Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1479

"Haha, don't be angry, didn't I just say it, as long as it can make you nervous is a good way. Now, are you still nervous?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

Raven froze for a moment."It seems that I forgot to be nervous."

"This is not enough, it shows that my method is still very useful. What's more, not only you are not nervous, but they are not nervous. Sacrifice you alone, happy thousands of families!" Su Zhan laughed.

He didn't say that everyone hadn't reacted yet, because his shameless move everyone had really forgotten the tension and patronized her to attack her.

"We are about to enter the war zone, and all staff are ready."

Suddenly hearing the driver's voice sounded, Raven, who was still a little annoyed, and the others cleared up their minds, and they didn't care to settle accounts with Su Zhan.

"Stay vigilant, keep the realm, I have seen the gunpowder in front of me."

Below the plane, rescue forces are evacuating the wounded.

"Please rest assured, follow the command to evacuate, follow the command to evacuate."

The voices of rescue came one after another, and the aircraft had begun to contact the ground.

"The first company of the male soldiers is about to arrive, please give instructions from the ground troops."

On the ground, a commander is directing the situation.

"Arrive at the designated location and prepare for landing."

The pilot's voice sounded, the plane hovered in the air, and the cabin door slowly opened.

"Ready to land!"

Lena said in a deep voice, everyone looked at each other and they could see the solemnity on their faces.Uh... Except for that laid-back guy.

Everyone stood up and walked to the door of the cabin.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

One by one jumped off the plane and landed safely.

"Cover the field of vision and organize the formation."

After landing, Reina gave the order directly.

In the previous training, Su Zhan never served as the command and wave captain task, usually Lena was responsible.

"View coverage."

"The field of vision is covered, and the formation is complete."

Everyone quickly took their place.

"You are finally here." The ground troops said eagerly.

"Talk about love..." Reina walked over and asked.

"Super 1 is ready to return for transportation, Super 2 is ready to land, Super..."

Before he finished speaking, something flew quickly from a distance and hit the Super-2 plane directly.

With a bang, the propeller of the plane was directly damaged, and the plane began to spin quickly. Xin Zhao and the others inside were swayed and unsteady.The driver reported the situation loudly.

"Super 2 was attacked, Super 2 was attacked."

The voice for help had just sounded, and the plane had crashed.

The sudden change stunned everyone, and Raven and the others subconsciously covered their mouths.

The smoke gradually dissipated.

A figure gradually emerged, and he was wearing a chain of gold armor, a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, a pair of lotus roots and clouds, holding a golden hoop.

Amazingly, Monkey King, Monkey King!

There was a strange red light in his eyes, a golden hoop in his hand pulled a stick, and he screamed from the sky.

The voice is majestic, deafening, with a violent aura of abuse!

Chapter 0013 Monkey King Monkey King!

Soon after the Super 2 crash, someone came to rescue them. After all, they were students from Super Theological Seminary and soldiers of the Xiongbing Company. They didn't hurt Galen until the crash. Instead, Liu Chuang rescued the two pilots.

Galen and the others quickly came to meet Lena Su Zhan and the others without incident, with their vision covered, staring at the returning great sage in the distance!

Although Monkey King destroyed the plane, he did not attack immediately after landing. Everyone squatted to avoid paying attention to the situation.

At this time, Galen seemed to burn.

"I finally understand my duty and super god ability, which is to block more damage for those who can't be beaten. This is the tank, the meat shield, and the cannon fodder. I thank my body and give me the ability to take the damage for others. The ability to pain."

"Gailen, what are you doing on your knees?"

As Galen mumbled, Xin Zhao couldn't help asking.

Holding the hilt with both hands, the huge sword stuck on the ground, Galen knelt on the ground and lowered his head: "You know, Western knights?"

"You... are you going to be proud?" Zhao said.

"A knight is a kind of spirit..." Galen slowly stood up, drew the giant sword, and faced the distance, as if he was about to explode beans.


As soon as he finished speaking, Galen screamed and was beaten to the ground.

"Watch out, idiot!" Lena shouted silently.

"Don't stand up, be careful!" Jarvan reminded in a low voice.

Galen stood up, clutching his head, and shouted, "Nima, you sniper, you got blown up when you stretched out."

"A funny guy!"

Su Zhan chuckled in a low voice and said to Rui Wen next to him: "With this kind of amusement, it's hard to be nervous."

"Humph!" Raven couldn't help groaning when he was nervous.

"The current situation is that the opponent's strength is very strong, and the speed is supersonic. It can jump from 1 kilometer away. The strength exceeds 50 tons. Using a metal rod, the impact force of each landing can throw ordinary soldiers three meters. How high, and you can hide yourself. But how much the maximum attack power can reach, it is not clear. He is the one who shot Super 2 down! He does not rely on flying by himself, but through super long-distance jumps. If correct, you can understand A somersault for him, one hundred and eight thousand miles." Jegustin analyzed and reported the situation.

"Damn it, Monkey King?" Galen, who was handsome for only three seconds, had returned to his position, surprised.

"Who is Monkey King?" Lena asked curiously.

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