Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 812

Unknowingly it was night, Su Zhan summoned everyone, including Harry Potter and Ron, to have new goals in the new semester!

Su Zhan simply said two sentences and then announced a regulation.

Every month, the students with the highest credits are regularly selected for rewards. As soon as this rule is issued, the students are instantly boiled, especially Penello.

When it comes to rewards, she feels like she can't help it!

As for how to get credits?

It's very simple. There are all kinds of credit systems in the school, and Su Zhan added an extra, which is the result of the branch examination!

The top three can add varying credits.

It was noisy, and the night passed quickly. The next morning, I went to the school to participate in the ceremony of the new semester, the branching ceremony of the new students.

Because of the Su Zhan Branch, there is naturally an extra row of places in the hall.

Although there are few people, the scene is not deserted at all. On the contrary, it is the liveliest and most concerned!

"You should choose first!"

Dumbledore said to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan was not polite. He glanced at the freshmen gathered together, and said, "I never plan to pick too many people. Now I have six students. One more can participate in the Quidditch match, Jin Ni, come here!"

Ginny, who had been scheduled for a long time, heard this and quickly ran to the Su Zhan Branch. Ron was so excited that he hurriedly introduced this to the people around him as his sister!

The Quidditch game requires seven people. Su Zhan meant that he didn't plan to charge too much. Now that he accepts a Ginny, isn't it...there is no other person?

This disappointed many freshmen.

Dumbledore was also a little surprised: "Don't you pick more? This year there are many good seeds."

"It's not buying vegetables, there is no need to pick it like that." Su Zhan smiled, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he looked at one of the new students and said: "You, what is your name?"

A girl with light blonde hair and waist-length hair came out weakly.

"My name is Luna!"

"Well, it's you, you too!"

Su Zhan said casually.

Luna obviously didn't expect that she would be selected, and she was stunned for a long time before she was so excited that she ran to the Su Zhan branch to sit down.

"Okay, don't choose, lest the deans of other branches complain that I will pick everyone away." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Now that Su Zhan has said so, the branch test will begin.

After dividing the colleges one by one, the rest is naturally the banquet.

No interest in this kind of banquet, Su Zhan, and quietly left.Anyway, after waiting, Penello will naturally take them back to the college to arrange for the freshmen!

The leisure time is over, and after the school officially starts, Su Zhan asks Hermione and the others to help the freshmen to catch up. They still study in the morning and study free in the afternoon!

After everything went formal, something suddenly happened in the school!

Chapter 0965 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The gatekeeper's cat is petrified!

At the same time, a message appeared nearby.

The door of the secret room has been opened!

Principal Dumbledore quickly decided to strengthen the students' awareness of defense and let the new Lockhart teach magic defense.

Some people in the school panic because of this.

However, the Su Zhan Branch was not affected. Who didn't know that Su Zhan was someone who could even kill Voldemort. What was there to be afraid of?

Su Zhan didn't take it seriously when he heard about it. Although there was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes in this secret room, it was a memory of Voldemort behind his back. He even knew that Ginny did it.But Su Zhan is not in a hurry to participate. As Harry Potter with the protagonist's aura, things will take the initiative to find him, and he only needs to come out and pretend to be forceful when it is critical to gain the power of faith.

What's more, instead of wasting time to participate in the plot, it is better to spend your mind on the female students.

For example, if you have a relationship with the students, can't you patronize Penello and Hermione and ignore the others?No matter how hard you work, there will be a gain!

For another example, extract the power of faith!

These are enough for Su Zhan, the only thing to do is to occasionally look at the situation on Harry Potter, that's enough!

In fact, the protagonist's halo has both advantages and disadvantages!

Sometimes you don’t want to participate, and you get involved.

Harry Potter is like this now!

In the good magical defense class, Professor Lockhart and Professor Snape were practicing well, and Harry Potter also took it seriously, but he didn't know what to do, and it turned into an exercise with Malfoy!

He and Malfoy had taught hands many times, and Malfoy would go to the wooden house to challenge him every day.

It can be regarded as knowing the basics, so Harry Potter didn't worry much. As a result, he didn't see Malfoy during a holiday but changed a lot. He even directly summoned a snake with black magic.Obviously, Malfoy still couldn't control it perfectly. The snake rushed to a classmate next to him when he came out.

Harry Potter, who was full of justice, uttered the snake language in a daze, controlled the snake to save his classmates, but was treated with that strange perspective by the surroundings!

Because this is a special ability of the Slytherin branch, and it is also a language that Voldemort is good at!

There is definitely no good thing to have a connection with Voldemort. For a while, the students kept away from Harry Potter, and even the people in the Su Zhan Branch kept away from him.

Only Ron was afraid, but he never gave up!

Harry Potter was confused. He didn't know why he could speak snake language, and he could often hear sounds that others could not hear.

The most important thing is that he has a relationship with the secret room!

There is a legend in Hogwarts. The founder of Hogwarts' thinking had a lot of stages in recruiting students. Slytherin believed that only the pure-blood mage with the purest blood was the mainstream and orthodox. .So Slytherin built a secret room. According to legend, only the heirs of Slytherin can open it. No one knows where the secret room is. The only thing that is known is that the person who opens the secret room will take revenge on the mudbloods in the school!

The so-called mudblood means that the parents are not wizards!

It happened that some students were petrified one after another, and Harry Potter was all on the scene, which is even more suspicious.If Harry Potter was not a student of the Soviet War Division, I am afraid he would have been arrested long ago.At the same time, a series of events also led to the possibility of school closure, and some people even targeted Dumbledore and tried to get him to step down.

"Sir, is the school really going to close?" Penello came to Su Zhan's room and asked with some worry.

The students in the Su Zhan Branch have little impact, but they are still worried that the school will be closed.As the prefect, Penello is naturally responsible for calming their emotions, and the best way is to get accurate information from the husband!

Su Zhan beckoned Penello to come to his side, and then asked: "If the school is really closed, what are you going to do?"

"I will follow Mr. to continue learning!" Penello said.

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