Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 656

Su Zhan shook his head: "It's okay, I'll go out and come back later."

"Where are you going?" Thea asked curiously, but Su Zhan had disappeared.

The next moment, Su Zhan appeared in the forest near the spacecraft.

The night is dark, there is no moon and no stars, and there is a feeling of a murderous night with a moon and a black wind.

Leaning against a towering tree, Su Zhan quietly looked at a clearing in the distance.

The wind suddenly started.

As if something was falling from the sky, when the wind gradually ceased, a person wearing an armor and a helmet holding an energy gun suddenly appeared, looking at the posture as if something came out of it.

The Lord of Time is not a code name for a person, but the name of an organization.This organization is mysterious and special, and is responsible for the stability of the timeline.If anyone destroys the timeline, the Lord of Time will send someone to solve this trouble and hidden danger and maintain the stability of the timeline.Hunter’s last job was the Lord of Time, but because of his grudge with Savage, Hunter was opposed and pursued by the Lord of Time after he quit.

At this time, the Lord of Time came from the spaceship to look for Hunter, but suddenly saw Su Zhan under the tree next to him.

As the master of time, how could he not know Su Zhan.

For a moment he became vigilant, holding the energy gun in both hands and aimed at Su Zhan.

"Your boat is good, how about sending me?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"Impossible!" He said solemnly.

How can anyone deal with the ship as soon as they meet?What's more, this is a time ship, the foundation of the Lord of Time.Don't look at the Lord of Time sounds very powerful, in fact, personal ability is not particularly prominent, relying entirely on time spacecraft to travel through time.

Su Zhan didn't expect that the other party would really agree to give it to himself. When he said this, he was nothing but an attitude, this ship...I want it!

The wind suddenly started.

The Lord of Time was shocked and felt the wind passing by.Turning his head subconsciously, he saw that Su Zhan had already stepped into the spacecraft.

"So fast!"

Before he could think about it, the energy gun blasted directly at Su Zhan. Su Zhan's footsteps did not stop, but the energy abruptly stopped in the air, floating in front of the cabin door like a beacon.Seeing Su Zhanmai stepping forward, the Lord of Time hurriedly followed up. As soon as he arrived at the cabin door, he heard a bang. The blue energy suddenly exploded, and the powerful impact directly flew him out and hit him in the distance. The tree fell heavily.

Puff through.

The Lord of Time fell to the ground, looking very embarrassed, and seemed to be hurt.

"How dare you, how dare you do this! This is the spaceship of the Lord of Time!"

He moaned in a hideous atmosphere, and quickly contacted the organization through his communication device.

His boat is not so easy to grab.

Even if you are Su Zhan, you are just a guy who has disappeared.

He and Hunter’s timeline are the same, which is the timeline where he is now.In this timeline, Su Zhan mysteriously disappeared without whereabouts.Therefore, although he knew that Su Zhan was very strong, but he did not dare to resist at all!

Su Zhan entered the spaceship and made a round, but there was not much attraction to him.

Turning off the intelligent system on the spacecraft, Su Zhan's fingers flew on the virtual screen, and quickly figured out the principle of the spacecraft.

It is not that high-end, after all, it is the future technology, and the ability to perform time jumps has been studied.

This reminded Su Zhan of Inverse Lightning, the wheelchair of Inverse Lightning was actually a small time ship, but... he had no chance to use it.

Closer to home.

Su Zhan is actually interested in the ability to jump in this time.

Although he can travel through time at will, he is not as comfortable as a spaceship after all, let alone... he still has a suitable warship to use.

Sun boat!

This sun god’s ship is much stronger than this spacecraft in terms of structure and materials. It is a pity that it can only be displayed in the system space without using it.

After clarifying, Su Zhan dismantled this system directly.


The heavy footsteps sounded, and at least seven or eight people heard the sound.

Su Zhan glanced at it, and saw that the Lord of Time, heavily armed, came in one after another.

"Are you looking for a helper?"

Su Zhan pouted his lips, and saw that the Lords of Time who rushed over had suddenly opened fire.

In an instant, countless energy guns shot towards Su Zhan.

Su Zhan didn't move, and a faint chaotic power appeared around his body, and the energy was directly shocked when it hit.In an instant, there were explosions in the spacecraft. After one round of fire, the entire spacecraft had become a mess, and there was even a Lord of Time being hit by the bounced energy.But these guys are quite persistent and have not been very hot.Su Zhan simply sat down, Da Ma Jindao.

Choo Choo Choo.

Gunshots continued, and although the Lords of Time had their heads covered by their helmets, the expressions under the helmets were extremely frustrated and angry.

What is this?

They sat there and let them fight, but nothing happened, but I was injured several times.

This... This is too depressing.

The more you fight, the more depressed, the more you fight, the weaker.

I don't know who stopped first, and stopped in the end.

"It's finished?" Su Zhan raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you guys go while I'm in a good mood? If you feel unconvinced by your words, you can send someone else. Trouble with me. Also, to remind you, you have to deal with Hunter and I don't care, but if one of the women on his boat is injured because of you, the Lord of all your time will wait to bear my anger."


One of the Lords of Time wanted to speak, but Su Zhan waved his hand and shouted, "Go away!"

The sound fell, and those people flew out involuntarily in an instant.

One by one, as if being thrown out, fell down outside the spacecraft, piled on one by one, pressing one by one.

"Go, let's go, leave this to the elder to decide."

The strength of Su Zhan far surpassed them. They glanced at each other, stood up silently, and then boarded their respective time ships. As for the guy who was robbed of the ship, he was unwilling to follow them back.

Chapter 0796 The Red Light of Anger!

The silence in the forest returned, Su Zhan put away the things in the time spacecraft, then stayed on the spot, releasing the power of chaos.

In an instant, the surrounding things began to crush and disappear gradually.

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