Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1407

Michael opened the door with a gun and rushed out!

"Go, get out from behind!"

Several people escorted the Messiah to prepare to leave from behind. As for Audrey's father, when Gabriel appeared...Finally died.It should be that his mission has been completed. After all, persisting until now is considered very strange and abnormal!



The two met with a bit of emotion.

On the rooftop, Su Zhan looked at Michael and Gabriel, and he also thought about the group of people who were about to leave quietly.Not only did he notice it, obviously... Gabriel also noticed, so he doesn't plan to continue to chat with Michael anymore, he has to complete his mission!

"Boom boom!"

Michael shot suddenly, and the wings behind Gabriel suddenly came together to spread out all the bullets and approached Michael.Wings waved and sharp, Michael dodged in a hurry but was still cut in a panic.

Regardless of the pain, Michael dropped the pistol without bullets and picked up an axe next to him.

However, Gabriel did not chase him, watching the police car that had driven away, Michael opened his wings and wanted to catch up.


In desperation, Michael threw the axe at Gabriel, but Gabriel easily avoided: "You can't stop me, no one can stop me from killing Messiah, he...should not exist!"

"Really? I don't think so!"

Su Zhan, who had not been moving, finally spoke. Sandra's mother and daughter looked at Su Zhan suspiciously, and saw Su Zhan stepping on the handrail, spreading her legs as if about to jump down.

The rooftop is not high, there is only the second floor, but it’s easy to fall if you jump like this. The two looked at Su Zhan worriedly, but suddenly found that Su Zhan’s feet were hanging in the air, but they didn’t fall down. The invisible space supports him, step by step... Su Zhan is walking in the air like this!

Mother and daughter Sandra were dumbfounded, and Michael below was dumbfounded.

Gabriel frowned and looked at Su Zhan: "Who... who are you?"

"I'm here to kill you!" Su Zhan said lightly.

"You want to kill me?" Gabriel asked with a frown.

Su Zhan shook his head: "I didn't want to, but wanted!"

"I don't care who you are or why you can do this... but I don't have time to waste with you now!" Although Gabriel was puzzled, his goal was only Messiah!

Chapter 1694 God Equals the Power of Rules

Gabriel said that he turned around and planned to fly to chase Messiah. Seeing his rapidly dancing wings, Su Zhan shook his head."It's not for you!" The voice fell, and the power of chaos suddenly flew out and immediately caught up with Gabriel. Gabriel felt a bit. He turned his head and looked at the power of chaos with a little dread, he could feel... This thing is dangerous!

The wings danced, and Gabriel changed positions in the air to try to avoid the power of chaos, but...the power of chaos was far faster than him, and he caught up with him almost instantly, grabbing his wings instantly!

For an instant, Gabriel stopped in the air. He struggled hard but it had no effect. With a swish, Gabriel was directly pulled back, and he fell to the ground with a loud noise.

Su Zhan's palm raised his head slightly, and Gabriel's wings were involuntarily pulled up to fly, and Gabriel also slowly lifted up.


Su Zhan snapped his fingers, and the power of Chaos suddenly activated, and he heard two clicks, Gabriel's wings were directly broken and pulled off, and Gabriel screamed in an instant.

"Destined to die, give you a happy one."

Su Zhan's voice faintly sounded, followed by the power of Chaos, dropping his wings and passing through Gabriel's body. After a while... Gabriel... burst!

There was a boom.

Blood spattered and blood was blurred.

Audrey and Sandra were a little frightened when they saw such a bloody scene. As for Michael, he was also stunned. He didn't expect Gabriel to be like this, so he could kill Su Zhan casually and easily. Up.

Who is he... on earth?

Before, he felt that Su Zhan was different from others. He was very calm and his marksmanship was superb, but he didn't think much about it. Now it seems... he is definitely not an ordinary person, but why he didn't have the slightest impression. He didn't find anyone with such ability who could compete with Su Zhan!

"mission completed!"

"Serial task 5: Kill God, the task is completed, the serial task is over!"

"Sure enough, there is a serial mission of 5, and it really is to kill God! I said that if it is only 4, this number is too dissonant!" Su Zhan's mouth raised slightly."Michael, don't you protect the Messiah?"

Michael was stunned, and finally walked to the car next to him, ready to chase the Messiah.

Su Zhan turned back and looked at the terrified Sandra and Audrey: "You wait for me here, don't ask for anything. I'll be back soon."

"You, where are you going?"

Sandra was only afraid of Su Zhan's method, and it was a little sudden. Now that Su Zhan was about to leave, she hurriedly asked.

"I'm going to kill God!"

Su Zhan smiled, the person had disappeared.

"He...what did he say?" Sandra muttered subconsciously.

"He said, he went to kill...God!" Audrey replied in a low voice.

God does not show up in this world, just like a will. Even the most loyal angel Gabriel can only guess what God means by some half-concealed oracles.Simply put, God is insubstantial, which means... He is actually the power of rules!

Su Zhan turned into the force of rules, and instantly felt the existence of God!

"It's strange, how come this is just a single copy... the power of rules is the same as in other fusion worlds?"

"Could it be that this world can be controlled without fusing the new world copy?"

Su Zhan was slightly surprised in his heart, but his actions did not stop, and he moved directly in the direction of God.God also sensed Su Zhan, and did not dodge or rush over, as if waiting for Su Zhan to approach!


When the two collided, Su Zhan directly released the devouring power!

If God is the power of rules, then God naturally does not exist if the power of rules is swallowed, and the task is naturally completed!

The power of rules is also level!

In terms of level, Su Zhan completely crushes God.

After all, he is just the power of the rules of a dungeon world. Although it is the same as the other fusion dungeons, the level is different.As soon as he touched him, God already felt that it was not his opponent who wanted to escape, but it was a pity that Su Zhan could not make him do what he wanted.

For Su Zhan and God, this is just a simple pursuit.

But this simple chase has had a great impact on the real world. Dark clouds are crushing, whirlwinds, earthquakes, floods... all kinds of disasters follow one after another. Compared with the previous monsters, this natural scene It's the end!

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