Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 683

"Trash!" Black Adam said dismissively.

King Chujiang, Lei Gong, Dianmu, and Su Zhan only killed three.As a result, Zhu Rong, Gonggong, the Jade Emperor, and Guan Gong died at the hands of Black Adam.He actually killed more than himself, and he really didn't know who was the enemy, even if he added a Feng Po who indirectly died on his own hands, it would be a tie.

This sudden fight in the nest really made Su Zhan wonder what he felt.

This is the fate of fighting with the tiger!

Shaking his head, the God Killing Blade slowly appeared in his hand.

With a squeak, a black flame appeared on the dark God Killing Blade, and the flame was beating, and there was a feeling that it could burn everything.Randomly pulled a sword flower, and the flame on the Blade of Killing God suddenly became vigorous, and it instantly became like a huge flame sword.

With the appearance of the Blade of Killing God, Su Zhan's momentum changed, and Black Adam knew that Su Zhan was serious.

Lightning gathered in his hand and turned into a spear, and Black Adam suddenly rushed over.

The moment he moved, Su Zhan also moved.

The huge black flame sword has been raised.


The two collided together. The two powerful forces made a sound like a nuclear bomb explosion in the air. Su Zhan's castration continued, but Black Adam flew out in shock.

So strong!

His own power of the six Egyptian gods couldn't compete with it.


Su Zhan roared, and the black flame instantly blasted towards Black Adam.

The black Adam in the air was instantly blasted and fell straight down.


The Blade of God Killing suddenly changed, a cloud of cold air emerged, and an icicle suddenly appeared on the ground, smashing Black Adam back extremely fast.


The Blade of God Killing changed again, the thunderbolt destroyed the world, and countless thunder and lightning swarmed on Black Adam's body.

But... this is not over yet.

The Blade of God Killing changed again, turning into a spear with dazzling light.

Chapter 0826 Black Adam...dead!

Said it is a gun, but the shape is more like a long blade.

As soon as the long blade was thrown out, one-handed vigorously swung it out, and in an instant, a dazzling beam of light suddenly appeared, as if a sun appeared out of thin air, making people unable to open their eyes at all, and the hot light turned into a halo instantly. Black Adam.

The previous series of attacks had already made Black Adam a little stunned, the dazzling light lit up, he did not react at all, and the whole person was instantly bombarded.


The ground sank in at the moment it fell, and the immense force made Black Adam shook up and fell again. After repeated this several times, he lay motionless in the pit.

The light gradually dissipated. At this time, Su Zhan was suspended in the air like a god, and many people could not help kneeling to worship below.

The God Killing Blade changed again, the long blade turned into a trident, and the sea behind him began to be rough.During the tumbling, I saw a water column rising from the sea and rushing straight to Black Adam.


The water column dissipated, the water waves dispersed, like a wandering heavy rain, the drops of water fell ticking, unknowingly Jane put out the flames of war.

Su Zhan slowly fell from the air, and the Blade of God Killing had become its original appearance.

Strolling towards Black Adam, no one around the soldiers dared to stop them, and their eyes were filled with awe and gratitude...

When he came to the edge of the pit and looked down, the black Adam's clothes were torn and his face was messy, and he seemed to be unable to move.As if feeling the shadow covering the sun, Black Adam narrowed his eyes and saw Su Zhan condescendingly.

Trance, at a loss!

His eyes were a little dull, as if he hadn't accepted this fact, as if...haven't figured it out, how did he lose?

Seeing the appearance of Black Adam, Su Zhan shook his head, the swallowing ability was activated in an instant.

"You...what did you do? My ability, my, please...please..."

Feeling the rapid loss of ability, Black Adam was struggling to get up but couldn't do it at all, so he could only shout at Stilli.Seeing that Su Zhan was unmoved and his ability was lost faster and faster, Black Adam's tone also became pleading.

He cannot lose his power, absolutely not!

Black Adam's pleading for Su Zhan was completely ignored. He was not a soft-hearted person. If he wins or loses, he will pay the price.

He seemed to know that Su Zhan would not let him go. Black Adam became desperate and began to yell. Unfortunately, as soon as he spoke, Su Zhan directly sealed his mouth, until the anger in his eyes turned into unwillingness, and then nothing. With vitality, Su Zhan has swallowed all his abilities.

Shazam, the power of the six Egyptian gods.

The God Killing Blade went out and pierced Black Adam's body with incomparable accuracy. After struggling for a few times, Black Adam died, and his soul was directly absorbed by the God Killing Blade.As the Blade of God Killing returned to Su Zhan's body, Su Zhan finally discovered a detail that he hadn't noticed before.

The soul swallowed by the Blade of God Killing, he can perceive his memory!

"This will save trouble."

Su Zhan said lightly, then looked around.

There was a mess, and there were wounded and killed people everywhere.

After thinking about it, Su Zhan took out the God Killing Blade again.

This made the soldiers around him nervous instantly. Does he still have to do something to kill him?

Just as they were waiting for death in despair, they found that Su Zhan hadn't moved towards them at all, but walked to the side of the Jade Emperor and the others, and the Blade of God Killing made a random cut.

"What is he doing? It doesn't seem to vent his anger."

Seeing Su Zhan shooting the dead body, everyone was puzzled.

"Soul, his sword is devouring their souls." The ghost fox killer shouted in surprise.

She has the ability to control the soul, is naturally more sensitive to this aspect, and reacts quickly.

"It turns out to be devouring souls."

Everyone suddenly realized.

After devouring the souls of several pseudo-gods in the pseudo-god organization, Su Zhan took back the Blade of Killing Gods.At this time, he happened to see the guy who should be Ji's leader.

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