Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1469

"Okay, don't run away."

Su Zhan stopped the three brothers, pointed to the back and said: "Someone stopped for you."

The three brothers looked back and saw that Du Qiangwei and Caitlin had already fought each other.

A throwing knife, a gun.

Although not fierce, but very dangerous.

Vaguely able to see the victory and defeat of the two people rising.

"Oh my God, women are so powerful, what shall we do in the future?" Lord Xin said with a wry smile.Galen and Jarvan nodded in agreement, and then heard Jarvan say: "What's the matter, the prince is the prince, wait for the prince to conquer her..."

Before Jarvan's bull had finished blowing, he was kicked out with a bang.

"Why it's me again?" Jarvan exclaimed gloomily, "Why?"

Su Zhan squinted at Caitlin."mine."

Galen and Xin Zhao helped Jarvan up, and they couldn't help laughing at this.

"The girls are all mine!"

The three brothers thought of what Su Zhan said before.

When they were talking, the two girls had already decided the winner. After all, the flying knife was still inferior to the bullet. Du Qiangwei had already hid in the classroom, out of sight, who knew that Caitlin had played With super high shooting ability, he just relied on the rebound to hit Du Qiangwei's abdomen with the bullet.

Caitlin walked away proudly.

"I'm going, this is too cruel."

"Who said no."

"I said Su Zhan, can you do it, these two are both ruthless characters."

Su Zhan smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about it, but worry about yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning, you should run away."

As Su Zhan's voice fell, the three brothers had already seen Caitlin, who was smiling with her arms around the devil, walking towards this side.The three brothers yelled and disappeared instantly.

Caitlin glanced at Su Zhan when she walked over. Su Zhan smiled and said nothing.

This waist is pretty strong!

"How about it, did you give up?"

Su Zhan came to the classroom and looked at Du Qiangwei who was frowning and unconvinced with a smile.

Du Qiangwei snorted without speaking.

Su Zhan smiled, and suddenly picked up Du Qiangwei.

"What are you going to do!" Du Qiangwei shouted.

"Heal you." Su Zhan said, holding her back to the bedroom directly.

This way, it can be said to be quite eye-catching.

Although Du Qiangwei was so cold, this scene also made her ashamed. She wanted to break free but she couldn't do it. The hot gaze around made her bury her face in Su Zhan's arms. As everyone knows, she looks like this. In the eyes of others, that is shy!

Back in the bedroom, Su Zhan put Du Qiangwei on the bed, and then... She pulled her clothes directly.Du Qiangwei was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "No, you don't need to help me, I'm a killer!"

The implication is that I am a killer and will heal myself.

Seeing Du Qiangwei resisting, Su Zhan grabbed Du Qiangwei's hands together, held it with one hand, and placed the other hand on her lower abdomen."Don’t move around, like this. What you know is that I will heal you. If you don’t know, you think what happened to you. When thinking of me holding you back, if you struggle too loudly, you think others will how to think?"

"They, what do they want to do with me."

Du Qiangwei said sternly, but didn't struggle anymore.

Su Zhan's fingers squeezed slightly, and the bullet squeezed out of the wound in an instant. This made Du Qiangwei couldn't help but snorted, and his voice was so numb that Su Zhan couldn't help shaking slightly.

"Don't, others should not hear." Seeing Su Zhan looking at him, Du Qiangwei whispered, twisting.

"I don't know if others hear, I only know that I can hear. I don't care what others think, but do you know what I think now?" Su Zhan's direct and fiery gaze made Du Qiangwei not dare to talk to me. She looked at each other, why couldn't she hear the deep meaning in her words?"You, don't forget our bet, you won the god, I... I just agreed to date you."

"I didn't say that I'm going to date now." Seeing Du Qiangwei's nervous but pretended calmness, Su Zhan couldn't help but smile.

The light is shining, and the wound is healing quickly.

Seeing that Su Zhan really healed herself, and the effect was so magical, Du Qiangwei also forgot to be nervous, and watched the wound on her lower abdomen heal, without even scars.She raised her head to ask how Su Zhan did it, but suddenly saw Su Zhan take off his shirt and... was taking off his pants...

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"What do you want to do!" Du Qiangwei suddenly shouted with a flying knife in her hand.

Su Zhan looked at her and said with a smile: "What do you think I want to do? Do you play a hooligan?"

"You, what are you doing taking off your pants?" Du Qiangwei hummed.

"I'll wash it for you, have you forgotten our bet?"

Su Zhan said with a smile, took off his pants, and threw them to Du Qiangwei along with the clothes.

Although Du Qiangwei was not reconciled, she still snorted, picked up her clothes and went out.

Soon... Du Qiangwei's laundry for Su Zhan spread throughout the college.

It's totally unbelievable?The cold assassin Du Qiangwei could wash men's clothes?Not long after, there were many onlookers around. Du Qiangwei gritted her teeth and endured for a long time and finally broke out. Under the lust of the flying knife, she quickly recovered her tranquility.

Su Zhan knocked on his leg and lay on the bed thinking about the picture of Du Qiangwei washing her clothes. Suddenly the door was pushed open. Su Zhan thought Du Qiangwei was back and said casually: "I'll talk first, don't you Fool, wash your clothes."

"what clothes?"

A crisp voice sounded, and Su Zhan looked up and found that it was Caitlin carrying luggage.

"This is Room 205? Why are there boys?"

Caitlin was a little puzzled carrying the box, and then surprised: "Still a pervert without clothes!"

Caitlin instantly put down her luggage and took out her gun and aimed at Su Zhan."Rogue, leave here now."

"This can't work, I live here!" Su Zhan said with a smile, turning a blind eye to Caitlin's gun.

"Really? Then you go to death!" Caitlin snorted and shot directly with a bang.This shot was aimed at the shot next to Su Zhan, just trying to frighten him. Who knew that Su Zhan actually moved, and sat up unluckily, and it happened to be aimed at his forehead.

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