Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1413

Fairy Peony lowered his head and said.

She almost forgot that she was the fairy of Heaven, not really just Su Zhan's maid.

"Serve me well tonight, and I will let you go back to heaven tomorrow!"


Fairy Peony was overjoyed, but then he was a little confused."You really let me go back to heaven!"

Su Zhan frowned slightly, and did not speak but looked at Fairy Peony. Fairy Peony reacted immediately and hurriedly changed his words: "Master, master, did you really let me go back to Heaven?"

"It's pretty much the same. I will remember from now on. If you call me wrong again, I'm not welcome!" Su Zhan smiled satisfied, and reached out to play with Fairy Peony's body and said: "If you want to go back, I will let you go back. Although you The performance was good, but the freshness was lost. It just so happened that I had to go out for a walk."

Seeing that Su Zhan really wanted to let herself go back, Fairy Peony should have been happy, but she didn't know why she felt a sense of emptiness, as if she couldn't breathe after being punched.

"He... he is... tired of me?"

Fairy Peony couldn't help thinking.

"What? Don't you want to go back?" Su Zhan asked deliberately.

Fairy Peony shook his head.

At night, in the room!

Su Zhan didn't control Fairy Peony, Fairy Peony served with his heart and tried his best to please.

She didn't know whether she wanted to return to the heavenly court, or... there were other reasons!When she lay down after it was over, Fairy Peony had a slight expectation, but... Su Zhan was as usual.

Its daybreak.

"I... how should I report to the Queen Mother?"

Su Zhan let Fairy Peony leave as promised, but Fairy Peony didn't leave immediately, but asked.

"It's up to you, you can honestly say that I was forced to stay." Su Zhan didn't care.

Fairy Peony stopped talking, and finally Su Zhan took her out of the bamboo house, and then... turned into a glow and returned to the heaven.

As everyone knows, Su Zhan also quietly followed Fairy Peony to and from Heaven.

The power of chaos concealed it, and Su Zhan swaggered after him. Whether it was Fairy Peony or the guard of Nantianmen, even Erlang Shen Yang Jian did not find Su Zhan!Speaking of it, there are many changes in the world of Journey to the East. Almost all the immortals in the Heavenly Court have become wine sacs and rice bags. Guanyin is the same as the heavenly group, and there is almost no Buddhism.And the Lord Tongtian, one of the three dignified Sanqing, has become a demon.

In this level of world, it is estimated that few people can find Su Zhan.

After Fairy Peony returned to the Heavenly Court, she went to find the Queen Mother. At this time, Su Zhan found out how low the position of Fairy Peony in the Heavenly Court was. When meeting the Queen Mother, she needed someone to ask for instructions. He could only be seen after getting permission. Heaven!

But... This queen mother was very surprised by Su Zhan.

Although the rules are strict, it is clear that the Queen Mother is still good to Fairy Peony. Watching Fairy Peony talk about her unreturned matter, Su Zhan is looking at the Queen Mother.In his impression, the queen mothers are all middle-aged women who are dignified and virtuous, or cold and ruthless, and have different images through different film and television performing arts.He still remembered that the Queen Mother in the Journey to the East was a middle-aged woman, but the woman in front of her was completely unqualified.

She was a beautiful young woman, wearing a golden robe and a crown, she was surprisingly beautiful.In terms of appearance alone, it seems to be younger than Peony now, and more tender!

"Everyone has the heart to love beauty, even the Queen Mother is no exception."

He secretly said, listening to Fairy Peony saying: "I don't know who it is. I only know how strong it is to deal with methods. Peony was trapped in a mysterious place without the strength to fight back. During... To that person, until the other party suddenly released me, I didn't know who did it, so I went back to the Heavenly Court to report to the Queen Mother."

Listening to Fairy Peony, the corner of Su Zhan's mouth raised slightly.

It seems that the training during this period is very effective, she even concealed it for herself.

The Queen Mother obviously did not doubt Fairy Peony, she couldn't figure out who the other party was, and Fairy Peony had no way of knowing it was normal.Relieved that Fairy Peony did not blame her, let her go to rest first.

"Who would it be? He took Peony abducted but released it again. If it was Tongtian, what would he want to do!" After Peony left, the Queen Mother said in a low voice."That's all, the Jade Emperor and the Eight Immortals are worried about this matter."

With that, the Queen Mother got up and walked out slowly.

It didn't take long for the Queen Mother to come to a clear fairy pond surrounded by fairy mist, slowly taking off her clothes, unexpectedly... Want to take a bath?


Su Zhan followed the Queen Mother to see what she was going to do, and this was the first time he came to the Heavenly Court and he wanted to take a look. He didn't expect the Queen Mother to be unsuccessful, she would take a bath.But... I'm really in good shape!

Watching the Queen Mother enter the fairy pond, Su Zhan didn't want to leave anymore. For him who has a hobby of collectors and celebrities, watching the Queen Mother take a bath is something not to be missed!

Item 0007

The jade arms are like lotus roots, and the glow is moving.

Although the gestures were normal and naturally not charming at all, it made Su Zhan's eyes intently and slightly dry.Xu is because the rules are strict here, let alone an outsider to bother you, even if there is no ordinary fairy around him.In this case, the Queen Mother is naturally relaxed and more real.

Outside, she is the queen mother.

But here, when she was alone, she showed a little bit of a daughter's attitude.

The queen mother certainly has the supreme power to control all the female fairies, but the more so, the more demands will be made. How can she convince the public if she does not show her dignity?Only in private can she relax.

Squinting her eyes and leaning against the pool, the Queen Mother quietly enjoyed this tranquility, but she didn't know that there were others around her quietly enjoying it.Looking at the beautiful ketone body of the queen mother, Su Zhan secretly smirked and slowly stretched out his hand to her half exposed surface and squeezed it.


The Queen Mother, who had originally squinted her eyes, suddenly yelled and got up and blocked her body and opened her eyes to look around.

who is it!

Who is so daring to sneak into this place secretly, dare to... still dare to take advantage of himself.

What a heavy hand!

The queen mother was furious, but when she looked around, she found no one at all!

"Who is it, get out of me!" The Queen Mother screamed, and at the same time, the clothes next to her waved quickly and flew over and put on her, followed by a jump from the pool.Frowning and looking around, there is no one around as usual, but the Queen Mother does not believe it!

She still faintly hurts now, this is definitely not fake!

"Invisibility method?" The Queen Mother said with a sneer: "I don't believe I can't find you!"

When the voice fell, the Queen Mother used her magic power to look around again.


Under her magical power, if someone really hides here with the invisibility method, there will be nowhere to hide, but...there is still no one.

"It's impossible for anyone to escape my spell, could it be... ran away?"

The Queen Mother was very puzzled, unwilling to look at it a few more times to make sure there was no one, she could only give up bitterly.

"Asshole, no matter who you are, I will definitely catch you!" The Queen Mother murmured viciously.

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