Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 623

After Saya interrupted like this, the two forgot everything they wanted to talk about.

After getting dressed, Saya and Artemis had arranged their things.

"Should I send someone over? After all, the forest has no place to live, and it is very dangerous." Nefertis said.

Su Zhan smiled and said, "Danger? That's better. I've been boring for several years. I really want to see what is dangerous."



About 20 kilometers away from the city is a deep mountain jungle, with mountains, waters and woods, beautiful scenery, and suitable for living.The location is set near a waterhole.

After arriving in the forest, Artemis' mood changed obviously, and Little Saya also forgot the sadness of parting, and followed his mother to explore the forest.

As the two explored the deep forest, Su Zhan mobilized the power of infinite gems, and in an instant, a wooden house appeared out of thin air.The wooden house looks small, but in fact it contains a mystery. It is a superposition of several spaces, making it extremely spacious.Around the wooden house, there is a layer of power protection. In addition, the entire forest is covered by Su Zhan magic, and any creature that enters the forest will be sensed by Su Zhan for the first time.


As early as a few years ago, the Stone of Time was completely integrated by the Soviet War.

Now, the six infinite gems have all been fused, and the six forces have gathered together to produce an infinite force. What do you say about this infinite force... According to Su Zhan, it is omnipotent and strong. .

However, correspondingly, the consumption of using unlimited power has also become much larger.

Infinite power may be strong and boundless, but it depends on Su Zhan himself to be able to use it and how much it can play.

Infinite gem fusion, magic is almost learned, but it does not mean that Su Zhan has nothing to do. He still remembers that he has a task that has not been completed.

Brain development!

In addition to the first time, there is also the wall of the underworld, and we must always pay attention to it, so Su Zhan is not nothing to do.

After Xiao Saya came back, she was very satisfied with the wooden house. Especially when she saw the spacious space inside, she came out to look at it several times. It was difficult for her to understand why the small wooden house looked more spacious than the aunt’s palace. Big!

Item 0758

Night, quiet.

Except for the occasional sound of running water in the pool next to it, only the faint sounds of animals in the forest.Su Zhan stood up, glanced at Artemis who was sleeping beside him, and walked out wearing his clothes.Pushing away the wooden house, looking at the sky on the side of the forest, a figure appeared under the night moon.

"We only separated during the day, and can't wait to come to me at night?" Su Zhan joked with a smile.

Nefertis whispered: "I, I'm just here to see how your organization is doing?"

"Really? Then I'm really disappointed. Since you let me down so much, you can only satisfy me again." Su Zhan laughed, and suddenly flew away holding Nefertis.

Before long, there was a faint sound in the silent forest, and even more shocked birds and beasts flew away.


Days, live like this.

From time to time, Nefertis would fly over to have a tryst with Su Zhan. Occasionally, Su Zhan would take Artemis and Little Saya to the city.

During this period, Su Zhan's brain was gradually developed, which was as high as 75%, and the task could be completed soon.

Little Saya also grew long day by day, and Tingting Yuli, who soon came out, learned a lot of skills with Artemis, and the bow and arrow skills are even better.

"Dad, today is my birthday, I am an adult."

Saya, who was wearing a long skirt, stood in front of Su Zhan and said with a smile.

"Well, do you want me to celebrate your birthday?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"Dad said, when I grow up, I will have wings! Wings like aunt!" Saya pouted and said, as if some complaining that he had forgotten such a big thing.

"Oh, this matter." Su Zhan remembered, and smiled: "It's not easy to get wings."

When the voice fell, Su Zhan raised his hand slightly towards Saya.In an instant, Saya felt that her back was itchy and she couldn't help shaking her shoulders.


A pair of white wings echoed with the shaking of her shoulders, making Saya look sacred in the sunlight.

"This, this is actually wings?"

Nefertis knew that it was Saya’s birthday and came here specially. As a result, he saw the wings behind Saya. It was different from his own, but it felt very sacred.

"From today, you are an angel!" Su Zhan said to Saya with a smile.

As Su Zhan's voice fell, Saya felt that he seemed to have changed, and it seemed to be different.

"You actually bestowed the Godhead of Saya?" Nefertis exclaimed.

Su Zhan smiled: "You forgot, I am the lord of the gods!"

With a word from Su Zhan, he bestowed the position of the deity of the Saya angel. It is not too much to say that it is a god. At least in Greece and Egypt, there are no angels.

This is also the power of infinite gems, omnipotence, conferring gods, it's not a big deal.

"Her ability is stronger than me!" Feeling the power released by Saya curiously, Nefertis was even more amazed.

You know she is the patron saint of one of the nine pillar gods.

Saya’s birthday was the day she was picked up by Su Zhan. As a birthday gift, Nefertis gave a crown, and Artemis gave her bow and arrow, which was also a artifact.

Seeing Saya looking happy, Su Zhan said to Nefertis: "I feel that something is going to happen recently. Maybe the things I have waited for so many years are finally about to begin."

"There is nothing unusual. The development of the kingdom is getting better and better. Osiris is ready to let Horus take over the throne. The ceremony will be held in a few days. I will also go there. Will you go?" Nefertis Tao.

Su Zhan remembered the kid with special eyes, and shook his head, "We're not going. I'm going to go to the underworld and see the situation."

"Alright, then I'll come over when I come back."

After spending an important adult birthday with Saya, Nefertis left the forest to participate in the coronation ceremony of the new king, while Su Zhan went to the underworld.

Over the years, Su Zhan has not rarely traveled to the underworld, and he is relatively familiar.

As soon as he became agile, Su Zhan saw a guy with a dog's head and a spear appearing in front of him.

"Holy Lord of the Gods."

"Anubis." Su Zhan greeted with a smile.

Anubis, the god of death in the underworld in the Egyptian god system, is a high authority.

When he came to the underworld for the first time, Anubis also demonstrated his lofty status as a god of death, but was easily tortured by Su Zhan. After knowing Su Zhan's identity and intention, he became extremely respected.

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