Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1148

Su Zhan didn't say much, Claire nodded."This, can you give it to me?"

"of course!"

Su Zhan actually heard it when Claire asked. The previous Ronnie was the one who gave the angel the soul. He had come to send Claire's mother once before, and then went back to find the next target. Died in the small town of Terror Wax Museum.As for Claire’s mother, she was lucky. She was going to be an angel’s dish, but because she was more pious, the angel planned to use her to do things for herself. According to Claire’s interrogation just now, it seemed...her mother should be in Tokyo!

The angel died.

Su Zhan received the reminder of the mission. It was obvious that this product was the key to the mission.

Now that the task is complete, Su Zhan should consider the next step.

After all, his main purpose is to accompany Claire to find her mother. Now that she knows that her mother is in Tokyo at this time, Claire must not be able to stay!

As for this side, nothing happened.

The few women who are more concerned have already got it, and there is only one video game store left, and it won't take too long to get it.

"You all go and clean up too. If you have anything to deal with as soon as possible, I will go to Tokyo with Claire tomorrow, and I will take you away when I get back." Su Zhan said to everyone.

"Where to go?" Asami Saying couldn't help asking.

"Go to heaven!"

"True heaven!"

Su Zhan said with a smile...

This night was destined to be restless. Whether it was killing the angel or going to the real heaven, everyone was tossing and turning, and it took a long time to fall asleep.Especially Claire, she went to Su Zhan's room to become a new angel at night. Originally, Claire wanted to say that she would simply take this opportunity... let Su Zhan succeed.

But Su Zhan refused.

At this time, all her thoughts were on her mother, and it would not be too late to wait until she found her mother.

This makes Claire very moved!

I have made up my mind to dedicate myself to Su Zhan after I find my mother!

Chapter 1377: Still Strange

Su Zhan rarely went to someone's room quietly, or took someone to his room, sleeping in the room alone.Before dawn, Su Zhan heard the door open while he was asleep, and someone crept in, seemingly afraid of waking others up.

See Saying?Miyuki Hirano or Eri?

Su Zhan didn't open his eyes. Anyway, there will be no outsiders who can come in. Just guess who she is and what she wants to do!

In the dimness, Su Zhan of Murososo felt someone climbing up. This posture... didn't feel like Saeaki Asami or Eri, they both belonged to relatively small types.Miyuki Hirano?Unlike him, she can't do such a thing.

Is there a lot of incense in Qiushan?

Su Zhan guessed, and soon he felt that the arrival person had crawled to his own legs, and he could feel that he was wearing pajamas through the touch, and it should be that kind of thin pajamas!However, she soon knew who it was!

This technique is definitely not Akiyama Dakako.

She is not so superb. It can be said that the people in the villa have their own merits, but the best in this area is undoubtedly Kamogawa Tsuko.

Why is she here?

This is preparing for good morning... bite?

"This is another thought!" Su Zhan didn't really think about it, squinted his eyes and enjoyed it. Anyway, what purpose she has, she will know in a moment!I have to say, purely from enjoyment, from a technical perspective, other people are really far behind, and each has its own merits!

After a while, Su Zhan felt that he was a little overwhelmed, and he was released very happily.

At this time, the sky was already slightly bright.

Su Zhan opened his eyes and saw Kamogawa Tsuko who was enduring a cough.

"Looking at her somewhat painful expression, it is obvious that this should be the first time!"

For Kamogawa Tsuko, Su Zhan didn't actually have any special thoughts.Regarding her identity, she is slightly more mature than Akiyama Dakako and has a special charm.Especially this technique is pretty good, and it's good to be a ventriloquist master.

But because of her identity, although it was an accident, Su Zhan didn't think much about it.

Su Zhan, the woman who acted on the scene, was not untouched before.

But now it seems that Kamogawa Tsuko has any thoughts!

"I'm not the kind of stingy person, and your performance makes me very satisfied. I can make you younger and keep you healthy forever." Su Zhan said slowly.

This kind of reward is already pretty good.

Whether young or healthy and longevity, this is not something ordinary people can do.

"I... can I go with you? Go to heaven!!" Kamogawa Tsuko wiped the corners of her mouth and asked in a low voice.

"Do you want to follow me?"

Su Zhan raised his eyebrows unexpectedly and said: "Are you sure? After all, you are different from them, and there are still ties. Besides, you don't have any advantage except that your mouth is a little valuable. And they will become excellent sooner or later. !"

"I...I don't know." Kamogawa Tsuko hesitated.

Before Su Zhan said that they would go back to clean up, and when they were going to heaven, Kamogawa Tsuko knew this should not include herself.At that moment, she felt extremely uncomfortable, as if she was squeezed out or abandoned. She also knew her value and didn't expect anything, she just felt that she should try!

So she came.

"In my place, the first time and not the first time the treatment is great. Although, I also have the same identity as you, but... she is just a pet. You should understand this!" Su Zhan said slowly .

"Then I am willing, and...I also have a clean place." Kamogawa Tsuko said.

"Behind?" Su Zhan raised his eyebrows and asked, until she didn't expect her to say that.

Kamogawa Tsuko nodded!

"For me, it doesn’t matter if I have one more person or one less person. I have a cleanliness addiction, but it’s also good to have fun. Besides, you at least look good, but you still have something to do with it. Go back and think about it. If you decide when I come back, I will agree!" Su Zhan thought for a while and said.


Kamogawa Tsuko responded, then respectfully got up and went out.

Su Zhan shook his head, and simply got up to wash.

Claire and Julie woke up early, and after having breakfast together, they decided to set off for Tokyo!

Su Zhan, Claire, adding Julie.

"Did you let me take you, or let Claire come?"

Su Zhan asked Julie.

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