Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1174

The eyes were facing each other, which made Diana a little nervous, a little shy, and a little hopeful.Slowly descending her fingers along her chin, Diana's body became tense and tight, her breathing gradually became rapid, and she felt almost nothing through her clothes, just as hard as iron.

But what I want is this feeling.

Down, down...

Diana's hands broke free subconsciously, instinctively trying to untie the mantra noose.But she suddenly found that the mantra lasso didn't listen to her, and she still tied her hands.

"Wonder Woman Diana, are you willing to surrender to me, the great lord of the gods?" Su Zhan suddenly said in a deep voice.

Diana was stunned and looked at Su Zhan subconsciously, and found the playfulness and interest in Su Zhan's eyes. After hesitating, Diana slowly bends her body and knelt down on one knee: "I do!"

Kneeling on one knee, I really don't know how to cooperate.

Su Zhan murmured to himself, and continued to play his role with that superior posture."You should use actions to prove your attitude."

"Action?" Diana looked at Su Zhan tentatively, what should I do.

Su Zhan didn't speak, just looked underneath himself.

Diana understood this look, this hint.

His face flushed and hesitated.

"What are you still hesitating about, don't you really surrender to me?" Su Zhan urged.

Diana couldn't help but give him a blank look, slowly raised her hand to open the zipper, and then leaned over.

Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot!

Although she had had the closest contact with her before, but now she acts like this, that sense of conquest and accomplishment are really not covered up.

One of the three giants of the Justice League, the representative of female heroes.

The same thing, but her appearance and identity add a lot to this feeling.

Before long, Su Zhan couldn't bear it anymore.

"No more, no more play!"

Su Zhan yelled and pulled her up and got on the bed without taking off her uniform.

This sudden role-play made Su Zhan and Diana feel very good. Although it was only halfway through and ended, their'story' lasted all night.Even if Diana's physique was strong, she couldn't bear it. After a short squint, she felt sore and soft when she got up!

"Come on? No, I really can't do it anymore, you, you go find someone else." Seeing Su Zhan approaching him again, Diana hurriedly begged for mercy with some horror.

Su Zhan smiled triumphantly, and then said: "I just want to borrow a mantra lasso from you."

"Take it, take it." Diana breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Zhan took a real lasso, wrapped it around his wrist casually, and then said: "You can rest, I'm out."



In the Lex Group Building, although no one indicated that the Day of Destruction incident was related to Lex Luther last night, anyone who has read the news knows that Day of Destruction appeared from a laboratory, and this laboratory is Lex The laboratories under the group made some of the employees panic, and President Lex Luthor never showed up.

Even if Miss Benevolence, the secretary of the president, explained that this matter has nothing to do with the group, and explained that the president will arrive soon, but the effect is not obvious.

In the president's office.

A benevolent man in professional attire was making a call, and his face was not as calm as he had shown outside.

As Luthor’s secretary and bodyguard, Luthor handles many things by her. She also knows about the Doomsday’s experimental plan. She has been trying to contact Luther after working on the hair, but she couldn’t make contact all night. She is indeed worried now!

Once again, the phone was unanswered and hung up. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"No matter what is important, put it aside first, don't bother me!" Kindness yelled a little impatiently.

Chapter 1408

"Are you sure? I think you should really want to see me!" A voice came from outside the door.

Kindness originally wanted to swear, don't think she is just a secretary and bodyguard, but at Lex Company, there are definitely less than 10,000 people. Who would dare to talk to her like that?Even Lex Luther respected her very much, but the words came back to her lips. She turned her head in surprise and looked in the direction of the door. This voice... definitely not an employee of the company, and very familiar.

"Su Zhan!"

Kindness has a good memory, and he immediately recognized who the owner of this voice was.

Why is he here?What is the purpose?

Since he is here, then Luther...

The benevolent side thought, walking over to open the door.

Opening the door, it was Su Zhan who was standing outside.

He walked in with a smile, Su Zhan looked like a guest, looked at the office very comfortably, and said with a smile: "Luther is indeed a local tyrant, the office is so luxurious."

"The visitor is a guest, isn't that how you treat guests?" Su Zhan turned to benevolence and said.

Kindly said: "It depends on whether it is a good guest or a bad guest."

"How about a good guest, what about a bad guest?" Su Zhan sat on the sofa and looked at Luther, the secretary of the villain.

At the same time, Ren Ci was looking at her, but the feeling of kindness was a bit strange. It was the first time to meet, but Su Zhan's eyes had a familiar feeling.It's not that she is familiar with Su Zhan, but Su Zhan is familiar with her, as if he knows himself and has known himself for a long time.

"Did you know me before?" Although memory told Ren Ci that she had never known Su Zhan, but Su Zhan's appearance did not look like a fake, which made her ask.

Su Zhan shook his head: "No, this is the first time we met. But I am very familiar with you, or this face, this body, and the whole outside. There used to be a person called Mariko, who belongs to the Japanese family. The eldest daughter, a traditional woman who is not very interested in family business."

"Marriage?" Ren Ci didn't seem to have heard of this name. Hearing what it meant, this man named Marriage was exactly the same as his own."and then?"

"Then she became my slave girl!"


The words female slave were really surprised by Ren, especially when she thought that Mariko was the same as her own, she felt even more weird.

"But she did very well and did her best to please my master. In the beginning, she just handled her family affairs for me, and then she started to help me handle my affairs, and finally, until now... she is mine. Female slave, but she has become my right-hand man and the most important person in the country where half of the world’s territory belongs." Su Zhan turned around and continued: "There are countless superheroes who will listen to her. A word can change In the whole world, the leaders of countless big countries are called by her. If you want to meet, you need to make an appointment in advance. Yes, people all over the world know that she is my slave girl, but people all over the world respect her and envy her. She, in awe of her."

Kindness is in a trance, why haven't I heard of such a character?Moreover, it seems like myself!

It's just that this Mariko is a slave girl, he is a secretary, and there is absolutely no personal relationship between men and women.She is under one person in the Lex Group, but this Mariko is the world. Under one person is under ten thousand. This is much better than herself. If she can do it, right?

Female slaves or something, it's really not that important anymore.

and many more……

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