Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1195

After integrating the Zhanmeng universe, not only can the power of faith be extracted at the same time, but the speed is very fast.

For about three hours, Su Zhan had just extracted the power of faith, and the Oracle and Batgirl had sent back news that Kate Kane’s identity had been confirmed and it was Batwoman.It's just that something happened right now, Batwoman didn't know how to provoke an opponent, she was extremely powerful, and the two of them planned to help.

"Such a coincidence?"

As soon as I investigated her here, did she meet an opponent there?

Su Zhan thought for a while and said, "Pay attention to your own safety, I will always pay attention to you."

After hanging up, Su Zhan brought the samurai sword and teleported directly, ready to see who could make them feel powerful.

Teleported past, Su Zhan did not appear directly beside them, but hidden in the dark.

The location was in a gold shop in Kate Kane, a block near Batwoman's home. At this time, the people in the gold shop had already ran out and there was a mess outside.And inside, a woman with a fiery red cloak, a tight leather jacket, and a red bat-shaped blindfold is fighting. There is no doubt that this is Batwoman.

As for his opponent!

So Su Zhan felt unexpected and expected.

Mud face, also called mud face man.

Except for the limbs and the overall frame of the head that looks like a person, the rest is completely a monster, looking paralyzed, and the body is completely muddy, just looking at it makes me feel a little sick.

As Batman's veteran enemy, Mud Mask was originally an actor. He was disfigured by a car accident. Then he tried a cosmetic mud made by a black heart company. The result was excessive abuse, side effects, and earth-like superpowers.Its body can be transformed into any shape, even anyone. It can be soft or hard, and its strength is comparable to that of rock. It is really difficult to deal with!

Chapter 1436 Batwoman Kate Kane

"It turned out to be a clay-faced man!"

Recognizing the identity of the enemy, Su Zhan didn't expect much. The special ability of Mud Mask really made it not so easy to deal with, especially for ordinary superheroes who are good at fighting, it is quite tricky.It can be seen now that although Batwoman's strength is good, the mud mask sometimes turns her arms into huge rock hammers or huge fists, making her hard to defend.And Batwoman's attack basically won't cause any harm to him. Even if he uses weapons or tools, it will penetrate his mud-like body and recover quickly.

To put it simply, no matter how strong your fighting skills are, there is no use to it. The situation is very unfavorable.

At this time, the oracle and Batwoman have also joined the battle. Although they were a little surprised by the sudden appearance of the two Batgirls, they did not say much at this time. The three people joined forces to reverse the situation, but they wanted to defeat. The clay mask is not so easy.

"Are you going to help?" Katana asked.

Su Zhan shook his head: "Even if you go down, the effect is not great. The situation of the Mud Mask is quite special and it is difficult to kill directly. Moreover, Batgirl and the Oracle may not be prepared, but look at Batwoman and see her. Her expression, she has never seen panic or impatient, either her mental quality is strong, or she has some confidence. After all, this should not be the first time she has played against a mud-faced man, adding her background, if she has not If she prepares, she should treat a rich second generation honestly."

The katana took a closer look, and she found Batwoman as Su Zhan said.

"You two, I need time!" Batwoman suddenly shouted.

Batwoman and the oracle glanced at each other. Soon, the batwoman began to throw all kinds of tools and bowed left and right with the oracle, entangled the mudman, but the speciality of the mudman was combined with the experience of the two. It's not rich, but it's dangerous.While the two of them were dragging the Mud Mask, Batwoman took out a few specially made bullets from his belt and installed them on the gun. The action was very quick and it took only a few seconds to install.Then he shouted: "Get out of the way."

Batwoman and the oracle drew away at the same time, and Batwoman shot suddenly.


The bullet flew toward the mud-faced man, but the mud-faced man's body suddenly softened and turned into a puddle of mud, turning into a big pile, and then avoided the bullet.

The Batgirl frowned.

"I only have three bullets."

The Batgirl and the Oracle understood immediately, it was obvious that this was a special bullet, and the change of the clay mask made it difficult for him to be hit.The Batgirl and the Oracle made another shot again, using special darts. Although the successive explosions did not hurt the mudman, it also affected the mudman's vision and judgment.At this time, Batwoman suddenly fired a shot at the top of the mudman with a rope gun. In an instant, Batwoman was already in the air, the red cloak fluttered, and instantly came to the top of the mudman, aim, and shoot!

This shot accurately hit the mud man.

Loosen the rope, Batwoman fell behind the Mud Face, and saw that the place where the Mud Face was hit was a cloud of white foam.

"This is... a quick fix for the foam?"

The oracle watched the inflated foam completely envelop the mud-faced man, only half of her head was exposed and howling there, unable to change at all. She was so admired that Batwoman would come up with this method to deal with the mud-faced man.

"This method, Batman once used it!"

Batgirl whispered.

Batwoman nodded. She knew that Batman had used this before, so she made preparations.But she was almost the same as what Batman had used before, but the speed of expansion and cooling was faster, which she deliberately got from the military arsenal.

"Who are you?" The Mud Mask figured it out, and Batwoman asked both of them.


"The Oracle."

"Who I am, I believe you already know. Although the cooperation just now was very pleasant, it is thanks to you that I could have the opportunity to shoot, otherwise it would be difficult for me to succeed. But... I still want to know why you are investigating and tracking Me!" As soon as Batwoman's voice fell, she suddenly threw two bat darts.

The oracle and the Batwoman reacted quickly, and they evaded in an instant, and the bat dart hit the ground and exploded, but suddenly two ropes were ejected, which instantly entangled their hands and feet.

"What are you doing!"

Batwoman shouted angrily.

"Don't do anything, just want to be more cautious, after all, if someone investigates you, you will figure out the reason, won't you?" Batwoman said with a grin.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do this. Two-to-one, you don't have a big chance of winning. Just give me a little time and I can announce your identity to the world. Although you may not have many enemies, but you are famous. The rich girl Kate Kane turned out to be Batwoman, I think both the outside world and your family will be surprised, right?" The Oracle said lightly.

Batwoman frowned and said in a deep voice, "You are really investigating me!"

The oracle didn't speak, took out the dart in the belt and cut the rope, and the Batgirl on the other side almost made the same action.

Batwoman hesitated, but finally did not stop.

"Why investigate me?" Batwoman asked.

"Investigating you is only our task, and now the task has been completed."

"Who are you guys? What is the purpose of investigating me? If you don't make it clear, I'm afraid I won't let it go." Batwoman has already taken out the bat dart.

"You are not the only one who can be prepared."

The oracle said faintly, and suddenly there was the sound of a police siren outside.

"Ten minutes ago, I notified the Gotham police. If you want to keep us forcibly, I'm afraid the police are going to arrest you." The oracle said lightly, and then walked towards the door slowly with Batgirl.

Chapter 1437 Concave-convex combination is complete!

Batwoman finally didn't make a move, but turned and left through the back door.When the police came in, all they saw were the mess after the battle and the trapped mud-faced man. This made the Chief Gordon who came here in person a little worried. How can I get this back?

"This Batman, always like this..." Chief Gordon complained.

"This pot Batman really doesn't know how to recite." Behind him, a teasing voice suddenly sounded.

Director Gordon turned around and saw that some of them turned out to be Su Zhan."You mean, it wasn't Batman who did it?"

"Batwoman, Batwoman, Oracle, three people!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

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