Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1176

Su Zhan didn't notice when they left, but others did.Especially Jesse Kuai Ke, Professor Harrison glanced at her before leaving and signaled her to leave with her, not wanting her daughter to mix it up, but Jesse Kuai Ke pretended not to see it and ignored his father's hint.

When everyone else left, the women became more and more open, especially Caitlin, Frost Killer, Ms. Lightning Patty, negative female Valentina, and others who had had a relationship with Su Zhan for a long time. Already considered blatant.The left and right sides of Su Zhan are even more like watching the flowers.


Su Zhan found out that the people around him had been replaced by the bomb girl Betty.

Wei Wei was a little surprised, but Su Zhan did not treat it differently.Although I haven't eaten Betty, when I first met Betty, I basically saw everything that I ought to see, and I felt everything that I should touch. The relationship can be said to be tacit and belongs to the meat in the bowl. .

But usually Su Zhan is not here often, even if it comes occasionally, it is another fact, Betty is not the kind of active person, the result is that the meat in the bowl has not turned into the mouth.

Su Zhan's hand didn't stop deliberately, nor did he feel unfamiliar. He was generous and treated Betty like everyone else.This allowed Betty to take the initiative to come over, and Betty, who was already a little nervous, was relieved instantly. Soon...under the influence of the alcohol atmosphere, Betty was already flushed and seemed to be a little emotional.

"It's too early, it's almost gone." Caitlin said with a glance.

"Yes, I'm a little drunk too."

"Let's clean up."

"Look at how Betty's face is blushing. She doesn't usually drink much. You can just send her back to the room to rest, and we can clean up here." Everyone said in a rush, with the intention. Even the drunk Jesse Kuai Ke could see it.

This is bringing together Su Zhan and Betty and creating opportunities for them!

Su Zhan glanced at Betty. Betty's face was indeed red like an apple, but she didn't make a acquiescence.With a smile, Su Zhan said: "Is only Betty who needs me to send it? Who else needs it, let's come together!"

For this question, one is not enough!

"It's very modest, then I'll be the master. Today's atmosphere is so good, so we can do it together. Xiaona, Black Sea Monster." Su Zhanmeng called, teleported female Xiaona, the double of Black Canary The body of the black sea monster, this was not eaten.At his name, Xiao Na and the Black Sea Monster glanced at each other, and then slowly stood up.

Xiao Na has not known Su Zhan for a short time. Some things should have happened long ago.The Black Sea Monster knew Su Zhan's style when he joined, and he was prepared.

The only thing I didn't expect would be the three together.

But imagine Su Zhan's powerful abilities. If this shop doesn't have any skills, so many women would have squeezed her dry.

Betty, Shauna, are adding a black siren.

Among the three women, the Black Sea Monster is the most beautiful and temperamental, dressed in the dark wind of Earth 2. Although the uniform of the Black Canary also has this style, it is not obvious, and there is a big difference in personality and temperament.Take the three of them to Betty's room, and the others stay to pack up.

It didn't take long for them to hear the voice ringing.

It is strange to say that this sound is not loud, but it seems to be very penetrating. The sound burrows into the ears, which makes the women who are packing outside feel extremely uncomfortable.

This night is not peaceful, this night is crazy.

The original plan was only three people, but these three obviously failed to surrender the Soviet war. In the end, except for Jesse Kuaiqi, everyone else joined the battle.

When they woke up the next day, everyone looked at this scene and thought it was a little absurd, but when they thought of the bravery of the Soviet war last night, they felt that the Soviet war had ridiculous capital, if only one, two, or at the beginning. I'm afraid that none of the three of them can satisfy him!

It took a long time for everyone to find their own clothes in a pile of clothes and put them on, and then one after another came out of the room. By this time, Barry and the others had already returned and they had already started a new day of work.Watching one person, another person coming out of Su Zhan's room, then they looked so bright and moisturized.

They have to admire it!

Su Zhan is really a man!

Finally, Su Zhan came out of the room with a katana.

By the way, he didn't leave the cutting-edge laboratory in a hurry, but stayed here for a while, and installed a teleporter to the alliance base by the way.

