Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1498

"why you?"

Lian Feng asked in surprise.

Su Zhan smiled: "Why can't it be me? I made a special trip to talk to you about life!"

Although Lianfeng unexpectedly returned from Su Zhan, she is not in the mood to have a romantic relationship with him.Shaking his head, Lian Feng said in a deep voice: "You heard it just now. Someone has accessed our database with a higher technology than ours. Although I don't know who it is or what his purpose is, the other party already knows it. If I want the news, I must inform General Dukao and prepare early!"

"Okay, then I'll come to you another day!" Su Zhan said disappointedly, what a coincidence!

"But you can go to Yuqin. She rescued Delevingne. She is very curious about how you made his eyes grow dead. She should be willing to talk to you!" Lianfeng said with a smile.

Su Zhantan said: "Okay! Then I'll go talk to Yuqin girl first, when you are not busy, we will talk again!"

Leaving the command room, Su Zhan went to the medical room...

He hasn't been to the medical room yet, and he will be treated remotely during the battle. Su Zhan will not be injured at all in training or whatever.He is still quite strange to the medical room.

Pushing the door open, Su Zhan walked in.

What I saw was a girl in a dark black uniform with a double ponytail but a hat.

Long-legged monster!

The scale seems to be stronger than Lianfeng!

"Su Zhan? Why are you here?" Yuqin asked somewhat unexpectedly.

Su Zhan sighed: "I thought I should have come long ago! I didn't expect Yuqin girl to be so domineering!"

Yuqin was a little at a loss, she understood every word and knew what it meant, but she didn't understand what it meant when connected together.

Why am I being domineering?

Yuqin looked down at herself, but didn't want to understand!

But Su Zhan’s arrival still made her very happy, and hurriedly said, “You came here just right. I originally wanted to find time to talk to you. That, Draven’s eyes, how did you do it? I used The highest level of technology today hasn’t figured out what’s going on. Although I can help him cut off the place where he died, it will affect his vision. How did you do it?"

"This is a long story, and there are many principles involved, I am afraid it is difficult to say in detail in a short time!" Su Zhan said.

"It doesn't matter, I have time!" Yuqin hurriedly said.

"Uh...In this case, do we want to change to a comfortable place and talk slowly?" Su Zhan asked tentatively.

Yuqin said, "Sure, why don't you go to my room?"

"your room?"

"Well, yes!"

Su Zhan looked at Yuqin seriously, nodded and said: "Then I'm not welcome, just go to your room!"

"Come with me!"

Seeing Su Zhan's promise, Yuqin happily agreed and took Su Zhan to her room very enthusiastically.

Along the way, I met a lot of soldiers, and they were shocked when they saw Yuqin taking Su Zhan to her room.

Item 0032

Yuqin lives in the same bedroom with Lianfeng.

On the left is the upper and lower bunks, and on the right is the two dressing tables together. There are many things for girls on them, which are not messy.The faint fragrance is flooded, it is very elegant, and it has a very comfortable and refreshing feeling!

Speaking of it, the same is true in Su Zhan's bedroom, but... Youxiang is more complicated, after all, there are many people!

"Lian Feng live above, I live below, sit casually, I will pour you a glass of water." Yuqin said openly.

Su Zhan sat down casually, Yuqin poured a glass of water for Su Zhan and sat down beside him, and then asked about Delevingne.Su Zhan didn't deliberately conceal or squeeze, drinking water and talking slowly.In fact, this is a very simple magic, but the magic is simple, but the principle is very complicated. Su Zhan has tried his best to make it easy to understand, but Yuqin is still a bit ignorant, understandable in some places, but not in others. understanding.But the more this is the case, the more excited Yuqin is, and he has the spirit of delving into the bottom line!

Originally, I just wanted to chat with Yuqin. What is not chatting?

Su Zhan didn't feel boring even when he arrived, so he talked with Yuqin in the room without knowing it.

"Alert, alert. The V8 military communications satellite has suffered a devastating blow, please enter a state of being prepared for war!"

"Alert, alert. The V8 military communications satellite has suffered a devastating blow, please enter a state of being prepared for war!"

"Alert, alert. The V8 military communications satellite has suffered a devastating blow, please enter a state of being prepared for war!"

The broadcast sound suddenly sounded, flooding the entire Juxia ship, and the broadcast over and over made everyone clearly understand what was going on.Suddenly, the soldiers who had been slightly relaxed became serious and moved quickly to get ready, and the students were also prepared!

"I have to go to the command room." Yuqin said hurriedly."About magic, can I ask you again if I have time?"


Su Zhan smiled, then stood up and said: "I will go with you."

Yuqin thought about it and nodded. Since all staff are required to be prepared, there will definitely be tasks. As one of the strongest fighters, Su Zhan is definitely indispensable, and there is nothing to participate in in advance!

Su Zhan and Yuqin came out of the room, and everyone along the way was mobilizing and preparing.After walking a few steps, I saw Du Kao who was about to go to the command room.

Dukao was a little surprised that Su Zhan was with Yuqin, but didn't say much, just nodded and went to the command room together.

In the command room, Lianfeng looked serious.

"V8 fails, is the situation serious?" Du Kao came to the side and asked.

"Our supersound system communications will not be affected, but the communications and navigation of the military area will be temporarily paralyzed. If a certain location is attacked, communication and air support will not be available for several hours." Lianfeng said quickly and clearly. .

"So, can our light of dawn support in time?" Dukao asked.

"I will activate the Skynet Reconnaissance Guard and perform a spectral scan of the world every 5 minutes. If you are lucky, I can locate the location of the incident, but the amount of data is too large, and the system may also face insufficient memory. If we succeed, we can monitor the battlefield by launching reconnaissance guards!" Lian Fengdao.

"Can you scan the other side's actions?"

"It's night in the Eastern Hemisphere, and light wave data is difficult to analyze. Only when an explosion occurs, the captured data is the most accurate." Lian Feng said.

Suddenly, a subordinate shouted.

"The head of the report, our system has been accessed by dark signals again and cannot be blocked. Please instruct!"

"Oh my God, what kind of opponent are we facing!" Du Kao said in a depressed mood.

"The opponent you have been prepared to deal with!"

Su Zhan said lightly.

"You mean..." Du Kao turned to look at Su Zhan.

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