Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 130

"do not move!"

The Toad man did not dare to move, Steve snatched the gun in his hand and threw it aside, and asked in a deep voice, "Why are you here? Who sent you here."

"I said the captain, do you still need to ask?" Seeing Steve interrogating Toad Man, Su Zhan couldn't help but complain: "Just him? Who else do you think sent him? It can only be Magneto. That's it."

"The Magneto is really good enough. There are many mutants under his hand. Whoever can't let him come, I said, Magneto despise you!" Su Zhan looked at Nick Fury and said .

Nick Fury said indifferently: "People who look down on me will naturally pay the price."

"Tsk tusk, it's very aggressive, do you know if you would have died today without me? One Winter Soldier is enough for you, and there are two mutants. Magneto is now engaged with Hydra , You who have lost S.H.I.E.L.D. resources, what do you take to make them pay?" Su Zhan pouted, not knowing where Nick Fury was confident.

"Aren't you still there?" Nick Fury looked at Su Zhan."Although you said it was because of Natasha that you came to help me, I absolutely don't believe that this is the case. What's more, they do not despise me as much as they despise you? They know you are here and you are protecting I, also sent him..."

"Actually, I really hate you. I play so badly. I want to kill someone with a knife in a few words, so I want to persuade me to help you? Do you think I'm stupid?" Su Zhan snorted."I'm just saving you this time, and the rest has nothing to do with me."

"Hey, Lao Wan can't just send you here, right?" Su Zhan asked towards Toadman.

He found that the system still did not give a reminder that the task was completed, that is to say, the matter is not over yet.

"I, I don't know!" Toad said, shaking his head.

"Do you think we will believe it?" Steve shouted in a deep voice.

Su Zhan shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, even if you refuse to say, I can know what I want." He released his mind-reading ability and quietly listened to the voice of Toad people.

After a while, Su Zhan frowned.

"what happened?"

Steve asked suspiciously.

"This guy turned out to be true..." Su Zhan found out that the Toad people really didn't know if Magneto had sent someone else, or that Magneto had just sent him alone, but Hydra didn't. For sure.

Just thinking about it, Su Zhan heard Nick Fury snorting, and then discovered that Nick Fury was missing, and the door was heavily closed. It was a long time before the sound of slamming the door was heard.

Steve was shocked and hurriedly chased it out.

Su Zhan did not move, he knew who had taken Nick Fury.Recalling the content of the task, he knew where the problem was.

Item 0158

I am preconceived!

After figuring out the cause of the problem, Su Zhan was about to leave to complete the task. Who knew the door was pushed open again, Sharon walked in tentatively, and when he saw Su Zhan and the toad lying underground, Sharon asked suspiciously: "Did something happen? I heard the gunshot just now and saw Steve rushing out."

"It's just a small accident." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Sharon looked puzzled, but wondered what the accident was and who was the man lying underground.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it. When you have to do it now, go back to your house and do your own thing." Su Zhan smiled, and Sharon would be suspicious. She didn't believe it was just a small accident, but she didn't know. Why, looking at Su Zhan's calm and confident expression made her feel that no matter what happened, he could solve it.Especially his voice, obviously nothing special, made Sharon feel unusually secure and relieved.

"Then...then I'm going back, you, be careful yourself." Sharon could only say a word of concern without revealing his identity, and then turned around and went back.

After Sharon left, Su Zhan was also ready to go.

"Wait, don't go, I... what should I do?"

Seeing that Su Zhan was about to leave, Toad stood up hurriedly, and asked Su Zhan in a daze.

Su Zhan looked at Toad Man dumbly, unexpectedly he would ask like that.

Speaking of it, this toad man can be regarded as pitiful, because he is ugly and not strong, and even a bit disgusting. After all, his ability is either strong or cool, but he is like a toad.Therefore, he is particularly lack of caring. As long as someone cares about him a little bit, he will work hard for the other party. Magneto has solicited him back then.

In fact, this guy is really not a bad guy!

"Just be a hostage, maybe I can use you to rescue Nick Fury." Su Zhan shook his head, suddenly reached out and grabbed the Toad Man, and followed closely... The Toad Man felt the scenery in front of him. Suddenly, it was originally in Captain America's house, but now it suddenly appeared in an abandoned factory.

After a closer look, the toad people recognized that this was the temporary base they had looked for before?When he was about to speak, he suddenly realized that he was locked up, like a cell, with no sound at all.

Su Zhan took two steps forward and looked at the group of people on guard.

There are four people in total.

Callisto was standing on the very edge. Next to her stood a man who looked like an Asian. His face and body were covered with thorns, which looked like a hedgehog. Next to the hedgehog was a man wearing a helmet. A sturdy and tall man in armor was half taller than the others.Next to him, there is a silly man!

Callisto, Hedgehog, Red Tank, and... Clone?

Not far behind the four, the Winter Soldier was standing next to Nick Fury. Nick Fury’s hand was leaning against the pipe beside him. The Winter Soldier’s face was a little pale and looked a little weak. It didn't take long to wake up.

"Where is Magneto?"

Su Zhan glanced around and found that Magneto was a little disappointed.

"Su Zhan, we don't want to be an enemy of you. This matter has nothing to do with you. You have already killed Arc Light. If you are willing to leave here, Magneto will definitely not pursue it..." Callisto said in a deep voice.

It seems that among these people, Callisto should be the master.

"This matter has something to do with me since you rescued the Winter Soldier. What's more... Even if there is no such thing, I will go to Magneto. It won’t be the case last time. It’s not him. I do not pursue it, but I want to pursue it. So, now you have two choices. One: release the person, then disappear from my eyes, go back and tell Magneto to wait for me to find him. Two: solve you, I will bring it myself People go."

"Choose a fart, one to four, do you think you can win?" The Hedgehog shook his head and said sharply.

"Don't you care about him?"

Su Zhan pointed at the toad man who was locked up.

Toad people became nervous instantly.

"He? It's just a trash. What's the value of not even completing the task?" The clone said disdainfully: "If you want to use him to threaten us, you would be wrong. You kill him and help us solve it. A waste."

"Are you sure? If Magneto..." Before Su Zhan's words were finished, the clone interrupted him impatiently."This is what Magneto explained, so don't give up. Don't expect to use him to exchange Nick Fury. If you want to kill, you must kill it!"

Su Zhan didn't finish speaking, just looked at Toad Man.Toad people were angry at first, and felt betrayed. Especially after hearing that Magneto had confessed this, he suddenly got up and sat down on the ground in despair. Then you are desperate and numb, which makes Su Zhan a little bit. Can't bear to look at it.

Although he didn't expect to use Toad Man as a hostage in exchange for Nick Fury, he just wanted the Toad Man to know what kind of people he was following, but now he is not sure whether it is right to do so.

This is a big blow to the toad people.

"One-to-four? For your kind of goods, even if it is a pair of forty, it makes no difference. You said that the toad man was abandoned by Magneto. In fact, why are you not? If Magneto is really there. If you are sure, he should be here now, not the four of you."

Su Zhan looked at them and shook his head, the etheric suit covered him and hooked his hands towards them.

"Let you shoot first, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to shoot!"


Su Zhan's words seemed to irritate them with a cold snort, the avatar shook his body quickly, and instantly separated many avatars, and rushed towards Su Zhan in a head.At the same time, the hedgehog dangled the thorns behind him.

"Aren't you going together?" Seeing Callisto and the Red Tank didn't seem to be going to rush forward, Su Zhan sneered, "You dare to have reservations when you do it with me. I really don't know how to write the dead words."

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