Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1450

Especially the Guanyin Bodhisattva, who has personally experienced the powerful strength of the Soviet war, is even more aware of this.

The Master Tongtian was also a little puzzled at the beginning. He was quite cautious about Su Zhan. He thought of the strength of Su Zhan very strongly, but in this fight, he found that he did not seem to be that strong, especially when they had contact with each other. It made him even more suspicious.

Could it be said that his strength lies only in the outbreak?Wouldn't it be that strong if it were a protracted battle?

Perhaps, he is really not that strong?

As the battle became stronger and stronger, this thought became more and more confident, and this mentality seemed to have affected the strength, and gradually became as if it suppressed Su Zhan.

"Hahaha, I thought you were too strong, but the result was nothing more than that. If you are willing to cooperate with me, let it go this time, don't want to leave Tongtianjiao today!" Exclaimed proudly.

Su Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and said dumbly: "Where are you confident?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just ask you if you are cooperating!" The Master Tongtian asked arrogantly.

"Although I don't know how your fascinated self-confidence came from, I think it is necessary to make you sober." Su Zhan shook his head and moved suddenly!


The Master Tongtian didn't react at all, and he felt a sharp pain coming from him, and his body was already flying backwards involuntarily.

Bang bang bang!

The impact sounded incessantly, and Tongtianjiao was directly knocked out of a huge human-shaped pit. After that, Su Zhan's hand was slightly raised, and a figure quickly flew out of it.

Master Tongtian, dying!

"Are you awake?" Su Zhan asked softly.

At this time, the Master Tongtian couldn't answer at all, and he was dizzy.

"Okay, but I think you should be awake after you wake up." Su Zhan shook his head helplessly, and heard a click, and Master Tongtian threw it out like garbage.

Seeing the scared little demon around him, Su Zhan was not interested in embarrassing them, and disappeared out of thin air.

"This is...this is the true strength of the extraterritorial demon."

"If he wants to, he can even kill the Master Tongtian directly just now!"

The Jade Emperor exclaimed repeatedly, the queen mother's expression was very calm, and the seven fairies on the side were also different.

Some are afraid, some worship!

But no matter what it was, the reluctance or rejection in my heart was gone.

Regardless of whether it was the Queen Mother's strong request, or seeing the powerful strength of the extraterritorial demon, they all knew that things were a foregone conclusion and they couldn't control it.

The Jade Emperor is in a very good mood now. Although the extraterrestrial demon denied submitting to the Heavenly Court just now, he really wrinkled Tongtian in the name of the Heavenly Court, especially when he thought that Tongtian came to the Heavenly Court before, but now he was beaten into such a miserable way. Can't help but raise a strong feeling of revenge!This kind of darkness is really...unspeakable.

However, Yudi was thinking more about it. Obviously, this extraterritorial demon could not be fooled by Mawen and then Monkey King like the monkey at the beginning. That is to say... it is impossible at all. Went to heaven.However, whether it is the great trouble, the Master of Heaven, or the Buddhism who is in a competitive relationship, they obviously have contradictions with him. Only because of repeated compromises, he has a good relationship with him.And he also looks like a person who believes in words. The main thing is that he has one weakness, that is, he can be impressed by female sex.In that case... why not take advantage of this?Anyway, there are many female fairies in the heaven!

The Jade Emperor already had the idea of ​​deepening cooperation and even making use of it.

"You go down first, go back and prepare!" The Jade Emperor waved his hand to let the Seven Fairies leave and talked to the Queen Mother about his thoughts...

This made the Queen Mother very disdainful. Although she was toward Su Zhan, or even her suggestion, she still sniffed the Jade Emperor's mentality, and wanted to use a woman to take advantage of an extraterritorial demon?This method is not unavailable, but only when the mutual strength is equal, but is it equal now?To put it nicely, it is to give him face to trade with him, but in fact, if he really wants a woman, can the Jade Emperor stop it?However, the Queen Mother did not persuade, but rather agreed, because she suddenly thought of a possibility.

