Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1489

"What's inconvenient?"

"Of course it is... of course it is..."

"Just go out!" Su Zhan said.


"It makes sense, I was speechless. Wait, I didn't mean that. Who wants to go out with you, I tell you, if you still live together in the future, you don't want to touch me!" Reina hurriedly Said.

"As long as you can bear it!" Su Zhan said with a grin.

"Hmph, do you think I am you? I'm thinking about that kind of thing!"

"Then try it!"

Su Zhan laughed, just in time to see Du Qiangwei as if she was about to leave, she hurried over and hugged her shoulders directly.

First he turned his head and smiled provocatively at Lena, then walked away with his arms around Du Qiangwei.

"This bastard!"

Lena gritted her teeth and cursed.

"Are you trying to use me to stimulate Lena, and still want to soak me?" Du Qiangwei did not push Su Zhan away, but asked slowly.

"Both, but there is another thing! I said before, I can help you become stronger, remember?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Of course Du Qiangwei remembers."You want to help me?"

"Of course, there will be no less fierce battles in the future, and I can feel more at ease to help you become stronger. After training every day, I will train you alone." Su Zhan said...

Du Qiangwei looked at Su Zhan suspiciously: "What do I need to pay?"


"You wanted me as soon as you got Rena, with such a big appetite?"

"The reason why I came to Super Seminary is because there are so many beautiful women here!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to feel it first."

While talking, Su Zhan and Du Qiangwei had arrived in the remote grove of the college.

"Your micro wormhole transmission technology is quite good. You lack powerful abilities and are good at assassinations, so the improvement of this ability is the top priority. At present, your technology is not mature enough, the wormhole is too small, and the speed of opening It’s too slow. If there are too many people or the opponent’s speed is super fast, your teleportation ability will be useless. At the same time, your reaction speed is still not fast enough."

Su Zhan said seriously, and they were all useful suggestions, Du Qiangwei also got serious.

"What you have to do now is to make your teleportation technology stronger, and at the same time increase your reaction ability! Especially the reaction ability, as long as your reaction ability becomes stronger, even if the teleportation technology is slightly inferior, you can still do well with your strong reaction ability. Prepare, save time! So, today’s training course is to increase reaction ability!"

"Then what should I do?"

"It's very simple. I will attack you and hide. I will reduce my speed to the level where you can see. I will attack two parts. All you have to do is to ensure that this place is not touched by me! Time limit, half an hour!" Su Zhan Seriously.

"Well, where?"

Du Qiangwei asked.

"You will know when I meet, be careful, I am ready to come!"

Su Zhan chuckled, and reminded him that Du Qiangwei watched Su Zhan seriously in an instant, and his attention was raised to the extreme.

Su Zhan moved!

The speed ensured that Du Qiangwei could be seen, but when Su Zhan approached Du Qiangwei, he did not come directly, but quickly ran around her irregularly. At first, Du Qiangwei could still follow Su Zhan's figure, but Gradually, she felt that her eyes were a little dazzling, and she couldn't keep her focus!


Suddenly, Du Qiangwei screamed, she was lost!

Item 0022

The ass was severely hit, and the intense pain and shyness caused Du Qiangwei to scream in an instant, and covered her ass with her hands."What are you doing!" Du Qiangwei roared.

Su Zhan chuckled: "Remember, this is a part! This part is very important, although I deliberately want to take advantage of it, but don't forget if you can even hold this place, then you will never again. Don't worry about the sneak attack behind you!"


It was the first time that Du Qiangwei saw someone who could take advantage of such a serious statement, but she couldn't find anything wrong.

Two places, butt is one of them, according to his logic and shameless character, then the rest must be...

Du Qiangwei glanced in front of her subconsciously, and then showed a sneer.

"Come again!"

Du Qiangwei hummed.

"Well, get ready, I'm coming!"

Su Zhan shouted with a smile, and his body moved again.

This time, Du Qiangwei learned to be clever, and did not deliberately follow Su Zhan's figure. She knew that Su Zhan's movements were very fast and she couldn't keep up, but... she just had to protect the place where she was attacked. Up.

Wait for the rabbit!

She believed that Su Zhan's goal must be in front of her, so she focused her attention here!

Strictly speaking, this is a good way. Now that you know the enemy's offensive target, you don't need to worry about how many confusing actions the enemy makes, because whatever you do, the enemy will eventually attack here!

After several trials, Su Zhan didn't seem to find the right opportunity. This made Du Qiangwei a little proud. She was about to say something provocatively, but suddenly found that Su Zhan had disappeared. The next moment, she felt her own Her chest was squeezed severely, and she jumped up because of the pain.

"You are crazy, so hard!"

Du Qiangwei grinned and roared towards Su Zhan.

Su Zhan smiled and opened his hand: "It's just to make you remember a little bit more deeply, don't think that the short-term advantage will make you feel complacent."

"You already know the two attack points, and then I will continue to implement them. For half an hour, it's starting now!" Su Zhan didn't give Du Qiangwei too much opportunity to go crazy, and after speaking, he moved again. .

This made Du Qiangwei too late to say anything, and hurriedly defended.

She didn't want Su Zhan to take advantage anymore, especially... this bastard didn't do anything light or heavy!

Half an hour is not long. Although Du Qiangwei is highly concentrated, she is still inevitably succeeded by Su Zhan many times.When the time was over, Du Qiangwei was about to explode.

"A total of twelve times, you were touched by me twelve times in half an hour, did you let me touch it on purpose?" Su Zhan said with a grin.

Du Qiangwei didn't say a word, snorted coldly, and still released a dagger.

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