Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 698

"You, what are you doing?" Claire asked suspiciously, but saw Su Zhan suddenly swinging a fruit knife and piercing him.


Claire yelled in shock, and Teacher Liu seemed a little confused.

"Look, it's okay." Su Zhan smiled and picked up the fruit knife, then opened his clothes, there was no wound at all.

"This...what's going on?" Claire was stunned, she could see clearly, Su Zhan intervened very hard.

"I won't be in any danger with conventional methods, so I really want to know how the god of death will deal with me? He'd better be fortunate not to let me figure out the rules, otherwise...I can let whoever die by it! "

Su Zhan smiled and said, kissed Claire's somewhat dumb face, then turned and went out.

The wind is calm and the waves are calm.

Su Zhan walked on the street without any accidents. He even walked towards places where accidents were easier, but still... there was no danger.

He wouldn't think that death had given up.

With its cautious mind of revenge, it is impossible to give up, maybe it hasn't found any suitable opportunities yet?

There was no accident after shopping outside for a whole day, which made Su Zhan quite boring. It seemed that the god of death did not intend to make a move.Shaking his head, Su Zhan was about to turn around and go back, but suddenly heard a chaotic sound, a guy with a balaclava ran out from a shop next to him, still holding a gun in his hand to scare the people around him to get away.


The corner of Su Zhan's mouth was slightly cocked, instead of leaving, he moved a few steps aside, just blocking the escape route of the robber.

"Get out of here, get out of me!"

The robber yelled at Su Zhan ferociously, but Su Zhan turned a deaf ear. Seeing that he was approaching, the robber seemed a little panicked. Worried about affecting his escape, he shot Su Zhan directly.


The bullet hit Su Zhan's heart with incomparable accuracy, and the surrounding people shouted in horror.

The robber ran over savagely and shouted: "Don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame you on your own..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Zhan, who was shot, suddenly stretched out his foot and pulled it slightly. The robber fell directly and lay down.

Chapter 0844 Either Fuck or Shut Up!

"Waiting for a long time? It's really disappointing." Su Zhan shook his head disappointed after taking a look at the robber who had been caught.The bullet was held in his hand, and he couldn't kill himself at this level.

"be careful……"

Just as Su Zhan was about to leave, he suddenly heard someone shouting at him.Su Zhan looked up, and a flashing electric wire flung towards him.

Zi Zi Zi!

Zi Zi Zi!

The wire was thrown directly on Su Zhan's body, and the powerful current spread all over his body instantly.

Su Zhan stretched out his hand and grabbed the wire, with a calm expression: "It's really the style of the god of death, one wave after another, while letting his vigilance relax, he will come the second time." The wire was still dropped, and people around were shocked. Su Zhan slowly left in his eyes.

When I got home, it was already evening. Teacher Liu's mood had calmed down a bit, and Claire had also gotten some food, which was still calm.

Seeing Su Zhan coming back, Claire checked for a while and was relieved, then made him a cup of hot coffee, sat next to him and took his arm."How is it? What happened?"

"Well, I met it twice, and I have some pediatrics."

"You..." Claire hesitated, wanting to ask what happened to Su Zhan's body, but he didn't know how to speak.

"There will be a chance to tell you this in the future, as long as you know that I won't be in any danger. By the way, what about you, nothing happened at home, right?"


Teacher Liu will naturally not leave in this situation. He arranged for Teacher Liu to stay in the room before Su Zhan. Su Zhan moved over to sleep with Claire. He was speechless all night and looked very peaceful.

But... would the god of death just forget it?

Early in the morning, Claire received the call and Billy was dead!

It is said that he went to the place where Carter died without knowing what he thought. I guess he wanted to cherish his memory. As a result... the place didn’t seem to be cleaned up. The car was hit when Carter died, leaving a piece of iron on the rails. Inside, when the car passed by, the strong air flow shook the piece of iron out, directly cutting Billy's head into two.

He died suddenly, very aggrieved.

The relationship between Billy and Carter is not very good. It stands to reason that he would not specifically cherish the memory of Carter, but he just went there and died, as if there was a pair of invisible thugs pushing this matter!

"The only four of us are still alive."

After putting down the phone, Claire murmured.

Su Zhan didn't say a word. No one in the Reaper came alive. It can be seen that the matter is not over. His main mission has been completed twice, and the side mission is still zero. Even if Reaper wants to end, he is not willing to end.

After going downstairs, Teacher Liu also learned the news, and his expression looked even more sad.

While having a meal together, Teacher Liu couldn't help but speak."What should I do now? Here... it may be safe here, but I can't live here forever?"

"Do you want freedom, or do you want to live?" Su Zhan asked.

"Of course... of course he is alive." Teacher Liu said.

"Then there is a way, you go to the mental hospital, arrange a room where there is no possibility of accidents, and stay there, even if the god of death wants to do something to you, there is no chance." This is the original Claire method, but now Claire is by his side, this method can be used by Teacher Liu.

Before figuring out how to complete the side mission, first ensure her safety.

"what about you?"

"We? What should we do naturally?" Su Zhan said casually.

Teacher Liu was stunned for a moment and said: "That is to say, you have a way to ensure safety? You won't stay in the room all the time, so...Can you take me with you?"

In the mental hospital, there is no freedom at all. Teacher Liu knows that Su Zhan has special abilities. She can protect Claire, and she can definitely protect herself!

"Claire is my woman, you are not!" Su Zhan simply rejected Teacher Liu's plea.

Teacher Liu said excitedly: "You can't do this. Why don't you help me because you can help me? You are too selfish if you do this?"

"Oh? Do you have an opinion on me? All right, then you go!"

"You drive me away? I will die if I go out!" Teacher Liu became even more excited.

Su Zhan looked at her with a sneer: "Does your death have anything to do with me?"

These words sounded extremely selfish and extremely cold, but they silenced Teacher Liu.

"In fact, sometimes it's your psychology the most I look down on! If I can do it, I have to do it? Otherwise, it will be selfish and will be criticized by morals? Lao Tzu can still destroy the world. What should I do?

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