Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1140

This made Miyuki Hirano suddenly shocked. At this time, it was too late to go back upstairs. Asami Saei had already rushed over. Not long after, Miyuki Hirano was already affected and became one of them. .

Su Zhan teleported back to the room he had returned to first, and found that Shimizu-sensei and Mitsuko Mitsui were still asleep and turned and went downstairs.

He was shocked when he got off the stairs!

Takako Akiyama, Erri, Miyuki Hirano, Saeaki Asami, and the female reporter Keiko.

The scene is extremely chaotic and extremely shocking.

But what was even more shocking was yet to come. When Su Zhan appeared, everyone stopped, and then looked at Su Zhan with the look and expression that seemed to see the prey, as if they had a heart, and they all rushed forward together.In an instant, Su Zhan felt like he was stuck by an octopus, as if he had his hands moving there!

Poor Su Zhan did not resist at all and fell into the crowd. As Asami Saei who had already sent a blood, competed with Eri. It is best for Eri to win, and take the lead and follow suit. See Saying.And their actions seemed to enlighten others who hadn't experienced it before, and then... out of control!

It didn't take long for Shimizu-sensei and Mitsuko Mitsui to also go down, and soon joined the battle.

This kind of experience of taking turns in the Soviet war is still there, and it is completely HOLD!But swear to God, he really didn't plan to serve them in one pot at the beginning, even the female reporter Keiko who was not in the plan did not run away, or that they did not run at all, they took the initiative!

At the beginning, it was estimated that he had a good impression of the Soviet war, and after adding this influence, the result was obvious.

The blood dyed the carpet red, after seeming tireless begging, Su Zhan finally put them all down.

But I can be considered tired enough!

Just as Su Zhan was about to take a breath, he suddenly felt as if many people were approaching in the direction of the villa. When they walked to the door, Su Zhan was dumbfounded!

At a glance, it's white!

The women in the small town didn't know what was going on, as if they had received some goal, they all came here. The villa was completely surrounded.However, these people didn't seem to be doing anything special, nor did they rush in, nor were they in a riotous posture, just being nearby...what about each other!

This scene, this picture, don't want to be exciting!

"This... looks like it's aimed at you." Qiu Shan Duxiangzi came to Su Zhan's side and looked outside and whispered.

Su Zhan raised his hand and squeezed it unceremoniously, and then said solemnly: "Obviously. Their abilities are useless to me, but they are effective for you. Now they are getting everyone here again. This is to consume me. Physical strength and concentration?"

"It's true that no man can control the appearance outside, and in the house... we are also affected!" Akiyama Dakako whispered.

"Since they want to do this, then I do what they want." Su Zhan said with a sneer, but saw Keiko and Eri also come over, squatting beside Su Zhan one after another!

"Sure enough, I can't resist it! Man...huh!"

In the distance, Aiko, who was observing the villa, sneered and said to Kamiya: "No matter how powerful he is, he will be drained very quickly. When he falls into Gentle Township and is unwilling to leave, it is his death date. Now , We can implement our plan!"

In the small town, a group of people are gathering, and it is Aiko and Kamiya who take the lead.

Behind them, there are frank women!

If Su Zhan is here, you will find that some of these women are familiar, just outside of his villa.


These people are all clones created by Kamiya!

"Let's go, pass the lust to the whole world!" Aiko said exaggeratedly with open arms.

These replicas have that strong smell on their bodies. As long as these replicas leave the town and spread to all parts of the country, the smell can spread across the country in an instant, and no one can resist.At that time, the whole country will fall into obscene sex. This... is Aiko's plan and purpose!

This reason sounds weird, and it's like the kind of thing that a deep YY otaku would do.However, this is only the first step. When Japan falls, the whole world will follow. As the only one who can control all of this, she is naturally the Lord of the world!

It's just that the way she chooses to conquer the world is stranger.

With the sound of Aiko's voice, the duplicates moved together, ready to leave the town!

Chapter 1368 the beloved son and Shengu who went into battle in person

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

When these clones were about to leave the town, they suddenly felt as if they had hit something, and they were completely impassable.

It is not just one direction, but almost all copies of the direction have encountered such a situation. They are helpless in the area of ​​Dongsanhe, and once they have to leave this area, they can't get out.

"what happened!"

Aiko frowned and looked serious.

Kamiya tentatively walked over, but was also bounced back.

"It's not just a copy, we can't pass!" Kamiya turned his head and said.

"It must be his ghost!"

Aiko is a little angry. Her plan is to let these clones leave. Now that she is trapped here, isn't her plan aborted?

"My clothes are taken off!"

Aizi suddenly moved towards Kamiya.

Kamiya was stunned for a moment."What, what?"

"I said you took your clothes off!" Aiko said impatiently.

After hesitating, Kamiya took off his clothes.

"Come with me!"

Aizi said while leading the way, and soon... she took Shengu and the replica to the villa where Su Zhan was located.

"You will follow the clone for a while. No matter what you do, you have to get close to Su Zhan to attract Su Zhan's attention." Aiko said as she took off her clothes.It seems that he is also going to end in person, I have to say, quite hard."After you attract him, I will find the right opportunity to release the ability and modify his memory!"

"But..." Kamiya hesitated a little, she always felt that girls were the most beautiful and didn't have much interest in men.Although the scene that she saw in the classroom before made her somewhat psychologically changed, at least not so resistant, but at this time she was also a little embarrassed.

But Aiko had no room for negotiation, because Kamiya's memory had already been revised by her.

"There seems to be more people outside!"

"They seem to want to come in."

Kamiya and Aiko are hiding in the middle of the replicas. The replicas have already begun to push the doors and windows, one by one, looking very shocking.Not only these clones, but those who were outside before started to rush.

"Isn't that Kamogawa Yoshiro's mother, she kept her figure really good."

"Is that classmate Kamiya?"

Su Zhan glanced, not only saw Kamiya but also Aizi.Although there are many people and the scene looks chaotic, Aiko's characteristics are more obvious, taller, and her complexion is somewhat dark. Even if she deliberately hides, she can easily be spotted.

Seeing Aiko and Kamiya among the crowd, Su Zhan immediately understood why so many suddenly came, and suddenly these people seemed to be breaking in, they must have some plan, they want to get close to themselves in troubled waters, and go into battle in person!

For Aiko, Su Zhan has no interest at all, but Kamiya is not bad!

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