This is relatively simple, mainly to make it easy for them to go to the alliance base at any time, otherwise only the Flash and Ms. Flash can pass quickly, others are still more troublesome.Speaking of it, I forgot before I got to the Raptor team, and I went back to install one!

The teleporter was installed, and after the test, Su Zhan returned to the Raptor team with the katana and installed one.After thinking about it, one should be installed in Metropolis, Gotham City, and Star City.Su Zhan took a katana and went to Star City first. When he saw the Arrow Su Zhan, he couldn't help but think of the Arrow of Earth 16. There is a young version and an old version. The age difference is quite big. , Su Zhan said to him that the Green Arrow who still looks like you when you are old is confused. What is the situation?Why did you say this suddenly?

The teleporter installed by Su Zhan here, but saw Green Arrow searching for something on the computer over there. Seeing him neatly dressed, it seems that he has a task?

"Who are you dealing with?" Su Zhan said casually.

This was a very casual and normal question, but Arrow's expression became awkward.

Chapter 1411 Katana VS Cupid

Seeing Arrow's expression made Su Zhan amused. What kind of enemy he was embarrassed and hard to tell.It just so happened that the teleporter had been installed, Su Zhan came over and asked, "Tell me who made our Oliver Quinn so embarrassing."

"Recently, a guy who is good at using bows and arrows and is very high in archery appeared in Star City, but his shot was very hot and he didn't have a chance to survive. It also caused me a little trouble. I am tracking this person. According to the information I got, this She calls herself Cupid and her name is Galie Carter. She was originally a special forces fighter, but I didn’t find her recent resume. If nothing else, it should be a special project with a high level of confidentiality.” Arrow said slowly. .

" wonder!"

Su Zhan babbled and smiled.

It is a good thing to be worshipped or even imitated by someone, something to be proud of, but if this person is a little crazy or extreme, then it may not be a good thing.

This Galli Carter, this Cupid is an imitator and admirer of Arrow, who is good at bow and arrow, shooting, fighting, and uses the same multi-function arrows. I remember that he was once a member of the suicide squad.Unexpectedly, Arrow was dealing with her. He seemed to be very troublesome and a headache!

Speaking of the suicide squad, Su Zhan was actually quite interested, especially the katana around him, who was also a member of the original suicide squad.


Can you get a suicide squad?

For this kind of team combination, Su Zhan is still quite interested.

Whether it's the Justice League, the Raptors, or the Dark Justice League, Su Zhan is still very good.Thinking of this, Su Zhan said to Arrow: "I know a little about this Cupid, let me handle it!"

"You are not planning again..." Arrow looked at Su Zhan.

Su Zhan smiled without saying a word: "Anyway, just leave it to me. You should consider getting an assistant or something. This is also more convenient."

In the next moment, Su Zhan and Katana had left Arrow's base and came to the city.

"Don't you want to hone yourself? The opportunity is here! This Cupid's strength is not bad, although close combat is not as good as you, but long-range shooting is still good, give you a task to catch her back for me!" Su Zhan pointed to a house in the distance, and then said: "I am waiting for you on the rooftop above. If you can catch her, I will consider giving you a special reward!"


The katana responded and looked at the direction of the target, looking excited and ready to complete the task.

In the room of a certain residence, Jiali Carter had just come out of the shower, wrapped in a bath towel, and her good figure was revealed.Wiping his brown hair, he found his uniform and was about to put it on.Suddenly, she heard someone knock on the door, and at that moment she frowned.

No one knows this place.

Before he could think about it, Jiali Carter picked up the dagger next to him and walked slowly towards the door.

Possessed and leaned forward, trying to see who it was through the door. As soon as he approached, he felt a sense of crisis and subconsciously leaned back.

At this moment, a knife actually penetrated the door. If she reacted too slowly, the knife would directly penetrate her head.This is so, and it is also very thrilling to rub his cheeks.Jiali Carter turned and left, ran back to the bedroom and picked up a bow and arrow.

The katana broke through the door, and as soon as it came in, I heard the sound of breaking through the air.

Whoosh!An arrow shot over.

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