Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1495

The moment the door opened, Su Zhan was stunned.

What catches the eye is a girl wearing denim shorts, a T-shirt and a hairpin with fox ears on her head.

"The Super God Team of the National Security Agency!"

Su Zhan took out his credentials and said.

The girl was panicked with her hands in front, lifted her high heels and turned off the computer next to her.

"Uh, jumping and playing." The girl whispered.

Su Zhan smiled."Don't be nervous, we have been observing you for a long time. Your name is Ali, right?"

"You actually...but I'm just making videos and dancing on the Internet, shouldn't it break the law?" Ah Li whispered timidly.

"It doesn't matter, although you are great at dancing!" Su Zhan smiled, and then pretended to ask seriously: "If you were given a chance to save the world, what would you do?"

Ah Li was stunned and pointed at himself, and smiled: "Me? Save the world? Long like me, how can I save the world?"

Stunning, beautiful, weak, and called a goddess, but it really doesn't look like it can save the world.

"Respond to the call of the country, join the Super Seminary, and become a soldier inside." Su Zhan said slowly.

Ari sneered."The national call? Are you telling me about the national call?"

"Yes." Su Zhan nodded.

"Sorry, this country doesn't love me." Ari sneered.

"Have you been persecuted?" Su Zhan asked.


"Then how do you know not to love you?"

"OK, can I not love him?" Ah Li said impatiently."I'm not going, I don't want to go, I don't have the one who can bear guns and fights, okay?"

"No, I repeat, joining Super Seminary and becoming a soldier in it is not only the call of the country, but also the call of your ancestors! You can know nothing, but you cannot love your ancestors, your family !"

Ari looked at Su Zhan, turned his head and said, "I don't love it!"

Su Zhan handed over an agreement to Ah Li."After signing this agreement, you will become a student of Super Seminary! After completing your studies, you will become one of the fighters. I will not force you, but if their blood is flowing in your body, you must Come back!" Su Zhan said solemnly.

Ari was noncommittal, and seemed to not listen at all.

"It seems that what I said just now was for nothing." Su Zhan said.

Ari pouted."Yes, what else do you want to say?"

"According to normal circumstances, I should turn around and leave at this time, and then wait for you to realize yourself and then go to the Super Seminary, but it is obviously impossible. So I said, this set of lines is useless at all." Su Zhan said with a smile. .

Ari was stunned, what do you mean?

"The previous ones were just fixed lines. Okay, let me introduce again. My name is Su Zhan, and I invite you to join on behalf of Super Theological Academy!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Ari pouted his lips: "Thinking that I would agree?"

"If you are given magic power, would you do it?" Su Zhan asked.


"What if I find you a stalwart real man?" Su Zhan asked with a pointed smile.

Ari looked at Su Zhan without speaking, but his eyes lit up slightly.

It's done!

Or a man of temperament!

Su Zhan chuckled and said, "Just let me go, there is no need to pack up, there is nothing missing over there."

Su Zhan took Ari to leave, boarded the helicopter and returned to the Juxia.

When Su Zhan came back with Ari, Dukaao, Lianfeng and the others were surprised. After all, they had read the information of Ari, and they knew that it would not be so easy to get it. They didn't expect Su Zhan to take it as soon as he got out.

Su Zhan asked Ari to make arrangements. Lian Feng couldn't help but curiously asked: "How did you bring her back so soon?"

"By charm!"

"Be serious." Lian Feng said.

Su Zhan smashed his hands and said innocently: "Well, be serious, in fact it depends on appearance!"

Lian Feng has a black line, although she also admits that Su Zhan is indeed very handsome and attractive, but... she still doesn't believe that it was Ari who got it done.

"By the way, please tell the person who arranged the accommodation. Although the space on the Juxia is very large, it is best not to waste resources and space at will, so please arrange Ari in Lena's bedroom!" Su Zhan Said seriously.

Lianfeng hadn't reacted at first, it sounded quite reasonable, but then she woke up, Lena's bedroom, isn't it Su Zhan's bedroom!

Item 0029

"It looks like your bedroom will be full soon."

Lianfeng paused, then said with a smile.

"Why? Do you also move in, I absolutely welcome this!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Lianfeng smiled and said, "Since you recruited Reina so quickly, Admiral Ducao decided to let you perform more recruitment tasks. Of course, don't rush to refuse, all the beauties who ask you to recruit are beautiful!"

Su Zhan was really going to refuse, but after Lianfeng said, he swallowed back when he refused.

Beautiful women, of course the more the better!

I got the information from Lianfeng, and there are only two people, but from the information file, they are all beautiful women!

"Okay, leave it to me!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Just know you will agree!"

The most difficult one is Ari, the next two are not so difficult, one is called Wei Ying, the other is called Li Feifei.Wei Ying wears glasses and a long braid, which is very intellectual.Li Feifei has short hair, looks heroic, and has a very temperamental feeling.

As a result, it was obvious that they were also assigned to Rena's bedroom...that is, Su Zhan's bedroom.

Well, the bedroom that was still a bit empty is now slightly crowded.At first, they were surprised to learn that Su Zhan also lived in this dormitory, but seeing Rena, Du Qiangwei and Ruiwen seemed to be used to it, and they didn't say anything.

They were recruited by the Su Zhan, and Su Zhan's strength is obvious to all. It is logical that Su Zhan became the instructor of the new trio.

Su Zhan arrived very well aware of Du Kao’s arrangement, most of it hoped that he could train the three of them well. After the holiday training camp, Du Qiangwei and Caitlin's strength increased significantly, so Du Kao would naturally not miss this opportunity. He also knew that Su Zhan would not refuse!

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