Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1448

"Through the sky..."

Su Zhan pondered for a moment and said, "If I help Jade Emperor teach Tongtian, what benefits can I get?"

"That's how much we have to see."

"For example... to beat him up?" Su Zhan said with a smile: "With such an intensity, if I want Seven Fairies...enough?"

"It should be enough, but... if you want Seven Fairies, there is no need to do this. Last time you let me watch them and prevent them from going down to the earth. As long as I find a chance to let them down to the earth, the master will naturally get it. Originally, the Jade Emperor I don't dare to offend you. After you have killed so many Bodhisattvas and Arhats, he will even dare not." The Queen Mother said.

"If you think about it, I think about it, I'm still very satisfied. But it doesn't have to be so troublesome. Anyway, I want to teach Tongtian, so you can go back and propose to the Jade Emperor. Then you can let Fairy Peony go to Kunlun. !" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Fairy Peony..."

The queen mother was silent for a moment and nodded.

"I planned to find her, but I won't go back and give her a surprise. I'll stay with you for two days. Is there anyone in the pool? Let's go to the bubble bath." Su Zhan asked with a smile.

The queen mother then smiled again and said: "No one, after I come back this time, no one is allowed to enter the vicinity of my bedroom."

"Oh? Are you making it easy for me to come to you? Haha, then go ahead!"

Su Zhan discovered that the Queen Mother had really changed a lot, and she was completely depraved.Haha laughed, and hugged the queen mother and went out swaggeringly.Although it is certain that there is no one, this is the heaven after all, after all, it is her own bedroom, and the Queen Mother still feels ashamed.When he reached the pool, Su Zhan directly put the Queen Mother in, and jumped in immediately after him to play in the water and play with the Queen Mother.

The reservedness and shyness have disappeared unknowingly. No one would have imagined that the sacred and dignified queen mother would do such a thing with the alien demon in their own bedroom...

Item 0048

Su Zhan stayed in the bedroom of the palace for three days. During these three days, the queen mother did not go out or even put on clothes. There was a feeling when she was in the bamboo house.Three days later, Su Zhan returned to Yaochi, and the Queen Mother went to see the Jade Emperor.

Before the Queen Mother was only the head of the female fairy in the Heavenly Court, she did not participate in the important affairs of the Heavenly Court, but after the last Yaochi incident, the Jade Emperor was still a little guilty for the Queen Mother, and he also needed such a way to express his thoughts. There is no need for a person who considers face to decide some things, so he takes the Queen Mother's proposal very seriously.

"Is the Jade Emperor worrying about Tongtian?"

The Jade Emperor said bitterly: "I, the Jade Emperor, is really too awkward. I have finally solved the problem of the demon outside the territory. Now I have to face Tongtian. The eight immortals have not yet gathered, and Tongtian dare to come to the heaven to provoke, first the monkey. It's Tongtian again, I, the Jade Emperor, really...have lost my face!"

"I have a way to relieve your worries." The Queen Mother said slowly.

"What way?" Jade Emperor asked hurriedly.

"Extraterritorial demon." The Queen Mother said four words.

The Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment, and said, "Extraterrestrial demon? What does this have to do with him?"

"Tongtian is extremely powerful. Unless the Eight Immortals who should have been robbed of it take action, it will be difficult to deal with. Now Tongtian is arrogant. We can let the extraterritorial demon help teach Tongtian, and the arrogance of hitting the sky makes him unable to take care of the heavens and buy time for the eight immortals!" Said slowly.

The Jade Emperor nodded: "This is the solution, but how can the extraterritorial demon listen to me and deal with Tongtian?"

"Leave this to me. After all, he has occupied my Jade Lake. He wants to give me some thin noodles, but I am afraid that he will have to pay some price. Outer domain demon likes female sex, and there are not many suitable candidates among the heavenly female fairies. Seven fairies... Just right!" The Queen Mother said.


The Jade Emperor hesitated.

