Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1159

As for the last superboy, it is also a symbol of the existence of Superman in the Justice League, and his name is Connor Kent.There are several superboys, but Connor Kent should be the most famous, he is completely a young version of Superman.He is a Kryptonian biological clone, using superhuman genes, and his biological age is only 16 weeks. Before Artemis joined, he was rescued from the Biochemical Research Project of the Cadmus Project by the Youth Justice League. , Joined the Youth Justice League.Its abilities belong to the weakened version of Superman in all aspects, can't fly, and have no hot sight.

Su Zhan swept through them one by one and they had already understood it. By the time they were scanning, the Martian girl was slightly aware of it, but she was not sure, but only briefly revealed a puzzled expression.

"You can call me Su Zhan." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"We have a training session later, would you like to come and visit?" Robin asked.

"Okay!" Su Zhan didn't care, anyway, he had to study the teleporter, and he wouldn't leave immediately.

They were a bit resistant to the training class. You must know that they were all superhero assistants before. No matter their strength or experience, they feel that they are not bad. Now they are all independent and self-employed, so naturally they don’t want to participate. What training class.But this time, they were very positive.

Obviously, the drunkard's intention is not to drink, the training class is fake, take the opportunity to see the strength of Su Zhan is true.

However, Shaozheng is still Shaozheng, and it is indeed a little tender. Su Zhan can easily figure out their thoughts, but he doesn't mind letting them know.

When I came to the training room, the training room was empty and there was no one. Su Zhan chatted with Artemis on the side and asked her how it feels to join the team. The rest of them waited idly.Before long, a beautiful voice appeared.

Black canary!

Chapter 1390 Red Tornado and Black Canary

"Are you Su Zhan? You are younger and handsome than I thought, but... it doesn't look like a god." Black Canary came over, watching Su Zhan looking at him with interest.

Su Zhan was also looking at her, much more mature than the black canary or black sea monster he knew, with a sonic device around his neck and blond hair.

"Eyes are deceiving!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Black Canary shrugged, turned his head and said to the others: "Okay, it's time for training, don't be lazy, let's start!"

Robin and the others quickly competed with each other. Su Zhan looked around. Although they were only the Juvenile Justice League, they were still very good in terms of experience and age, especially their fighting ability. Far from being an adult.

Perhaps because of Su Zhan's presence here, they are more serious than usual.

"You should come often, this group of little guys is this serious for the first time." Black Canary said while standing beside Su Zhan.

"As long as the Arrow doesn't mind, I don't even mind." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Black Canary smiled and said, "You come from other parallel worlds? What are those worlds like? Is there me?"

"Earth 1 yours is also called Black Canary, but you don’t have something on your neck, but superpowers! At the same time, you are a member of the Justice League, the Raptor Squad! You of Earth 2 are the villains who have corrected themselves and are called the Black Sea Monster. Different, different personality, different dressing, but the same ability. Whether it is Black Canary or Black Sea Monster, both are my women!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

The black canary was stunned and shrugged: "Well, it sounds strange indeed."

"It's not that strange, at least there are differences in your length."


"No, there are differences in appearance, so you are safe." Su Zhan said with a smile.

The black canary said angrily: "You mean, I'm not as pretty as your black canary? Come on, let's try next?" The black canary said, shaking his wrist.

Su Zhan hadn't spoken yet, Robin and others roared, and had already given way.

Black Canary provocatively looked at Su Zhan, and Su Zhan shrugged and said: "Well, it seems that you won't be willing to show something."

Su Zhan walked up to the black canary and stood, Robin and others gathered together and curiously guessed: "Who do you think can win?"

"It should be Su Zhan? Isn't he a god? It should be very powerful."

"That's not necessarily true. Superboys are very strong in all aspects, far better than ordinary people, but they have not lost to Black Canary." Robin said.

The super boy snorted, seeming a little unhappy.

"Su Zhan will definitely win!" Artemis said firmly.

"it has started……"

At this moment, the black canary suddenly moved.

In an instant, the black canary rushed to Su Zhan, and his fists attacked Su Zhan almost at the same time.Su Zhan smiled slightly, and with a light wave of his palm, he heard two pops, and the black canary's arms and legs were bounced away, and the black canary changed his moves and continued to attack!

The speed is very fast, and the attack is also very investigative. It can be said that the fighting skills are used to the fullest. This kind of skill can make her play a huge role when she is not dominant in physical aspects.However, letting her attack like a violent storm, Su Zhan didn't move at all. He didn't even move his footsteps. He just waved his hands and understatement. He had already blocked the Black Canary's attack very leisurely and easily.

"Oh my god... so awesome..."

"This is the first time I have seen a black canary deflated!"

"Don't keep blocking, fight back!"

Shouted the black canary.


Su Zhan smiled helplessly. Black Canary was about to pay attention to her movements, but suddenly felt weightless. The next moment, she was already lying on the ground.Su Zhan was condescending next to her, smiling and reaching out...

The black canary lay in a daze for a long time, then grabbed Su Zhan's hand and stood up.

"So fast!" She didn't even see Su Zhan's movements and didn't react at all.If the other party didn't put her here, but had a killer move, I'm afraid he would be dead.This speed... seems to be faster than the Flash!

"I lost!"

Black Canary was very calm, nodded towards Su Zhan, and then let the computer release the clip just now.

There are naturally cameras and video equipment here, so that everyone can watch, learn and absorb experience after the end.

Everyone looked at the screen, only to find...Although the recording was recorded, it was too fast to see clearly.


"Slow down again."


When the playback frequency was at its slowest, everyone saw Su Zhan's movements at this time.Seeing Su Zhan walking to Black Canary's side very easily, touching her heel lightly, holding Black Canary’s waist with his hand, making a very simple and rough tripping motion. By the time he was holding the black canary together.

"Thank you. I didn't expect you to be such a gentleman!" Black Canary smiled at Su Zhan, no wonder she didn't feel the pain of falling.

It turned out that Su Zhan was supporting himself all the way, not so much as a fall, but as a result of being brought down.

Su Zhan smiled, at this time the red tornado had already come, and apparently the alliance had notified Su Zhan to visit the teleporter.

"I'll take a look first, and I'll look for you later."

Su Zhan said to Artemis, and then left the training room following the red tornado.

At this time, everyone was not thinking about training. They asked a lot about the Soviet war around Artemis. The Black Canary also seemed very curious and asked some questions.

Su Zhan followed the red tornado to the teleporter and began to study.

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