Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 832

"what are you doing!"

Ruoxin shouted unexpectedly when Ren Xing suddenly struck her chest.

"He is a fan of your ball, get it!"


In this case, Ruoxin couldn't understand.

Unexpectedly, the fans Su Zhan kept saying, turned out to be this.

"Here." Su Zhan said suddenly.

At this time, the three of them had already arrived in front of the abandoned building of the airport. Ruoxin walked over to open the door. Just after opening the door, Ruoxin suddenly felt a pair of powerful arms hugging herself, just pressing on her own place, almost strang her Some are out of breath.Immediately afterwards, I saw a shadow rushing out, and under the reflection of the flashlight, the sharp claws emitted a trembling light!


Before she could react, the wild cat suddenly exploded.

Flesh and blood flew, Ruoxin closed her eyes subconsciously but did not feel splashed.

Opening his eyes subconsciously, he was horrified to find that the flesh and blood seemed to be surrounded by something, just floating in the air like this.

Su Zhan let go of Ruoxin, still holding a camera in one hand to shoot.

"Well, what is going on?"

The scene in front of him was too weird. Su Zhan didn't know what to do to make the monster explode, and the flesh and blood was suspended in the air.It's weird and scary.

"Small means."

Su Zhan said faintly, and then said: "This monster should be a genetically modified species, but it seems that an accident occurred during the transformation process, causing it to reproduce quickly. I am afraid this island should be used as an experiment. Island."

"Someone is studying such a dangerous thing!" The two were surprised.

"It's nothing!"

Su Zhan smiled, and for a moment, the flesh and blood disappeared out of thin air, as if it had been swallowed by space.

"Good luck, there is only this one, it is safe inside, let's go in." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Was that also magic?" Ren Xing asked curiously.

"Forget it!"

They can't understand too many explanations, and Su Zhan is not interested in explaining.

The inside of the building was dark and quieter. After walking in, the sound of footsteps was very clear, and a few bones were seen along the way.

Ren Xing and Ruoxin walked ahead, flashlights shining forward.

Looking through the camera, Su Zhan suddenly smiled and said: "Suddenly I found that there is a feeling of shooting a ghost film!"

"Ghost, where's the ghost?"

Ren Xing suddenly yelled, coldly cold the flashlight and plunged directly into Su Zhan's arms...

Chapter 0985 underestimated his shamelessness!


Ren Xing's reaction was too sudden, and he fell directly into Su Zhan's arms.Ruoxin who was next to him was also taken aback by Ren Xing's actions, and subconsciously stepped back and leaned in. Su Zhan took advantage of the situation and held her shoulders, holding the camera high with the other hand, and shooting the two women into his arms. This scene.

"Ghost, where is the ghost?"

Ren Xing threw herself into Su Zhan's arms, almost buried her face on his body, and asked tremblingly.

Hearing Ren Xing's question, Ruoxin reacted, and hurriedly broke free of Su Zhan's arms, and said angrily, "What the hell is there!"

"No? Well, then he said there was a ghost just now."

"I'm talking about the feeling of shooting a ghost film, and I didn't say there are ghosts. Speaking of which, the dignified headline queen is actually afraid of ghosts! Actually, ghosts are nothing terrible. If you want to overcome it, the easiest way is I often see ghosts, and I won’t be afraid when I’m not. How about? Need it? I can satisfy you if you need it!” Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Who wants to hell!"

Ren Xing murmured a word from Su Zhan's arms. Although he knew there were no ghosts, he was still a little scared.

This is how people are, sometimes with thoughts, they can't help but frighten themselves.

"Glasses, my glasses fell!" Ren Xing realized that her eyes had fallen off. Ruoxin found the glasses and the flashlight, but the glasses fell on the ground and broke."What should I do!"

"You look good if you don't wear glasses, but I don't have to say you don't wear them!"

Su Zhan found that Ren Xing was more beautiful without glasses, and his facial features had a very tender feeling.No wonder she usually wears glasses, it is difficult for a girl who looks weak to ask any useful reports!

Hearing Su Zhan's words, Ren Xing didn't say anything, let alone the glasses.

Picking up the flashlights, the three of them moved on, and soon came to what seemed to be a maintenance warehouse.

It is very big and empty. After all, this is a place for repairing airplanes, not for repairing cars.


Su Zhan found the switch and pressed it, and the lights quickly turned on.The sudden brightness made both of them feel a little uncomfortable. After a while, after turning off the flashlight, Ruoxin began to search.

Seeing Ruoxin concentrating on finding something, Ren Xing asked in a low voice: "Just now you said on the plane that if the engine is not repaired, you will be trapped here temporarily. You were talking about you at the time, obviously, not including you. Own, do you have another way to get out of here?"

"Are you not magicians? There must be some magic that can fly, right?"

"It's a reporter, it's agile." Su Zhan smiled: "I have many ways to get out of here!"

"That's why you are not worried at all. What can be done, can you take us away with you?" Ren Xing asked hurriedly.

Su Zhan shrugged: "I haven't played enough yet, let's talk about it then."

"Survival on a desert island, I haven't experienced it yet." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"You know you will be trapped here, what if Ruoxin finds it?" Ren Xing asked.

Su Zhan shook his head and said, "I just took a look. None of the equipment here can be matched with aircraft engines."

"Take a look?"

Ren Xing stared at the surroundings. There were countless equipment, tools and parts. It was not possible to see them all at a glance, right?Moreover, listening to his words, he seems to know a lot about the engine of the plane!

Ren Xing simply didn't think about it, anyway, he would definitely be able to leave here with Su Zhan.

"This captain's suit is still a bit ugly. It's too ugly, and it's too much. The stewardess's uniform is more beautiful." Looking at Ruoxin, Su Zhan said with a smile.

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