Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 679

Lin Guling came by car, knowing that Su Zhan and Diana didn't drive, they were told to drive over before they came.Out of the hotel, Lin Guling drove, preparing to be a competent guide and driver.

Su Zhan sat in the back with Diana, enjoying the scenery along the way.

In Su Zhan's opinion, Lin Guling may be nothing, but in Taiwan, this one-third of acres of land, Lin Guling's popularity is still very high, and she is not a local star.Not long after, it seemed that many reporters discovered her car and followed along the way, constantly taking pictures.Lin Guling was afraid that this move would upset Su Zhan, but she had no choice but to continuously express her apologies.

It doesn't matter if Su Zhan is, they want to shoot as long as it doesn't affect their play.

Speaking of this kind of scene, he is comparable to Lin Guling in Europe.

Although Diana was not used to it, she gradually let go after seeing Su Zhan's indifferent appearance. After all, she was an Amazon princess!

Lin Guling, the guide, is very dedicated. The history of the scenic spots is well introduced. The people, journalists, and the news have long been posted on the Internet. Because Diana is by her side, there is no mention of men and women. After thinking about it, I just guessed who could let Lin Mulin, a popular star, be the guide in person.But with the exposure of Su Zhan's identity, they suddenly realized that it was him. No wonder Lin Guling such a big star is willing to be a guide.

But... since it was his words, things that were previously thought impossible may not necessarily be impossible.

After all, Su Zhan had reports of taking several people to Hipi at the same time.

All of a sudden, various news reports on the Internet emerged one after another, especially in the evening when Lin Guling returned to the hotel with Su Zhan but did not come out all night. It seems that this speculation has been confirmed.

Regardless of the report or the netizens, Lin Guling didn't care how she wanted to say it, but felt wronged instead.


Not to mention the collapse of her image for many years. The main thing is that although she did not leave the hotel and stayed in Su Zhan’s room, she slept on the sofa... Su Zhan didn’t take care of him at all. After I came back, I went with Diana, and I used her as a maid.

The night is getting deeper.

Lin Guling was about to rest, but suddenly heard a sound near the window. She subconsciously got up and took a look, and saw a shadow jumping in from the hotel window.


Lin Guling was startled and yelled subconsciously.

There is a thief?

Wait... This seems to be the 13th floor, how did she get in.

"What are you shouting? I didn't come to find you." The ghost fox killer snorted disdainfully, when the bedroom door opened.

Su Zhan came out shirtless wearing his pants.

When this came out, the sights of the ghost fox killer and Lin Guling couldn't help putting their eyes on Su Zhan.

Strong and perfect!

Especially the prominent places made the two of them a little bit shy and embarrassed to look at them.

0822-Black Adam

"Your mission has been completed?" Su Zhan was not surprised by the arrival of the ghost fox killer. He asked casually, and said to Lin Guling: "Help me pour a glass of water."

Lin Guling woke up like a dream and quickly poured a glass of water to Su Zhan who sat down.

"It's almost done. They are doing the rest. You..." The Ghost Fox Killer hesitated, not knowing how to speak.

The intelligence system of the ten heroes is not bad, not to mention that they are still in Taiwan, so they naturally know what happened to Su Zhan.She came over, originally intending to ask Su Zhan how he planned, was it really bought by the pseudo-god organization?But when she came in and saw Lin Guling sleeping on the sofa, she knew it was impossible, so now... I really don't know what to say.

"You let them pay attention, the pseudo-god organization is afraid that it has any plans." Su Zhan said lightly.

The ghost fox killer froze for a moment: "I know, I will notify them."

"Since your task is almost done, then stay. There are more people and a little more lively." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, then I'll go to the next room." The ghost and fox killer nodded blankly, Su Zhan drank the water, got up and said, "Get some rest early, good night."

"Night, good night..."

Watching Su Zhan return to the bedroom, the ghost fox killer reacted, without looking at Lin Guling, he just turned around and went to the next room.

After going to the next room, the ghost fox killer was not drowsy, contacted the organization and explained Su Zhan's speculation, asking them to pay attention to the actions of the pseudo-god organization.As for what I was worried about asking, it was naturally gone.The Ten Heroes moved quickly. In the morning, the ghost fox killer had already received the news from General Iron Mask.After hearing the news, the Ghost Fox Killer's expression became heavy, and he hurried to Su Zhan's room.

Lin Guling opened the door, and the ghost fox killer ignored her and came in directly.

Su Zhan and Diana have already gotten up, and they seem to be about to eat breakfast. Seeing the ghost fox killer coming over, Su Zhan said with a smile: "It was after the fact that I was going to ask you to eat."

"Set aside the meal beforehand. You made my investigation more interesting. The pseudo-god organization really made a big move. The three roads of sea, land and air were blocked by them, and they could not enter or leave. Moreover, the General Iron Mask said... The person I was looking for before is probably also in Taiwan," the ghost fox killer said eagerly.


Su Zhan paused unexpectedly, and said as he ate, “That’s a coincidence. I didn’t expect that he would get mixed up with the pseudo-god organization. No wonder the pseudo-god organization put down its hatred and played a slowing strategy with me. Come on guys to deal with me? It’s kind of interesting.

"Are you sure? Do I need to let others come over." The ghost fox killer was a little worried.

Su Zhan smiled: "It's not necessary."

"I already know who he is. To be honest, although you are not weak, you may not be his opponent."

"Who is he?" If someone else said this, the Ghost Fox Killer would definitely not be convinced, but since it was Su Zhan, she naturally believed in Su Zhan's judgment.

"Black Adam."

The ghost fox killer frowned, her name is very strange.

When the ghost fox killer said he was here, Su Zhan had already scanned the entire Taiwan.Although the other party did not release magic, it was easy to identify the other party's identity by scanning the past one by one.

Black Adam, whose real name is Tes Adam.

This is one of the famous powerful villains in the DC world.

Speaking of Black Adam, Shazam has to be mentioned.

The two are considered to be of the same origin. Originally, Black Adam was also Shazam. He obtained the magical power of the six Egyptian gods and shouted the name of Shazam when he transformed.However, the powerful force made his soul eroded by evil and became a black Adam.However, it was eventually sealed by Shazan the shaman, and it was not until a thousand years later that it was estimated that the seal was released recently.I just didn't expect this guy to be honest just after the seal was lifted.

Black Adam has appeared, can Shazam be far behind?

"Do you have any plans?" the ghost fox killer asked.

"It's fun to eat, and then wait for them to show up and serve it in a pot." Su Zhan smiled.


This kind of plan, I am afraid that only Su Zhan said and made it...

"Well, don't worry about this. I'll tell your people back, what should I do, this matter is left to me."

Su Zhan gave such an understatement to the ghost fox killer and did so, and notified General Iron Mask. After hearing this, General Iron Mask wanted to send someone to support him, but he was persuaded by the ghost fox killer. Since Su Zhan said no, Then don't make any extra effort, lest it disturb Su Zhan's arrangements.

In the next few days, as I said, eating is good and fun. I go to see tourist attractions during the day and restaurants and bars at night. I really don't have much fun.

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