Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1187

This woman seemed to have evaporated. The Suicide Squad almost rummaged through Gotham City, and could not find her.

This person seems to be able to transform like a flower thorn, and has magical powers, it is really hard to find.

Although Su Zhan did not intend to intervene to help, but lack of intelligence, no clues, and no characters in the magic department, it was indeed more difficult for them to complete the task.After thinking about it, Su Zhan decided to find a helper!

Mrs. Shangdu!

Mrs. Shangdu herself is a figure in the magic department. Besides being immortal, she can predict the future, and finding someone is easy.What's more, even though Su Zhan knew her details, she hadn't tested it after all. This was a good opportunity.

At this time Mrs. Shangdu was not in the metropolis, but in New York!

When Su Zhan found Mrs. Shangdu, Mrs. Shangdu was shopping. When Su Zhan's figure suddenly appeared in front of her, Mrs. Shangdu was really taken aback.

"Look for me?" Mrs. Shangdu looked at Su Zhan and asked."Are you going back? Or?"

"I want you to do me a favor." Every time I see Mrs. Shang Du, the feeling of surprise is very strong, which will make Su Zhan's emotions uncontrollably transfer the realization to...somewhere.

"Ask me for help? This is your world. Is there anything I can do for you?" Mrs. Shangdu is very surprised. She now knows the strength and influence of Su Zhan very well. She doesn't think there are any circumstances that require Su Zhan to come here. I asked myself for help.

"Well, one of my team is investigating a person who is good at dark magic and it is difficult to find whereabouts. Because this is a test of them, I don't plan to do it myself, but there are no magic characters in the team, so... I want you to come and help." Su Zhan explained.

"That's it..." Mrs. Shangdu said: "It's no problem, but...Can you do me a favor first? I'm looking for someone too!"

"Are you looking for someone too?"

"Well, I found a gypsy girl. This girl is very capable, good at illusion and divination, and even knows how to get out of the body. I am a little curious about her, but she has been hiding her ability and dare not show it. I just found it by accident and wanted to find her, but she was aware of it and kept hiding from me." Mrs. Shangdu said.

"Gypsy girl, good at illusion and divination, and knows how to get out of the body?"

Listening to Mrs. Shangdu's description, Su Zhan felt vaguely impressed, as if he probably guessed who it was.

Regardless of whether it is DC or Marvel, there are so many superheroes. Some first-tier players are familiar with them, and some second-tier and third-tier players are not so well-known and recognizable.But this person is special because her code name is easy to remember.

Su Zhan smiled and said, "I should thank you for discovering her!"

"Do you want to recruit her? Join the Dark Justice League?"

Su Zhan shook his head."No, she belongs to another team! Okay, let's find her first."

"I already had a foreboding that the location where she would appear is nearby." Mrs. Shangdu said, and then led the way.

Su Zhan followed behind and looked at Mrs. Shangdu's back, which really made him a little fanciful.It seems that Mrs. Du didn't mean it on purpose, but her habit made her walking look very swaying and charming.After walking for five minutes, she soon came to an alley entrance. Mrs. Shangdu stopped and said, "That's it. In a while, she should be here."

"Then wait." Su Zhan responded with a smile, and asked her about her experience during this period of time.

Mrs. Du does have a lot of feelings about this, the first is the influence of Su Zhan and the Justice League, and the second is the tolerance of the world to superpowers and superheroes.During this period, she had shown her ability in front of others, but she didn't make anyone feel jealous or even very popular.

Of course, there may also be a bonus to the identity of Su Zhan woman.

But anyway, she likes the feeling of living in the sun and being at ease.

"Time has passed, why didn't she show up?" As he said, Mrs. Shangdu frowned suddenly and looked around. Not to mention the person she was looking for, no one passed here at all.

Su Zhan turned his head and cast a glance, then said with a smile: "She has already appeared."

"Appeared?" Mrs. Shangdu glanced suspiciously, slowly immersed in her mind, and after a while, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked into the alley.

