Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1405

Sandra didn't know that her daughter had been here, and she found out what she was doing. She is now particularly engaged, and fear has completely lost her thinking. Her brain is blank, just doing things instinctively!

Outside, the cars flowed endlessly and the fire spread.

Gunshots have also been heard downstairs, but even this cannot organize these monsters to get out of the car and surround the restaurant.

"Boom boom!"

Su Zhan almost didn't aim at anything, just shooting, shooting.

Bullets flew out in an endless stream, while being controlled by Su Zhansuo, one bullet would often destroy several monsters at the same time!Almost one by one fell down, unknowingly, the number of bullets next to him dropped sharply, which made Su Zhan also feel a little fun.

There is a feeling of playing tower defense games.


Su Zhan yelled, but Sandra had no experience at all, and could not master it at all!

Excited Su Zhan shook his head and pulled Sandra up impatiently. Sandra was flustered and didn't know what Su Zhan was going to do, so Su Zhan was dragged onto the armrest, looking at the dark monster below. , Sandra was so scared that she didn't feel that her skirt had been picked up.


Sandra suddenly shouted and grabbed the handrail with both hands.

Su Zhan put the gun on her shoulder, pressed her head to lower Ata, and then muffled the gun. This was an easy idea for Su Zhan, and then Su Zhan started. Moving!

In the midst of this shaking, Su Zhan's marksmanship is still perfect.

Sandra was completely stupid.

I don't know if this is a gun stand or a gun stand.

But Su Zhan didn't care about those, this kind of gameplay was quite exciting, especially Sandra's body reaction caused by fear, it made Su Zhan feel very cool!

"Boom boom!"

The bullets fired wildly.

This is a crazy world, a crazy time!

Fortunately, no one came up, and no one saw this scene.

The gun battle lasted for more than an hour, and finally... the bullet was shot out.

Kill the last monster!

Also'killed' Sandra.

Leaving her, Sandra slumped to the end.

Su Zhan sorted it out and turned around.

When he came down, the others surrounded him instantly."It's great, I didn't expect us to hold on again this time!"

"You are so awesome!"

Listening to the admiration of the people around, Su Zhan smiled lightly: "There shouldn't be any danger tonight, but... is she going to give birth?"

"Yes, before dawn, Sandra, she should have experience in this area or she should be asked to help."

"She is also tired. Don't bother you. You can tell her when she comes down."

Su Zhan said lightly, and the others didn't doubt it.Audrey hesitated to speak but stopped, and finally did not speak.About half an hour or so, Sandra came down, and she looked really tired. Everyone told her about Claire. Sandra nodded silently!

Back to her daughter, Sandra hugged her.

Audrey was stunned, and slowly hugged her mother!

As Su Zhan analyzed, after this time, the outside is calm and there is no trouble, and no monsters appear again. After all, there is no one in the vicinity. Even if the angels want to possess themselves and become monsters, they must have talents nearby. Wait until you find them. It takes time for people to come back.The people in the restaurant are obviously characters in the plot. I guess there is no way to protect them.

Su Zhan rested for a while and took some things and went up again. Obviously, the roof top had been handed over to him, and no one else went up to disturb him.Claire's stomach gradually reacted, and everyone became nervous, ready to help her deliver the baby!

Su Zhan did not participate. Although there is no record of the birth of Messiah, this will be the hope of mankind, but it does not mean that he will be fine after birth. The angel Gabriel has not yet appeared!

It turned out that the purpose of the angel was to prevent the birth of the Messiah, but with the appearance of Gabriel, the purpose has become to kill the Messiah.

However, Gabriel shouldn't appear before dawn, and his serial task should be considered complete!

Sitting on the chair beside him, squinting, quietly waiting for dawn.

Downstairs, Claire’s painful cry sounded, and it lasted for almost half an hour before the voice gradually stopped, followed by... a loud baby's voice came, and accompanied by the baby's voice, the sun gradually became angry. The sun is rising!

The darkness was gone, the sun was shining, and it really felt so special.

In the dining room downstairs, looking at the baby and the sunshine outside, everyone had a kind of misery and the newborn began to feel.

Chapter 1692: Not That Easy To End

"Serial Mission 4: Kill Gabriel!"

After dawn, Su Zhan received a reminder that the mission was completed, and at the same time opened the next step of the serial mission.Killing Gabriel, apparently after the birth of Messiah, Gabriel should plan to take action personally.This task is not difficult, just wait for Gabriel to appear, but this bright sunny day, according to the previous habit, I am afraid that Gabriel should not appear, which means that there is still one day!

"What can I do?"

Su Zhan lay on a chair, with his feet on the fence on the roof.


The door of the rooftop was pushed open, Sandra closed the door hesitantly and walked over, watching her squeaky steps, her hands still covering her skirt, I guess she is not used to being so cool!

After all, that thing has long been left by Su Zhan.


Su Zhan asked casually, and reached out and touched Sandra's leg.

Sandra pushed subconsciously, and Su Zhan said indifferently: "Hidden, are you afraid to touch it after doing it?"

Sandra gritted her teeth and said: "The Messiah, the Messiah is born, this doomsday, can this nightmare be over?"

"What do you think?" Su Zhan asked rhetorically.

"I... I don't know!"

Yesterday's events are still vivid, even if she doesn't think about it, she can't help but resounding that she has done... done such crazy and vulgar things, now she just hopes that all of this can be over as soon as possible.

The coming of the Messiah means hope and it should be over.

But I don't know why, Sandra doesn't have that sense of relief. The previous depression seems to still exist, so she came up to ask Su Zhan, although she also knew that Su Zhan might not have an answer.

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