A possibility to change the world!

"You turn around and ask the Seven Fairies again, so that they must remember to serve with your heart, and we must maintain this relationship!" The Jade Emperor said.

The Queen Mother nodded."I have already ordered it!"

"That's good, then let them go quickly, lest he thinks we are going to miss the appointment." The Jade Emperor nodded and replied.

"No, I came personally!"

Su Zhan's voice suddenly sounded, and immediately after that, Su Zhan's figure had appeared in the room.

This is not the Lingxiao Hall, but a partial hall of the Jade Emperor.

The sudden arrival of Su Zhan shocked the Jade Emperor and felt depressed for a while.

This is the Heavenly Court, it seems like everyone can come as soon as they want!

But after the depression, the Jade Emperor still got up and said, "The demon is here, please sit down!"

Su Zhan glanced at the position next to him, and said lightly: "I sit there? Where are you sitting?"

Although it was only a partial hall, the Jade Emperor's deeds were naturally superior.

"Of course we are sitting on the other side!" The Queen Mother answered the words simply, and then motioned to the Jade Emperor with her eyes.The Jade Emperor immediately reacted. The extraterritorial heavenly demon meant to sit on an equal footing with him, slightly unhappy, but he walked down quickly and sat down opposite Su Zhan.The Queen Mother said to the side: "I'll call people over."

"Wait, don't worry!"

"I just taught the devil's shoulders to be a little sore. How about the Queen Mother rubbing it for me?"

Su Zhan stopped the Queen Mother and said lightly.

Chapter 0051 Seven Fairies

Su Zhan's words made the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother stunned at the same time.

"Let the Queen Mother rub his shoulders? This is too presumptuous, and you don't put the Queen Mother in your eyes, right?" The Jade Emperor's expression remained unchanged, and his heart was already unhappy.

The Queen Mother was also very surprised. She didn't know how many times she had done things like rubbing her shoulders, and she didn't even do anything less, but she didn't expect it to be this time.The Queen Mother glanced at the Jade Emperor subconsciously, and the Jade Emperor also happened to look at the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother gave a glance and then said: "Thanks to the devil." After that, the Queen Mother went to Su Zhan!

The tables and chairs here are all sitting on her knees. The Queen Mother came to Su Zhan's knees and knelt down. She stood up and rubbed her hands on her shoulders gently.

Normally there were no outsiders, but now the Jade Emperor was on the opposite side. This made the Queen Mother feel ashamed and also had a strange excitement. Not only did she blush, she kept her head down so that the Jade Emperor would not see the flaws.But in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, she was angry!The dignified queen mother had to rub the shoulders of the demon, which was simply a humiliation.But... Now that the Queen Mother has already done this, there is no need to turn her face on her face.

So Jade Emperor quickly adjusted his mood.

Su Zhan squinted his eyes and almost leaned on the Queen Mother, and slowly said, "I came here this time mainly for a few words. First, I am very satisfied with this cooperation. Second, I might as well understand. To tell you, I have no interest in heaven and power. In your opinion, this may be the supreme position. In my opinion, it is annoying to deal with the messy things every day. So, if you have any trouble in the future, We can continue to cooperate. When you are your Jade Emperor, I will help you consolidate your position, and you will help me collect beautiful women, how about?"

Right in the middle!

The Jade Emperor originally planned to maintain this relationship with the demon, but he didn't expect the demon to take the initiative to propose it.

It seems that this demon is really not interested in power, so that his position can not only be consolidated, it may even get more.Although the reputation is not very good, reputation will naturally change over the years. The Jade Emperor knows this better than anyone else. He speaks black as white. As long as he has the right, he can do it naturally.

"Since Brother Tianmo has this idea, I naturally agree!" Jade Emperor said with a smile.

Demon... brother?

Nima, the Jade Emperor, can really climb smoothly.

"Brother? You may not be older than me." Su Zhan said lightly.

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