"Sure enough, her illusion is really powerful, and she can be recruited without knowing it." Madame Shangdu said slowly: "Come out, your illusion stealth effect should be to use telepathy to produce mental interference. The effect of causing visual hallucinations is not pure invisibility."

As Mrs. Shangdu's voice fell, a person suddenly appeared in the empty alley.

This person’s dress is very exotic. He has long hair, a hair tie on his head, and a lot of lanyards scattered around his neck. He wears a robe and coat, which is very exotic. The top of the dress is ready to come out, the size is amazing!

Su Zhan glanced at Mrs. Shangdu subconsciously, um... it was Mrs. Shangdu's size!

"Gypsy girl, real name Cynthia, what I said, right?" Su Zhan slowly asked while looking at her.

"How do you know my name?" Gypsy girl Cynthia said in surprise.


PS: Gypsy girl Cynthia, from the Raptor team!

Chapter 1426 Penguin's Site?

"I don't know much." Su Zhan smiled and looked at the gypsy girl and said: "It's you, should you know me? Then what are you hiding?"

"I..." The gypsy girl really doesn't know what to say. Of course, she knows Su Zhan. There are really few people who don't know Su Zhan.But under normal circumstances, such a high-ranking person suddenly follows someone who doesn't know where to find him. Anyone will see what's going on first, right?"I don't know what you are looking for me for, I... I am Romanian."

"And then?" Su Zhandao didn't understand why this was.

Until then, Mrs. Shangdu understood what she meant, and said to Su Zhan: "Because of the times, many people have a certain prejudice against Romanian Gypsies, just like the wizards of the past. I am also a Gypsy, back then... Just like her, she has always been low-key, hiding her identity. If someone asks me, it will make me very nervous..."

"You gypsy?" The gypsy girl looked at Mrs. Shangdu unexpectedly.

"Well, yes." Madam Shangdu nodded.

After learning that she was also a gypsy, the gypsy girl Cynthia relaxed her whole body and took the initiative to come to Mrs. Shangdu by her side, becoming particularly enthusiastic.Although she had not been in direct contact before, she could feel that Mrs. Shangdu also possessed a special magical power, plus she was a Gypsy, and she suddenly became close.

This change made Su Zhan quite surprised. Seeing the two chatting and chatting, they soon became more and more familiar, which seemed to save a lot of trouble.

"Are you interested in joining the Justice League, Birds of Prey?" Seeing that the two were talking about it, Su Zhan invited.

The gypsy girl hesitated and said, "Does it have to be the Raptor team? Isn’t it the same for Mrs. Shangdu?

"She's not." Su Zhan shook his head.

"Then can I be with her?" the gypsy girl asked tentatively.

"As for Mrs. Shangdu, I hope she will join the Dark Justice League, plus she is from Parallel Earth 16, so..." Su Zhan paused and said."My arrangement for her is to be a member of the Dark Justice League, and you are a member of the Raptor Squad, because the Raptor Squad does not have a magical character. However, no matter which team it is, they are all members of the Justice League. Unable to cooperate."

"So..." The gypsy girl was a little moved and couldn't help asking: "Then my identity, if I join the Raptor team, I should be able to..."

"Yes! No one can look down on the members of the Justice League, including the president. If anyone dares to have an opinion on your identity, you can do whatever you want, and I will carry the consequences for you!" Su Zhan understood What she meant, gave an affirmative answer.

Speaking of which, no one has expressed dissatisfaction with the Justice League or someone so far.

Of course, Su Zhan does not deny that there is no, let alone, the US government will definitely have its own small ideas. After all, people are the government. If an individual prevents them from replacing them, it will definitely not work!But at present, there is no representative in this regard, maybe they will do small actions in private.

Of course, this is all digression.

"I join!"

The gypsy girl looked at Su Zhan, then at Mrs. Du, and finally nodded heavily.

"First of all, I welcome you to join the Raptor team. There is something right now. I originally wanted Mrs. Shangdu to go, so you can go with her." Su Zhan said with a smile.

The gypsy girl nodded her head to understand it, shouldn't this be some kind of assessment?After all, you have to show your ability!

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