly quickened his pace.

"I still like you in the future!"

Watching Claire walk away, Su Zhan said softly.

The system has been updated, and Su Zhan directly entered the fighting arena.

There is already an additional portrait of Jessica in the fighting arena. As for Eden, although the friendliness has also increased, it has not reached 80%, probably because there is no such sprint.

The color of Claire's head was already bright. After the selection was confirmed, Claire appeared in front of Su Zhan.The memory of the last time was deleted, so she had no impression of this place after she appeared, and she was a little panicked.But after seeing Su Zhan relax, he threw down Su Zhan's arms and said excitedly: "Why are you here? This is..."

"Don't ask this in a hurry, have your abilities recovered?" Su Zhan interrupted her and asked.

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