Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1415

When the hour came, Fairy Peony got up and left and returned to her residence. Because of habit, Fairy Peony took off her light and prepared to rest, but then she suddenly reacted and murmured: "I'm not here with him again. Together, it doesn't need to be like this at all." With that, Fairy Peony hesitated and seemed to be ready to put it on, but after hesitating for a long time, she finally lay down.Without Su Zhan's arms, Fairy Peony felt empty, and she didn't know how long it took, she seemed to feel someone holding herself.

In a daze, Fairy Peony thought he was in the bamboo house, and turned around and hugged him.

Woke up the next day and found that there was no one around.

"It turns out... it's just my illusion."

Fairy Peony said sadly.



The Queen Mother suddenly screamed and suddenly turned over and sat up. The quilt blocked her body. The Queen Mother said sharply: "It's you again!"

"Yes, it's me again!"

Su Zhan laughed and said, "I'm here to play with you!"

"What do you want, what do you want, can't I promise you?" The queen mother was a little broken, she couldn't always be on guard all the time, right?She has only one thought now, what he wants, promise him herself and send him away quickly!

"Didn't I tell you what I want to do yesterday? Well, a new day has begun, and our game has begun. If you want to meet people, you'd better restrain it. I don't necessarily know when I will do it!" Su Zhan laughed. Said.

Su Zhan really did not deliberately scare her. At first, the Queen Mother thought she should not dare to mess around in front of others. Who knows that his courage is not small, but he actually... The bedroom.

"Your clothes are good-looking, they are luxurious and luxurious, but they just feel too verbose and not easy at all. I have a set of clothes here, how do you wear them?" Su Zhan smiled and said to the queen mother.Then he shook his hand, and a set of black underwear appeared.

Seeing something suddenly appeared, the Queen Mother was not too surprised, but she didn't understand what it was?And just a few pieces of fabric, can it count as clothes?After watching for a long time, the Queen Mother still couldn't help but said, "This...what is this?"

"It's called underwear. It's the underwear worn by women. How about it? It's much better than what you are wearing now? It's bloated, and it's not beautiful. The size I measured by myself should be no problem. Come and try... !" Su Zhan said.

The queen mother's face turned red when she heard that it was something close to her body. She just wanted to put things down. Who knew she took off her clothes. This shocked the queen mother and hurriedly wanted to resist, but It's useless...

Chapter 0009 Are You An Extraterritorial Demon?

"what are you doing!"

The queen mother knew that he must be the devil who hurriedly shouted.

"Try it on, you will experience it well." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"I wear it, I can't wear it!" The Queen Mother's tone had already been pleading.

Su Zhan stopped, and the Queen Mother reluctantly put on this so-called underwear. Su Zhan did not evade danger and told her how to wear it, but it was obviously useless.Although this thing is a modern product, the design is very simple, which can be seen naturally by the cleverness of the queen mother.

"Not bad!"

After the queen mother put it on, Su Zhan's voice rang.

"Don't look like that humiliating, I'm doing this for you, you will experience it after a long time. Well, the coat can be worn, rest assured, I have a better way to take advantage of you." Su Zhan smiled and said.

The Queen Mother was a little confused, but she still put her clothes on.

Apart from the reasons for Su Zhan, the Queen Mother had to admit that this thing called underwear is indeed... it is more comfortable, not only makes the shape look more beautiful, but also feels safe and practical.Although I don't know he made this, the Queen Mother still admires it.

Of course, it's just that.

Such a man with such a strong power actually specializes in women's underwear, which is simply a sin in the eyes of the Queen Mother.

"Come chat with me." Su Zhan said.

The queen frowned slightly: "What do you want to talk about!"

"Let’s talk about you, is it interesting to be here every day? Of course, you are the lord of female fairies, with an extraordinary status and a distinguished status, but there are also a lot of trivial things. Of course, this is nothing, but... You are the queen mother. To put it ugly, you are the canary trapped in the heaven. Don’t you want to have a little bit of your own life? Do what you want to do and let go of your identity? You are the queen mother, but you She is also a woman." Su Zhan asked casually.

"The immortal cannot have seven emotions and six desires, let alone this is my life." The Queen Mother said.

"What's wrong with seven emotions and six desires?"

"How can you have selfish desires if you become a fairy?"

"It's just a mere immortal, and you have to destroy your emotions. If you don't have seven emotions and six desires, what is the meaning of becoming a heaven?" Su Zhan was really hard to understand, and shook his head casually.

The queen mother's expression was slightly startled, and she thought of a terrible possibility.

God has a certain number!

Everyone’s existence is actually predestined for a long time, and it’s not a human being who doesn’t exist.And this person... can't count it by himself, but he is definitely not Tongtian.So the Queen Mother has been thinking about it all the time, guessing his identity, so strong but there is no clue!

But now he suddenly mentioned the Way of Heaven, and that tone seemed to say that he has the opportunity to become the Way of Heaven, but because the Way of Heaven has no emotions, he refused!

This idea... is bold and terrible!


How... how can anyone become a god without any sound?If someone can incarnate into the Way of Heaven, I am afraid that the gods would have known it a long time ago.Although this idea is absurd, the Queen Mother couldn't help but tentatively said: "How do you know what it will be like after becoming the Tao of Heaven, and... how easy it is to become the Tao of Heaven!"

"Only you gods will yearn for the way of heaven with all your heart. What is the way of heaven? The way of heaven is not unfeeling, but the way of heaven is strength! As long as your strength is strong, you can make everything proceed according to your ideas. Just like mortals look at you. , You are looking at Heavenly Dao!"

"If you can beat Tiandao, you will naturally become Tiandao!"

"Can you beat Heaven's Path?" the Queen Mother asked in surprise.

"Is this the world's way of heaven? I don't know, it's hidden deep, it's not so easy to find it." Su Zhan said casually.

The Queen Mother was shocked.

Seeing that he talked about the Dao of Heaven lightly, the Queen Mother believed that he was not the Dao of Heaven, but a person who had come into contact with that level!

"You said... the way of heaven in this world, are you... from this world?" the Queen Mother asked again.

Su Zhan smiled: "Don't think I didn't know you were testing me, but... it doesn't hurt to tell you. The world... there is more than this one!"

"So you are an extraterritorial demon, no wonder... no wonder I have been thinking about it for so long and can't figure out that you might be!" The Queen Mother said in surprise.

"Extraterritorial demon? Why do you think I am extraterritorial demon?"

Su Zhan is a bit speechless, even if I come from another world, I don't have to think that I am an extraterritorial demon directly!

"Isn't your style of doing things a demon?" The Queen Mother said firmly."It is said that the extraterritorial demon has no entity, but illusion, so I can't feel you."

Su Zhan curled his lips: "That can only prove that you have long hair and short knowledge."

"Why did you come here? You caught the Peony Fairy in the Heavenly Court before?"

"Is this disaster related to you!"

The Queen Mother identified Su Zhan as an extraterritorial demon, and instantly connected everything together.

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