Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 134

The task of rescuing Nick Fury has been completed. The new task is only to survive for seven days, and there is no clear goal. If he does not go anywhere here and stays peacefully for seven days, the task will naturally be completed easily, but Su Zhandao didn't take this task seriously, nor did he stop because of it. He didn't dare to do anything or go anywhere.He called Skye and was going to ask him how things were going on there.

Tomorrow Steve will be arrested when he goes to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident base and become a fugitive of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Hydra will be seen again. Although Sif is there, wouldn’t it be better to avoid trouble?

After the phone rang a few times, it was connected.

"Honey..." Skye's voice was heard as soon as he was connected.

Su Zhan smiled and said, "It's me, where are you now?"

"At the base, what's the matter?"

"Is there any way to leave there, I mean the whole plane, all of you leave together."

"Should it be possible? Is something wrong?"

"You go and wake up others, I will go over, and I will tell you when that time comes."


Regarding Su Zhan's words, Skye naturally trusted him unconditionally and didn't ask much. After hanging up the phone, he went to inform others. It didn't take long for a group of people to gather in the meeting room.

Colson, May, Fitz, Simmons, Skye, and... Sif.

"What's the matter?" Coleson asked Skye.

Skye said in a deep voice, "I don't know, but Su Zhan said that he will come in a while, and let us be ready to leave here at any time."

"leave here?"

Coleson and the others are a little puzzled. This is the base of S.H.I.E.L.D. and it is not another place. Why does it sound like something dangerous?

"Su Zhan once said that there may be danger here, so let me stay here, and if the situation is not good, I will take you to the war league!" Sieff said.

The words of Skye and Sif are enough to prove that something is going to happen.

Coleson frowned and said, "I'm afraid something went wrong in the game, May, you go to start the plane, and everyone else is ready. No matter what happens, we will wait until we meet Su Zhan."

"Oh, it seems that the martial law is in place. I contacted them and told them to leave, but they refused to let them go and told us to stay here and don't move. I wanted to ask, but the other party was directly disconnected." Walked back and said hurriedly.

Item 0163

Martial law is over, and the entire base is under martial law.

After Su Zhan arrived, he could clearly feel that the atmosphere in the base was very solemn and filled with murderous intent. After he landed on the base, he entered the base and it was obvious that although they pretended to be normal, they were very alert to himself.While seemingly relaxed, the hand never left the gun.

"Why do I think you seem to be nervous?" Su Zhan said toward the accompanying person.

The man smiled unnaturally: "No, I am not nervous, but excited. I know your deeds, but I haven't had the opportunity to see it before, so I am excited now."

"Then do you want me to sign you?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"No, no need." The man was stunned for a moment, and shook his head in a slanderous way.

Su Zhan shrugged: "It seems that you don't admire me very much. Okay, I'm here. I hope I can have a good chat next time when I meet." With that, Su Zhan had already walked to the plane, and the man stopped. Come down and turn away.

"Close the hatch!"

After Su Zhan came in, he shouted directly.

Soon, the hatch slowly closed, and everyone had gathered in front of Su Zhan.

Su Zhan looked at Coleson and said, "Remember that I told you that S.H.I.E.L.D. is not the S.H.I. After entering S.H.I.E.L.D., years of development have already eroded or occupied S.H.I. Now I don’t know where to hide. Hydra has already cooperated with Magneto’s mutant brotherhood. Next, they will eliminate the backbone of SHIELD and completely control SHIELD.”

"This is impossible!"

Coleson said incredulously.

Su Zhan waved his hand to interrupt his surprise: "It's impossible to look back and you'll know it. You can't stay here, May?"

"It's ready, you can take off at any time, but..." Mei answered.

"It's just that the door of the base is sealed, and we can't take off without opening this door," Fitz said.

"There seems to be something wrong outside."

Skye took the computer and said in a deep voice, then moved the screen to the virtual screen.

It can be clearly seen that the troops outside are gathering, one by one, fully armed, slowly surrounding the spacecraft.Seeing this, even Coleson and the others would not believe it.

"I will deal with them!"

Sif drew out the sword with a chuckle, and said bravely.

"Just leave it to me, as long as you are ready to take off at any time, I will help you deal with other issues!"

Su Zhan said with a smile, and the two swords of fear had already appeared in his hands, and then walked out slowly.

Standing at the hatch, the hatch slowly opened.

As the hatch dropped a little bit, Su Zhan had already seen the heavily armed troops outside, one by one holding guns aimed at this side.

"The game begins!"

Su Zhan moved his wrists, gently swinging his double knives, and before the hatch had completely fallen down, he suddenly jumped out.


Now that there is nothing to say, when Su Zhan came out, the shout suddenly sounded, followed by the crackling bullets, and there was only one target, and that was Su Zhan!

The double knives in Su Zhan's hands were flying, airtight, and the bullets were spread out one after another.The body leaped high and appeared in the crowd after landing, with the knife in his hand falling, blood splashing, and the two knives of fear were like death's sickles, constantly reaping life.

A bomb suddenly flew over. Su Zhan raised his head and glanced up. The bomb stopped in the air and turned to look at the person who was still bombing. The bomb flew directly towards him. He wanted to run but was too late. After running a few steps The bomb exploded, blasting him to pieces.

This is how he copied Simmons' thought ability just now!

"Break it for me!"

Looking up at the heavy steel gate, Su Zhan shouted, the etheric uniforms on his body suddenly swarmed back to the state of etheric particles, and the dark red liquid turned and rushed towards the past instantly.

Da da da.

The etheric particles easily penetrated the heavy steel gate, and then repeated it back and forth. In a moment, although the steel gate did not open, the gate fell completely.The plum in the plane was a little nervous. If such a thick steel fell down, the plane must be scrapped.

However, her worries are now unnecessary. While the gate fell, the ether particles were not idle. They were constantly flowing around it, and the sword could be clearly seen. The steel gate was rapidly shrinking, and in the end it was directly affected by ether. The smashing of the particle hit completely disappeared.

Mei breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly started the plane for takeoff.

In the distance, the soldiers started shooting frantically at the plane, trying to prevent it from taking off.With a wave of Su Zhan's hand, the energy of the lamp ring turned into a protective film, and he directly wrapped the plane, and the ether particles returned to his body to re-form the combat uniform. Su Zhan suddenly raised the black knife. In an instant, the black knife appeared At that moment, the people nearby felt fear inexplicably with the black misty breath. That kind of fear was something they couldn't resist at all, and it grew from deep in their hearts.

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