Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 827

As soon as Su Zhan sat down, he felt a faint fragrance, and immediately saw Ren Xing sitting next to him.

What caught your eye was the legs under the leather pants!

What's wrong with this copy? It's not set for me, it's all my own taste!

"Hello, Miss Ren Xing."

"You know me?"

"Of course, the beauty reporter, Queen of Headlines, it's hard for people to not know!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"It's not fair. I don't know anything about you except your name." Ren Xing giggled.

"Want to interview me? Yes, I can provide you with a lot of information, but..." Su Zhan suddenly got to Ren Xing's side and whispered in his ear: "Tell me first, Yang Linlin is still not a virgin! "

His move made Ren Xing subconsciously want to avoid it, but he stopped when he heard Su Zhan's words, and whispered with some doubts: "Aren't you serious?"

"Why not?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

He had known this for a long time, only deliberately used this topic to get close to Ren Xing, and also took a look at Yang Linlin's reaction.

Sure enough, after noticing that Ren Xing and Su Zhan were so close to each other, Yang Linlin's expression became a little more complicated.

"As far as I know, Yang Linlin should be a virgin. She has never dated a boyfriend or even made an intimate scene. She is smart and knows what she wants!" Ren Xing said.

"What about you?" Su Zhan asked.

"Me? Of course I want headlines!"

"My conditions are not so easy to get, you know, there is no report about my identity in this world!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Ren Xing smiled: "What do you mean?"

"How about you being my wingman?" Su Zhan asked suddenly.

Of course Ren Xing understands the term wingman. Generally speaking, there is a wingman to assist him in the process of picking up girls, so as to help him successfully pick up girls.

"Yang Linlin?" Ren Xing asked.

Su Zhan shook his head: "As long as I tell her that I am willing to seriously associate with her, I can win."

"You have other goals, who are they?" Ren Xing asked in amazement, unexpectedly Su Zhan had such a big appetite!


"All? All on the plane? You..."

"As long as you help me, I will give you an exclusive interview. It is definitely big news. In addition, I can tell you something first. I have already bought this aircraft." Seeing Ren Xing's surprise, Su Zhan said with a smile. .

Chapter 0980 Exclusive Stewardess

Ren Xing was silent for a moment, and said: "Okay, I promised! Wait, it's not right, there are only me and Yang Linlin on the plane, but you say everything, don't you even want to soak in me?"

"Are you serious, or a player?"

"Narrow-minded, who stipulates that only seriousness or the player can choose one of the two? Of course I am serious, but this seriousness does not only refer to one person. I have the ability to take care of everyone, don't I?" Su Zhan said with a smile."Moreover, who said that there are only two of you, those two flight attendants Monica, Carina, and Ruoxin of United Airport, these are all my goals!"

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Me? I'm just a little irritable lately, I want to relax and relax. And I think the destiny thing is very interesting, I want to relax, so I arranged so many beautiful women. If I don't do anything, I'm sorry. Arrange for the second time!" Su Zhan smiled."Speaking of it, it's because of you. I learned about Ocean Airlines only after seeing your report."

"I can help you, but first say yes, don't think about me, and you can't miss the headlines you promised!"


"What are you going to do now?"

"Do nothing, just drink and chat." Su Zhan smiled, beckoned to Monica to send her the wine.

Monica came over directly with the wine glass and the wine, ready to leave after pouring the wine."Sit down, too, maybe you will have a drink for a while, by the way?" Su Zhan said.

"Okay!" Monique responded generously and sat down.

No one has a secret in front of Su Zhan. In this case, the chat becomes very simple. Whether it is Ren Xing, who was a little wary at the beginning, or Monica, who is just for work, they unknowingly get closer. The distance of Su Zhan, the feeling that you can understand you inexplicably, and that you can say everything in your heart makes the two extremely comfortable.

Before you know it, the distance between the three is getting closer.

The act of lifting the waist from time to time does not appear abrupt and does not make them feel excessive.

The conversation here is hot, but Yang Linlin there is even more uncomfortable.

After a while, Ren Xing and the flight attendant had a conversation with Su Zhan?She has nowhere to go even if she wants to go.

As for the other people... well, the boxing champion is very envious, and Ren Xing's assistant has been shooting with the camera, shocked.

He knows that Ren Xing is notoriously venomous. When has he seen her like this?

"I'll go to the bathroom."

Su Zhan said apologetically to the two of them, preparing to get up.

"I'll take you there," Monica said.

"Okay, trouble you!" Su Zhan said with a smile, followed Monica to get up, and blinked at Ren Xing when she got up.

Ren Xing didn't react at first, but as they left, she understood.

A single opportunity appeared!

Although I didn't do anything, just because I didn't do anything, just chatting with Su Zhan created a reasonable opportunity for Monica to stay and chat with him!But... he is amazing.Ren Xing thought for a while, and found that the rhythm was completely controlled by the other party during the chat just now, and he could always speak to his heart.

She is a reporter, and it is the first time she has met someone who even knows her way!

Monica led the way to the bathroom.

"Thank you!" Su Zhan said politely, but did not rush in. Instead, he asked: "Just chatting, I think you seem to be worried. Is it because you are not satisfied that your boss arranges you to accompany me?"

"It was in the beginning, but not anymore. I think it's a pleasure to chat with you." Monica smiled.

"Beauties and handsome guys must be happy to be together! Since this is not the reason, is it worrying about work?" Su Zhan said: "Ocean Airlines is in a very bad situation now, otherwise your boss will not let you come with me. That’s it! If there is an accident on this maiden flight, or if I don’t have any investment, maybe Ocean Airlines will be over, and you can only find a job again.

Su Zhan said while approaching Monica, subconsciously, Monica was already leaning against the bathroom door.

The close proximity made Monica a little flustered.

Especially, what Su Zhan said was exactly the reason for her worry.

"Actually, you can rest assured." Su Zhan raised his hand in a wall-dong gesture."Even for you, I will invest. I don't want to see a beautiful woman like you unemployed."

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