Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 830

Ruoxin was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Gary Gao.

Gary Got was silent and did not speak.

His silence means that what Su Zhan said is true.

"Go, just drive them away."

Taking advantage of his stunned effort, Su Zhan said.

"No, it's too dangerous!"

At this moment, another person spoke.

Following the voice, Su Zhan's mouth curled up slightly.

The person here is dressed in a chef's costume. He should be the driver on the plane, but... he looks like an Atomic man in the DC world!

"Hey, it's not a domestic film, it's an international film!"

Su Zhan chuckled lightly."In this situation, you must get rid of these little wild cats, otherwise I don't need to say what the result will be? If you think the two of them are dangerous, you should follow along. I hope you can protect yourself when that happens!

"He is just a cook!" Ruo Xin said.

"At the same time, he is also a retired soldier. Want to get ahead? Yes, I have to see if I have the strength and qualifications." Su Zhan said lightly, and Zhang Qiu was ready to go.

Chef Mike hesitated, and finally decided to follow along.

Su Zhan sat down calmly, as if not worried at all, but the others were worried and looked at their situation through the window.

The cabin door opened and the three jumped down.

As soon as they came, countless black wild cats rushed around the corner.

Mike is holding a large spoon in his hand. There is no way. Without weapons, he can't do it with his bare hands.Seeing the wild cats rushing in, Mike just wanted to hide the two little girls behind him, but suddenly saw a wooden stick appeared in the hands of the two little girls and waved at the wild cats.

Chapter 0983 This ball is not the other ball!

What the hell is this?

Is the second disease late?

Not to mention that Mike was stunned, even the people on the plane were stunned. No one thought that the two little girls would seriously take out a wooden stick and wave it at the wild cat. Did they think it was a magic wand?

However, what shocked everyone was that just as Zhang Qiu and Penello waved their magic wands, a dazzling flame suddenly appeared. The two powerful flames seemed to have turned into two fire dragons. In an instant, nearby The wild cat was instantly burned to ashes, and the fire was dazzling like daylight.

Watching the raging flames flying, watching the wild cats scream one by one.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

With a bang, the spoon in Mike's hand fell to the ground, but he didn't notice it.

This, this is really magic?

"How is this possible, how is this possible." Looking out the window, Ruoxin kept muttering in disbelief.

"They, they know magic, are magicians?" Yang Linlin asked Su Zhan subconsciously.

Su Zhan smiled: "Yes, although I haven't graduated yet, it's enough to deal with this little wild cat!"

Little wild cat, this is a group of monsters, a monster that has killed two people!

At this time, everyone reacted. No wonder Su Zhan let them go down. They didn't panic at all, it turned out that they were magicians!

"Why don't you tell us in advance?"

Ruoxin walked to Su Zhan and said reproachfully.

Su Zhan raised his eyebrows and glanced. Although she was wearing a rather conservative captain's suit, it was difficult to conceal her size.

"Said in advance that you would believe it? Besides, why should I tell you in advance? Just because I am your fan?" Su Zhan said lightly.


In the situation just now, even if Su Zhan said in advance that they were magicians, no one would believe it.

"This is the second time. You said for the second time that you are my fan, but I am the captain, not an athlete!" Ruoxin frowned.

Su Zhan smiled: "I am your fan and has nothing to do with your profession!"

Has nothing to do with my occupation?

How is that my fan?

Ruoxin can't figure it out!

She couldn't figure it out, but Ren Xing understood.

As a reporter, I naturally understand some popular vocabulary or puns.

The so-called ball is not football, basketball or table tennis, but refers to... Ruoxin's ball!

Ren Xing stared at him for a moment, then lowered his head to look at herself. It was also a woman. Why was the difference so big?My own is not small, but compared with Ruoxin, I dare not call it big!

"Look, those monsters are gone!"

At this moment, someone screamed and hurriedly looked out the window. Sure enough, the beasts had already withdrawn, leaving only a piece of debris that was burned to ashes, blowing with the wind, floating around, unspeakable horror.

"Aren't you going up?" Zhang Qiu and Penello put away their magic wands, watching Mike still standing there, Zhang Qiu kindly asked.

"Oh, oh, go up, go up." Mike hurriedly responded and prepared to go up.

"Your big spoon."

Zhang Qiu reminded that Mike came back hurriedly and picked up the big spoon.

After getting on the plane, everyone's eyes looked at Zhang Qiu and Penello changed.

At the beginning, because they were just the kind of girls that Su Zhan brought, after all, how can there be no women around the rich?But I didn't expect that these two little girls turned out to be magicians!

This is a magician.

Zhang Qiu and Penello didn't care about the eyes of other people, and returned to Su Zhan.

"Sir, we used magic, doesn't it matter?" Penello asked in a low voice.

The college has regulations that private use of magic is not allowed outside, and if discovered, they will even be imprisoned in Azkaban.

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