Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 822

"Very well, let me think about how I want to punish you. Our branch seems to have no provisions on punishment."

Seeing Su Zhan seriously thinking about the content of the punishment, Ginny said tentatively: "Or, should I spank? I did something wrong at home, and my mother punished me like this!"

"This... alright!"

Ginny didn't think much about it, because that's how she was punished at home, but this proposal made Su Zhan inexplicably moved.

"Is there a tendency to become a lolicon?" Su Zhan mumbled secretly, but Ginny sat up abruptly, and then lay on Su Zhan's lap.

"Teacher, I'm ready!"

"Really conscious!"

Su Zhan smiled, raised his hand and patted Ginny's little butt directly.

"Oh~" Ginny yelled.

"It hurts?"

"It's okay teacher, this is the punishment I should bear!" Ginny said stubbornly.

Pop, pop!

After playing ten times in a row, Su Zhan stopped.

"Well, the punishment is over."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Ginny got up and said with a grin.

"They are celebrating. If you are okay, go down and join them." Su Zhan said, got up and walked out of the room.

Back in his office, Su Zhan sat down and looked at his hand.

"What's the matter?" Hebe looked at Su Zhan somewhat unexpectedly, not understanding what's so nice about his hands.

"I found that I seemed to have the meaning of becoming a'gentleman'!" Su Zhan said.

"Gentleman? Isn't that great?" Heber asked in amazement.

Su Zhan shook his head: "Gentleman, you don't understand!"

Seeing Hebe's blank look, Su Zhan said: "Forget it, you don't understand the explanation, let you experience it yourself!"

Chapter 0975 Sir, you need to relax!

In the noisy celebration, no one heard the slapping sound coming from the office of Su Zhan!

After a long time, the voice stopped.

Su Zhan said slowly: "Now you know what a'gentleman' is?"

Heber nodded lightly, and the slapping was ashamed and painful. The strange feeling made her understand what a gentleman is, and it also gave her an inexplicable sense of worship!

Seeing Hebe's appearance, Su Zhan shook his head speechlessly: "Another Stockholm syndrome patient!"

Obviously, Heber actually likes this way very much. Sure enough, goddess of youth, is youth going to be presumptuous?However, the feeling of being a'gentleman' seems pretty good!

The Soviet War Division won the Quidditch match for the first time, and the tri-color winged army incident has spread.Of course, the most sensational thing was that Su Zhan once again beheaded Voldemort and prevented his resurrection!

Su Zhan's reputation once again increased, and the power of faith increased rapidly.

Sure enough, Su Zhan's idea at the beginning was right. From time to time, Voldemort was used to increase the power of faith. The effect was too remarkable!

Su Zhan began to get busy, and took a part of his time to teach magic, and he had to extract the power of faith, not the power of faith in one world, but several worlds ran back and forth.The students were a little surprised at first, but disappeared in two days without seeing the teacher doing?But slowly, they got used to it. If the teacher is not there, they will go to the academy to take classes with other teachers. They don't relax because the teacher is not there. After all, they have to fight for the monthly assessment.

Although, Penello has always won the first place.

In this regard, Penello seems to be extremely persistent, even almost crazy.

But think about it, that's a reward, who is not crazy?Of course, if you let them know what the rewards are, I wonder if they will be so crazy.

In the previous month, Penello paid in advance, but in the second month, she was still number one!

When the time came, Penello dressed himself up early and went to his husband's office to get a reward.

Before the Su war, he ran around in other worlds, and only then came back.

After not seeing him for a while, he suddenly noticed that Penello had changed quite a bit, and his body seemed to have developed a little more, very feminine.

Not only Penello, but everyone else.

Sure enough, the speed of development at this age is very fast, I believe it will not take long for these fruits to mature!

"You are number one? Let's talk, what reward do you want?"

"Also, just the same as before!" Penello said in a low voice.

"Wait for me in the wooden house at night!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

The night was quiet, Penello arrived at the wooden house early to wait for Su Zhan.

She got the reward she expected as she wished, and tossed all night.

Rubbing his red butt, Penello asked, "Sir, are you in a bad mood?"

This time was different from last time. Penello could feel that her husband seemed to be a little manic, and her ass was still aching now!

"No, it's just that Hebe loves this tune now, which has caused me to get used to it." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Penello shook his head: "No, I can feel your husband's irritability. You are often absent during this period. I dare not ask what your husband is doing, but I know you need to relax. If this makes your husband feel good If there are some, then Mr. can be more free!"

"Then you can't take it anymore." Su Zhan smiled and rubbed Penello's hair. Such a well-behaved and sensible girl really made him feel comfortable!

It’s not that I’m in a bad mood. I’m more or less irritable. During this period of time, different worlds have extracted the power of faith. Although the harvest is good, it is really boring. In addition, the power of faith has been increasing, but there has been no breakthrough. He tried one more time in the world of Sadako as a sign of level. It was not enough to swallow the power of the rules of that time, so it was somewhat affected.It's just that Penello could feel this subtle influence. She is really careful!

"If you can finish learning the magic in the magic book before the end of the holiday, I will take you out to play during the holiday. It can be considered relaxing. Sometimes you really need to relax when doing something boring." Su Zhan said with a smile. .

"I will do it!" Penello promised...

Everything in the school is as usual, and time just passed quietly. Everyone is studying hard and growing up quickly. For example, Zhang Qiu, Tingtingyuli, who has already been born, grows up more. There is a clear difference from other people, that kind of oriental temperament is completely different.Quiet, Anya, like a lady!

For the rest of the month, Penello will be the first of every month, and rewards are naturally indispensable.

At first they saw that Penello was rewarded with a red face, and the whole person seemed to exude brilliance. Everyone was very curious about what reward she asked for, but over time, they gradually realized that it seemed that Penello had nothing to do. Obvious growth, and there is nothing suspicious of rewards!As they grow older, their love begins, and they vaguely feel that something is wrong with their understanding of men and women.

Of course, it's just a feeling of ignorance!

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