"This time Tongtian is just here to show off his might. What if he directly attacks Heavenly Court next time?" Seeing the Jade Emperor hesitate, the Queen Mother said lightly.

This sentence directly overwhelmed Jade Emperor's persistence.

"Well, then trouble the Queen Mother." The Jade Emperor said.

The Queen Mother got up and left, and then called Fairy Peony.

"Peony, you go to Yaochi to meet the outer heaven demon." The Queen Mother said lightly.

Yaochi, an extraterritorial demon, master?

Fairy Peony was stunned for a moment, and she was delighted, but she still pretended to be calm and suspicious and asked: "Mother Queen, seeing him, I...what do I need to say?"

"Don't you know?" The Queen Mother asked if it was worthwhile.

Fairy Peony shook his head in panic slightly.

"Fine, you'll know when you go,"

The Queen Mother shook her head slightly, and Fairy Peony didn't dare to ask more, and immediately left and went to Yaochi excitedly.After Fairy Peony left, the Queen Mother went to see the Seven Fairies again, and gave them as a condition to the celestial demon outside the territory. Some things still have to be explained!

There are two flowers, one for each, not to mention how the Queen Mother persuades the Seven Fairies, only that the Peony Fairy has come back to Yaochi all the way.Seeing the prosperous scene of the daughter country below, Peony Fairy was also a little surprised, but she didn't delay, and went straight to the entrance of Yaochi.

A layer of light suddenly appeared in the originally empty Jade Lake. As the light wave expanded, Fairy Peony had already seen the scene inside.Stepping in, Fairy Peony found that the clothes on her body were disappearing quickly, and the light wave behind her quickly turned off.When I entered, I was already without an inch.

Walking forward, I soon came to the palace and saw the people in the palace!

Protector little demon, tree tree spirit, white bone spirit, Zhenniang, He Xiangu, Chang'e.

Like a hundred flowers contending for beauty!

Fairy Peony was slightly shy, but stared straight at Su Zhan on the jade couch.

"Peony, I have seen the master!"

Before Fairy Peony came to the jade couch, Yingying knelt down.

"Wait, be impatient."

Su Zhan smiled slightly and beckoned her to come."In the future, you can stay with me!"

Although she had already guessed that it was the result, she could not contain the excitement and joy when she heard the master say it herself, and tears had already flowed out.Su Zhan smiled and stretched out her hands to wipe away her tears, and violently picked up Fairy Peony and walked towards his bedroom.

"Now do what I haven't done, but you have been looking forward to it!"

Entering the bedroom, Su Zhan put down Fairy Peony lightly, looking at her gentle eyes, Su Zhan laughed and took off his clothes and rushed forward.Tasting Fairy Peony’s red lips, enjoying her already familiar body, the love is deep, and the two become one.Although the pain was unbearable, Fairy Peony was very satisfied and catered to the best of her ability. It was an expression of giving up on herself and serving only for the other party.

It is undeniable that Su Zhan has thoughts and actions for her because of her appearance, but her devotion makes Su Zhan very satisfied.

Peony Fairy, Queen Mother, Zhenniang, Chang'e, He Xiangu, everyone has their own temperament and characteristics, and the patterns of getting along are different, but among these people, if only Su Zhan can choose one person, it must be Peony Fairy no doubt!

"Master, I never want to leave you again!"

After it was over, Fairy Peony murmured in Su Zhan's arms.

"I wanted you to go back to Heavenly Court to do a scene, but since you don't want to, then forget it." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Ah... I'm willing to do whatever the master tells Peony!" Fairy Peony hurriedly said.

Su Zhan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you do or not. I originally wanted you to stay here. Okay, you will stay with the master in the future, but before that, I I want to help you become an angel!"

For Peony Fairy, Su Zhan is not stingy with his reward!

There is no need for rituals like Tsubaki Tree Spirit, Su Zhan's heart moved, and the energy has enveloped Fairy Peony.

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