Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1162

As for Artemis and Robin directly hit the wall with the hook gun and stopped.

"These are my favorite boots!" The super kid slowed down while holding onto the wall with his bare hands, but eventually his hands fell into the lava. In an instant, his boots had completely melted, and he grunted in pain when he was barefoot. Can't help complaining.

Don't say, you deserve to be a super boy with superhuman genes. If you change other people's boots, you will have to waste your feet!



Outside the Destiny Tower, Kent was tied up with his hands and led Abracadiba and the men in black into the Destiny Tower.

"This tower will not welcome intruders."

"To shut up!"

After Abracadiba finished speaking, a silent electronic collar had been wrapped around Kent's neck, and Kent could no longer make a sound for a moment.

"Hello, Kent." Kent's virtual image appeared again."It's rare that you bring guests back. And one of them has a powerful mysterious power."

Kent couldn't speak, but obviously he could connect with his virtual image. The image disappeared in an instant, but this time the ground did not collapse. Instead, a door appeared on the wall. After the door opened, it was an upward staircase.

Abracadiba smiled triumphantly, and pushed Kent in.



"It's hard to keep, keep the height." The Martian girl hugged the lightning boy in the air, saying with some difficulty."I'm so hot!"

Martians are very afraid of fire, or heat.

Is this really a Martian?

The Shaoxia on the other side was also overwhelmed."Megan and Megan's body functions are very sensitive to extreme heat, and it won't last long."

Artemis and everyone subconsciously looked at Su Zhan.

Su Zhan is floating leisurely in the air.

"Aren't you helping us?" The Lightning kid couldn't help but shouted.

At this moment, the Martian girl suddenly thought of something, and said in shock: "By the way, Megan, we haven't really answered the question just now."

By the way, Megan, her spoken language.

"The Red Tornado sent us over to see if Mr. Kent and the Destiny Helmet are safe." The Martian girl shouted.

As the sound fell, a steel plate suddenly appeared above the magma, blocking the magma.Everyone was relieved and landed one after another.

"It's strange, this steel plate should be very hot, but it is actually cold?" Hai Shaoxia said puzzledly.

On the other side, the Lightning boy hugged the shoulders of the Martian girl."Don't worry, Megan, I will protect you."

"Enough! You want to make a good impression on Megan at all costs, and almost turned us into a barbecue." Artemis said unhappy.

"Why is this my fault again?" The Lightning boy said innocently.

"Because you lied about the thing that you don't know what it is, saying you are a true believer in magic." Artemis said.

"Walley, don't you believe it?" The Martian girl looked at the Lightning boy.

The Lightning boy said embarrassingly: "Alright, I said I believe that magic is a lie, but magic is the real lie and should bear the main responsibility."

"Wally, I studied at the Magic School in Atlantis for a year. The imprint of magic engraved on my skin allows me to drive the water blade." Hai Shaoxia said.

"Man, haven't you heard of bioelectricity? In primitive culture, fire used to be considered magic, but now it's just a little trick." Lightning boy defended.

"As a person who can break through the sound barrier in sports shoes, you are too conservative!" Artemis said.

"This is science! I created the current me by recreating the Flash laboratory accident, and everything can be explained by science!" said the Flash kid.

Artemis was so angry that he could only look towards Su Zhan, hoping that he would come to let the lightning boy know what real magic is.

Su Zhan smiled and said: "There is no way to be so troublesome, just a simple test. Hai Shaoxia, open the iron plate on the ground."

"Wait, the reverse air current generated by the lava will roast us alive!" The Lightning boy said hurriedly, but Shaoxia Hai had already opened it.

What appeared was not a hot air wave, but a cold air with snowflakes.

"It's Snow!" The Martian girl was surprised.

Artemis snorted triumphantly, and then everyone jumped down together.

After going down, everyone found that they were already in a world of ice and snow.

"what is that?"

"It may be Kent's wand!"

Everyone found that there was a magic wand floating in front, and the Lightning boy and Robin had passed by and grabbed it at almost the same time.

"Got it! Hey, I can't let go of my hand." The two of them took a mouthful at the same time, and they immediately saw the magic wand glow and flew up and disappeared.

Chapter 1394 Witch Child Coralion

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

The black-clothed men kept urging impatiently, they didn't stop since they entered the stairs, and the steps seemed to be endless.

"Tell us how to find the helmet of Destiny." Abracadiba removed the collar from Kent's neck.

Kent smiled and said, "Impossible."

"Old stuff, you dare to play with me!" Abracadiba immediately sent an electric shock, Kent fell to the ground electric.

"Hey, take a look, my friend is here!" Kent, who fell on the ground, said with a smile, and immediately saw Robin and the Lightning boy who were teleported by the wand suddenly appeared on the distant stairs. The situation here.

"Abrakadiba!" Robin recognized it instantly.

Suddenly, the wands in the hands of the two glowed, and Kent's body also lit up, and Kent flew toward the wand immediately afterwards.As soon as he held the wand, the rope in Kent's hand fell, and a door appeared out of thin air.

"Quick in," Kent said, and then pushed the two through the door.

The man in the suit shouted a little annoyed, and at the same time waved his hands, a mysterious purple power swept away, but unfortunately it was a little late.

Inside the door, it seems to be an elevator.

The three of them stood inside, and the atmosphere was a little quiet.

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